DwightJenkins Member


  • I'm hoping this year I can walk through the mall during December without little kids telling me they've been good and what they want for Christmas.
  • Tomorrow is a new day... one waffle didn't make you fat, one day of slippage won't either.. I still have a waffle or two in my future, and so can you..
  • I used the BMR tool and got these results for you: Your estimated BMR is: 1,303 calories/day* *BMR based on the Mifflin - St. Jeor equations. Please remember that even the best BMR calculators provide only a best guess and should be used as a guide only. That's what it takes to maintain your current weight, so 1,200 isn't…
  • It took me a while, but you CAN get use to smaller portions... Try eating a good size salad first, and lots of fresh vegetables with the meal... eat slower... use a smaller plate.. take smaller bites.. all silly sounding tricks but they really do help.. After you eat, say, "Wow, I'm full!" Even if you don't mean it...…
  • This is the most active forum I've ever seen, and I've been using them since BEFORE the Internet. You won't be lonely here, and if you have a question, the answer is minutes away, not days or weeks or never like some forums. Welcome and good luck!
  • I'm no nutritionist, but I consider those 'good' overages... sodium, carbs, and fat bad, fiber and protein good.. too much of anything is not good, but a few points or so, I'd rather be over on those than the others.
  • My scale weighs to the tenth of a pound but I never count the tenths... I always round DOWN to the pound, even if it's 9 tenths. My rationale for this is first, scales do vary from each other, and they also vary a few ounces from time to time with themselves. I'm looking to lose pounds, not ounces and over the long term…
  • If you are saying you use a cup of marinade on a chicken for example, and then most of it stays in the bowl, I'd measure what's left and then just enter the difference. So if you start with a cup, and end up with 6 oz, just enter 2oz. I hope that makes sense and helps.
  • We've found that even the 'low sodium' products aren't that low.. try getting a fresh turkey breast and baking it your self, then slicing it thin with a good sharp knife, or invest in a slicer... then use those vacuum seal bags to freeze it in one pound portions and stick in the freezer. I know it's a lot of work, but it…
  • There's my advice... get someone like this you want to spend a looonnnngggg time with... :)
  • Well one thing about MyFitnessPal, there is never a shortage of posters. :) Thanks to all of you for your kind words, but the real credit goes to Joannie, my prettier, sexier, smarter half. ( I'm the taller half so I don't get totally left out ) She never nags and she has a quiet strength that helps me through the rough…
  • Wow... just when you think you've heard it all, now tofu is bad for you.... guess you'll have to use faux-fu instead.. :) Sorry, couldn't help it...
  • And that's the point... this whole adventure is as much art as science... we learn as we go, and hopefully get better at it... and what works for me may not work for you, but the goal is, find what works! :)
  • Wow. We measure and weigh things too, but not to the fine degree as some of the above posters. I know it all counts, but you should be aware that a lot of calorie listings on products and containers may be off by 5 or 10 percent. It varies due to lots of reasons, season of harvest, processing, change in ingredients, etc,…
  • Welcome! You'll find a lot of good tools here to help you, plus good advice from people that have been down that road.. :) Consider this a friendly kick in the rear..
  • Since Greek yogurt is mostly just thicker and less liquid than regular, I'm told you can make 'Greek Yogurt' yourself, sort of. Line a colander with a coffee filter, and put it in a bowl to catch the drips. Then put regular yogurt in the coffee filter and in the fridge overnight. I've never done it, so I can't vouch for…
  • You're very wise to make that distinction. Most foods I can cut down on and I do just fine with those. But I also have foods that I can't keep around, because I know I'll keep going back and taking just one more until they are gone. Not to say I'll never have those problem foods again, but it will be very rare, and…
  • I have Saturday as my weigh deigh... first thing in the morning... Unless I'm really unhappy with the results, and then I give myself until Sunday.. but then I record the best of those, good, bad, or indifferent... lately I've been averaging about a pound and a half a week, so I'm happy.
  • Our Trader Joe's is in the next town, so we don't shop there on a regular basis, but I do stop in a few days a week for lunch. I'm just beginning to explore the foods they have, but so far I'm liking the Tuna Wrap, Roasted Vegetable Wrap, and Vietnamese Chicken Wrap. Oh and the Spicy Lentil Wrap too. They have lots of…
  • I stopped calling it hunger pains... now they are hunger tickles and they are my friend.. they mean that some fat is packing it's bag and leaving town... silly perhaps, but it helps me..
  • Welcome! You've come to the right place.
  • Trader Joe's also has a small tin of Dark Chocolate Nibs... serving size is 1 tablespoon @ 70 calories, but the flavor is so intensely chocolate (65 percent cacao) that one or two nibs gives you a nice little burst of flavor and eases the cravings.. and it's only one calorie per nib. :)
  • Like the others have said, it does happen. And it's important to acknowledge it and recognize it, which you've done. Have a little talk with yourself. You've done good so far, lots of hard work. Going to spoil it all now? No you're not. Back on the wagon for you Mister! Also, you might want to consider other forms of…
  • I can tell I'm in the minority on this one, but I drink real milk from a cow. We use to drink 2 percent, but have recently gone to 1 percent without any problems with the taste. As far as soy or almond juice, if you like it, that's great, but I refuse to call it milk. Milk comes from boobies and soy beans and almonds don't…
  • We bought a Paula Dean kitchen scale at Walmart for about $13 and use it just about every meal. It's very easy to go 'just a little' over on a serving, and over time it really matters. I don't think it's a total necessity, but it is helpful and takes the guess work out of portion control.
  • It is scary. It means burning bridges behind you, and that has a sense of finality to it. But it also symbolizes your commitment to staying thin, and that's a good feeling. Time to put on the big girl pants and give your fat stuff to Goodwill. "Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear. Except a…
  • I've gone through several stages of 'transitional' clothes... I'm still not at my final size... but before you toss them, pick out one pair of pants and a shirt to save for your 'after' picture... In my case I'll be able to fit myself and a barbershop quartet in mine. :)
  • Wow. I'm both amused and aroused at the same time. :) Good job!!
  • If you get no salt added canned tomatoes and then add your own seasonings, it tastes good and is a lot lower in sodium. It seems that anything prepared is loaded with salt, so the secret is to eat at home as much as possible, and use fresh foods rather than boxed or canned.
  • I think the propensity to be fat will always be a part of my life and I intend to weight once a week for the rest of it. I don't think I'll need to count calories every day, although I've really learned to enjoy healthier and smaller meals, but if I see the weight budge above an extra pound or two, it will be time to step…