Costcto Pizza - serving question

I hope this is the right forum to post this. I had Costco combo pizza for lunch. Not a great choice, but I've been cleaning for four hours so I figured it would work out :') Anyway, they sell it as a "slice," but they give you two slices (or is it one big one cut in half)? So that's my question - if I ate what was on the plate, was the one serving or two? It's over 1200 calories if I put in two slices. Which may be right. I was just curiuos if anyone knew whether I needed to count it as one slice or two?


  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    If you look in the database, there is "Costco - food court combo pizza" listed, at 775 cal/slice. I would guess that's probably about right, given the size of those slices!
  • ian191
    ian191 Posts: 29 Member
    Do you mean the slice they give you in the food court? That is one slice, and is 680 calories:
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    my costco sells the food court pizza as 1 jumbo slice which is like 600 - 700 calories .... so if it was 1 jumbo slice its 600 - 700 but if they cut it in half i guess it would be 300- 350 per slice ....
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    I used to have something similar, Sam's Club Pizza. The way MFP's database lists it is as a fraction of the whole pizza. I think you're going to have to make your best guess at what fraction that is of the Pizza. The way Sam's Club cuts it (and it sounds the same), it is probably two slices.

    I'm finding now, if I don't watch my sodium intake carefully, weight loss doesn't happen -- I just retain the water. Those pizza's are loaded with salt. I'd recommend you get a whole lot of water and start drinking throughout the rest of the day. Also, you may want to get some additional (cardio) exercise. To burn off 1200 calories with a fast pace walk on a treadmill, you're looking at around 2-4 hrs. Probably don't need to burn it all off.

    If all else fails, just do your best for the rest of the day. When you mess up with your nutritional goals, or I should say, when I mess up my nutritional goals... it is easy to slip into a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday attitude... you know WTF attitude. And then just start eating whatever I want/see. The best thing to do is treat this like you're driving and you miss the turn you meant to take -- just make your next available U-turn and get back on track. :)
  • xTattooedDollx
    xTattooedDollx Posts: 426 Member
    I used to work there, the Combo is about 640 cal/piece. The hot dogs were like 550. Crazy.