How much will i lose if i only eat



  • then eat more cal packed food more often but eat
  • Myschelle
    Myschelle Posts: 101 Member
    Your body NEEDS a minimum of 1,000 calories a day to function normally. I wouldn't recomend any less than that. Try eating less and moving more. I know it's hard, but stick with it and give it time.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Guys, we need to be reporting these people who are underage and trying to starve themselves. They should not be on here getting ideas on how to starve themselves further. It's not healthy, and they need to be getting advice from professionals, not us.
  • I saw some of your other posts...are you actually just 14? Just wanting to lose about 10 pounds?

    What are you eating at school? I know they try to make healthy food but it's probably higher in calories than you might think.

    Make sure you are logging EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth. That includes beverages.

    It's really not good to cut your calories back that much. 10 pounds isn't a huge amount to lose so you could do that by following whatever this site suggests.

    Just be careful, you should probably talk to your doctor to make sure you don't do anything that could effect your growth. You are young and will need lots of nutrients to keep growing.
    i dont really know same days we have pizza but its like super super super then and think chicken breast chicken nuggests all the same and im wanting to lose 40-50 lbs

    40 -50 pounds how tall are you and how much you weigh
  • hubbardmm
    hubbardmm Posts: 34 Member
    Guys, we need to be reporting these people who are underage and trying to starve themselves. They should not be on here getting ideas on how to starve themselves further. It's not healthy, and they need to be getting advice from professionals, not us.
    im not starving myself for christ sake << i eat plenty i just dont eat things with tons of calories
  • hubbardmm
    hubbardmm Posts: 34 Member
    I saw some of your other posts...are you actually just 14? Just wanting to lose about 10 pounds?

    What are you eating at school? I know they try to make healthy food but it's probably higher in calories than you might think.

    Make sure you are logging EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth. That includes beverages.

    It's really not good to cut your calories back that much. 10 pounds isn't a huge amount to lose so you could do that by following whatever this site suggests.

    Just be careful, you should probably talk to your doctor to make sure you don't do anything that could effect your growth. You are young and will need lots of nutrients to keep growing.
    i dont really know same days we have pizza but its like super super super then and think chicken breast chicken nuggests all the same and im wanting to lose 40-50 lbs

    40 -50 pounds how tall are you and how much you weigh
    5'6 190 i should be about 140-145 so thats 50 lbs
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Guys, we need to be reporting these people who are underage and trying to starve themselves. They should not be on here getting ideas on how to starve themselves further. It's not healthy, and they need to be getting advice from professionals, not us.
    im not starving myself for christ sake << i eat plenty i just dont eat things with tons of calories

    Calories are fuel. Your stomach may be full, but your body isn't getting enough fuel. You need to be speaking to your parents and your doctor if you want to lose weight, not trying to survive on 600 calories a day. That's not healthy for anyone, and especially not for a person your age. Your body and brain need more nutrition to function. Please talk to your parents.
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    just plain salad is not a balanced diet, you NEED protien, and just salad doesnt give youa varity of nutrients, you could become malnurished... eat some chicken or eggs, add nuts to your salad and add more veggies like peppers and carrots and tomatos
  • hubbardmm
    hubbardmm Posts: 34 Member
    i just started eating more food with a lot less callories
  • Well you clearly aren't going to listen to anyone's advice/common sense. So if you wanna consume that many calories, be prepared to eat salad and your tiny burgers for the rest of you life cause as soon as you eat 1000 cals you're gonna balloon.

    But crash dieting will give you the results you want, so have at 'er. You're clearly smarter than any of the research that's been done and obviously aren't starving yourself when eating less then 1000 cals (haha). So good luck on your weight loss journey....
  • hubbardmm
    hubbardmm Posts: 34 Member
    just plain salad is not a balanced diet, you NEED protien, and just salad doesnt give youa varity of nutrients, you could become malnurished... eat some chicken or eggs, add nuts to your salad and add more veggies like peppers and carrots and tomatos
    i als eat these weight watcher cheeseburgers/ haburgers and apples but usually like 1 or 2 slices of apple so im getting grains, meats, vegies, fruit , dairy
  • hubbardmm
    hubbardmm Posts: 34 Member
    you guys are the ones not litsening not eating alot of calories isnt starving yourself << it depends on HOW MUCH you eat
  • darling_nickie
    darling_nickie Posts: 117 Member
    I think you should speak to a doctor. I've read, and this is for adult women, that going below 1200 on a regular basis is not healthy. I understand what you are saying about being full because you are eating plenty of lettuce but lettuce does not have the vital nutrients your body needs to function properly. When I was 15 and in highschool I lost 50 lbs in 2 months eating lettuce and drinking water and diet soda...sure I lost the weight but then I got an after school job and started suffering headaches and the shakes. I gave up because I felt so ill and that weight piled back on like you wouldn't believe. I have struggled with it ever since...there is no EASY way because an EASY fix usually has a HARD consequence. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables...drink plenty of water...find lean sources of protein...keep a bag of nuts and dried fruit on hand...vary your vegetables...throw some avacado in your salads...don't forget CALCIUM...and then EXERCISE. This is the key to eating more and losing more. And if you can't move past this idea of 500-700 calories and feeling full after a bowl of lettuce...speak to a counselor at school. Eating disorders are so common among young women. And find a friend either here or among your social circle who will support you in healthy weight loss. Hope this helps.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    you guys are the ones not litsening not eating alot of calories isnt starving yourself << it depends on HOW MUCH you eat

