JoannieJenkins Member


  • Sounds really yummy! Thanks Becca ♥
  • You don't give yourself enough credit. I started this thing but it was YOU who kept at it and learned how to say NO (to all those tempting distractions) We learned together how to make healthier substitutes, and YOU didn't complain when they didn't taste just right. In the same amount of time I lost 44 pounds. So YOU are…
  • Awesome info y'all. I am a grazer, so when I snack I want it to last. My latest favorite is a cup of General Mills Multigrain Cheerios (dry). For about 120 calories. I munch them all afternoon, one at a time. ;) Thanks again for the great ideas!
  • Whooo hoooooo!! **puts on some funky music n does the bump** hehehee Thanks y'all. I was going to freeze some from this batch to try it out, but I've been giving them away to friends so maybe next time. I think they will freeze really well too. I am just reluctant to suggest anything I haven't tried myself. Thanks for your…
  • I hear ya Becca.. one of my favorite things to do is cake decorating. Now that Dwight and I aren't eating cake I haven't had much practice 8/ Was going to mention freezing, but I've never done it and don't know how they'd hold up. Will letcha know though cus I'm freezing some tonight 8) hugsssssssssssss
  • They are REALLY good! Word of advice. After you make them, do NOT keep them on the counter. Store them in ziplock bags or a sealable container out of sight. They are way too easy to just grab. Make it a conscious decision to have one, and plan it before hand in your diary day. Y'all need to let me know how they turn out!!…
  • Hi Amy... Welcome back!! The good thing is YOU'RE BACK!! Everyone has issues in their lives that disrupts their goals, the important thing is to not lose track of them and to keep striving toward them. I know you'll do great this time. Keep me posted on your progress. I still have 60 pounds to go so I'll be around for a…
  • First thing I see is the word 'diet'. In my experience, diets don't work. What IS working (for me) is changing little things for life. If I want a hamburger, I make it a turkey burger instead. Instead of pan frying it, I toss it on the grill. If you want yogurt, get the light. Now that strawberries are in season, I've been…
  • Hi Alison and welcome. I'm pretty new here too, and so far it's been great. TONS of support, a very active forum and amazing tools to help most anyone in their quest. Wishing you success in your last 15 and look forward to watching you stay there. j
  • Welcome Char, nice to meet you. This is a great place. I've used several before myself and this is the best I've found so far. The forum is very active and offers support from members on almost anything you can think of, AND the people are just great! I've met lots of new friends and it's wonderful sharing in their…
  • Yeah... Dwight posted a great one for a bean & rice wrap yummy!
  • Hey there Robin! I'm originally a New Yorker transplanted to So California. I lived upstate near Albany, and still get back from time to time to visit with my daughter and three grand kids (my incentive for being here). I'm really new to MFP too, but I love it so far. Everyone is friendly and supportive, the tools are…
  • Thanks Becca! Very nice to meet you. I'm really loving it a lot so far :love:
  • Thanks Sabrina! WOW 75 pounds!!! That's AWESOME!
  • Thanks Tawny! Always nice to meet new friends! Looks like you're doing pretty well yourself. Keep up the good work. **hugssss** to my "Getting Healthy" partner Dwight. I love you too! hehehe