ian191 Member


  • Honestly, I never had this happen. I wanted a dog a year ago, and of course that meant I had to walk him nearly every day, and then I started to lose weight from there. Eventually I started eating better (and less) because I didn't want to get diabetes like most of my family, and while walking can help, its only going to…
  • I haven't had this problem, but if I remember right, many recommend eating some mixed nuts... Doesn't take more than a palm-full to amount to 200 calories or so.
  • Will you take me seriously if I use 7 smileys? :tongue: :laugh: :drinker: :wink: :happy: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: lol
  • Special K Chocolatey Delight is okay, but recently I have been eating Total Honey Almond Flax by General Mills which only has 13g of sugar, and pretty much 100% of every vitamin you can think of. It is a very sweet tasting cereal too... If you have a Costco membership you can get a box of two bags for $6.99, much cheaper…
    in Cereal??? Comment by ian191 March 2011
  • As long as it isn't setting you over your calorie limit, you are fine. The not eating after X o'clock is just a good idea, kind of like not drinking water a couple hours before bed, otherwise you will have to get up and pee ;) Not sure how the food would affect you, though.
  • Yeah, not only that, but I don't think people would really mind gaining weight if it is muscle, not fat. I have started to do weight lifting, and as long as it is muscle mass, not fat, I am happy :)
  • Not sure what you should eat, but I hope you won't be lifting weights with the same muscles every day, as if you are going to weight lift every day, you should alternate.
  • I second that! You drink it so much faster without even realizing it. Before I had a hard enough time drinking 6 cups of water, but with a straw, I easily drink 10 or more cups. Kind of weird, but try it out.
  • Do you mean the slice they give you in the food court? That is one slice, and is 680 calories: https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0Bzb7-0vqRhPyNTFkMTQ0OTctMzBlYS00MzA5LTgyMWMtOGUyMTM3ZTQ4NDY0&hl=en
  • Most don't recommend you eat your exercise calories... I don't either. Because you cancel out your workout, calorie wise, that is. But to each their own!
  • I lost about 40lbs without changing my diet... I just walked a lot. But then I lowered the amount of food I ate and ate healthier and lost an additional 30lbs. It's all about counting calories... As long as you don't eat more than you should, you will still lose weight.
  • I don't remember exactly, but it was all unhealthy, very few vegetables, lots of fatty foods and what not. My grandma always watched us when my parents were at work, and she never really had much money, so even when she was watching us and using food my parents bought, she still cooked as if she had very little... So just…
  • I wouldn't go out of my way to put that in my food if I didn't need to, if I were you. If a diet stresses the addition or removal of something (no carbs, no protein, no fat, lots of bananas, lots of whatever else), they are something that ought to be avoided.
  • You could try taking pictures... Obviously it won't help immediately, but as you continue to lose weight, you can look at the pictures of you from before.
  • You should ideally do both, so yeah, I completely agree. With weight training, you gain strength, of course, but it also increases your metabolism, because the bigger the muscles, the more energy it takes to use those muscles. Cardio is great for your heart, and metabolism too, and helps with daily tasks such as just…
  • If you stay at or within the calorie limit set by MFP, you will continue to make progress towards your weight goal.
  • For a long time I drank Costco water. Tasted like water, :tongue: but then I bought myself a water bottle and have just been filling it up with water from the fridge.
  • This is just me, but when I have a non-fat strawberry yogurt, I squeeze a tad bit of Hershey's chocolate syrup in it and stir it up.
  • Usually around 100-200. With school its hard for me to do much exercising, after a day of school I tend to be mentally drained, and I just don't feel like exercising. When I don't exercise I am extra sure to be at or a little below my calorie goal. I would exercise much more often if I had an elliptical, but I don't, so…
  • I usually eat a fat-free yogurt, sometimes I add some fresh strawberries and bananas, and maybe a tiny bit of granola.
  • Well, do you drink enough water? Do you give yourself enough of a breather? I give myself 1 to 2 days off every week (2 if I am really busy with school). Without a proper break every now and then, your body doesn't have time to recover.
  • I weigh myself every morning or every other day... Depends upon whether or not I feel like weighing myself.
  • You can go ahead and say you aren't starving yourself as much as you want, but the fact of the matter is your body cannot survive on that few calories. You think you are going to lose weight by cutting so many calories? Think again... Your body will go into starvation mode and will cause your metabolism to slow…
  • Yeah, EA has one, called Your Shape: Fitness Evolved.
  • Should be fine... To lose weight you need to burn more calories than you consume. MFP should show a little message towards the bottom of the list of food you have eaten if you have eaten way too little.
  • Well, I have been drinking this amount of water for months now, so I don't think my body will really ever get used to it if it hasn't happened yet.