how often do you weigh yourself?



  • every morning as soon as i get up, i find doing this keeps me on track, every ounce counts and when i see even a small change that helps me get through my day..
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I weigh every morning buck nekked after my wake-up pee; but I only my log my weight once a week.

    The "weekly weight" is the only one I use for tracking my progress; the "daily weight" is for being more mindful and in tune with my body. As a fat person my tendency is to live "outside" of my own body-- somehow disconnected from it. So I weigh every day to reestablish that connection and be aware of those daily fluctuations (which can be as much as 4 lbs in my case) so that I understand how my food choices, water intake, monthly cycle, and other influences affect my body and my mood.
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    I weigh in daily. I find it very informative. Lots of people are demoralized when their weight fluctuates upward, but weighing myself daily on a good, consistent scale (my Wii Fit, as opposed to my bathroom scale, which will fluctuate with factors completely unrelated to my weight like the barometric pressure and whether the moon is in the seventh house) gives me some very useful information. If I am up a significant amount (more than a pound), I think about what I had the day before. If it was a LOT of food, I know I overate and I make adjustments for the next time I'm in that situation. If it wasn't a lot of food, or if I know I didn't blow my calories, then I know that whatever it was was really salty and I'm retaining water. Again, I can make plans accordingly.

    I have noticed that eating late affects the scale negatively, and it has helped me give that up or eat much lighter when I do eat late. If I'm going to have a cheat, like a slice of cake at a party, it's better to do it early in the day -- so if the party is late in the day, I have more willpower to resist it.

    Honestly, when I weigh myself every day on the Fit, my weight doesn't "fluctuate" without a reason -- I can always tell when it goes up what I have done that has made it do that, and if I've been good, it goes down.

    So, lots of people hate the scale and limit themselves to once a week, but I find daily to be informative and motivating, now that I have a scale that is very consistent.
  • I weigh myself naked every morning, and jot it down in my diary. I know some days will be up or down but I just like to see, on a Friday morning I have my offical weigh in and only then do I alter mfp. I know I should not weigh myself each day but hey it keeps me happy and on the right track.
  • ian191
    ian191 Posts: 29 Member
    I weigh myself every morning or every other day... Depends upon whether or not I feel like weighing myself.
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