    No. It doesn't. This is why you need to speak with a doctor, because you are wrong on this. Calories are not the enemy. And for a kid your age, who is still growing and learning and developing, restricting your intake this severely could cause you lifelong problems. I'm not telling you to talk to your parents because I don't want you here -- I'm telling you because you need to learn how to do this the healthy way, and I don't think you're willing to listen to what anybody here has to say. Not to mention the fact that we can tell you all kinds of good information, but we're not experts on teenage weight loss. And your needs are different from the needs of us old folks.
  • darling_nickie
    darling_nickie Posts: 117 Member
    you guys are the ones not litsening not eating alot of calories isnt starving yourself << it depends on HOW MUCH you eat

    It is starving yourself because calories represent the amount of energy a food gives your body to burn and function. Its like fuel in an doesn't matter if at one gas station the gas 2.79/gal and the one across the street it 3.52/gal...ONE GALLON won't get you far! You have to fill your tank to get the best performance out of your vehicle. Its the same with calories. 15 calories in 3 cups of lettuce (or w/e) is still like putting one gallon of fuel in the tank...
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    You can't maintain a very low calorie diet like that. If you want permanent weight loss and a new, healthy lifestyle, I'd follow the recommendations on MFP. It works!
  • ian191
    ian191 Posts: 29 Member
    You can go ahead and say you aren't starving yourself as much as you want, but the fact of the matter is your body cannot survive on that few calories.

    You think you are going to lose weight by cutting so many calories? Think again... Your body will go into starvation mode and will cause your metabolism to slow drastically, and it is highly likely you are going to gain weight, not lose it.

    Look, I am 6' 3", and 170lbs. I need around 2100 calories a day, yet you weigh 20lbs more than me and want to cut your calorie intake to less than half of what I need? That's just not healthy.

    So go ahead and do it... We can't force you to do otherwise, we are just warning you how dangerous such a thing is.

    As to the "I eat a lot but stuff that doesn't have very many calories." That's not how it works... Your body doesn't care about the weight of the food, it cares about the fuel it can derive from that food (aka, calories), which is apparently very little. You may not think you are starving due to the lack stomach pains, but you are starving your body of fuel.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    That definitely isn't healthy. I don't mean to be blunt, but your picture looks like you are young, maybe early teen's... Do you feel pressured to lose weight quickly and that's why you're trying to starve yourself?
    14 and no im not starving at all really the key is plain salad with little to no dressing and i mean like drops 1 cup is only 15 cals so i fill up

    - love glee ( your pic)

    I don't intend to be mean, but you sound pretty sure of yourself, so why ask? Even young kids know that 15 calories worth of salad does NOT fill someone up so I really doubt this is even a real post. Just a troll trying to stir up drama.
  • SweetTooth68
    SweetTooth68 Posts: 169 Member
    It sounds like you are talking about a 'diet' rather than a lifestyle change.

    If you want to make permanent changes in how your body looks or feels, you need to make permanent changes in how you move and eat.

    If you take a path that you cannot maintain for the rest of your life, the the results will also be very short-lived.

    Try integrating some changes into your life that you can see yourself maintaining forever - such as going for a 15 min walk every day, or passing on Fast Food restaurants or whatever it is for you that will get you where you want to be and keep you there.

    Definitely, like everyone else is saying, check with your doctor or parents exactly what a person with your frame and age should aim to weigh and how many calories you should consume to maintain that weight. Until you are 18, you are still growing - your bones are still growing, your brain is still developing, there is a lot going on, so you need a lot more nutrients during this phase than an adult the same height.

    Look after yourself.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    That's ridiculous. You might lose weight, but you will plateau and when you go back to eating a normal, acceptable amount of calories you will gain it all back and probably more. The idea is to develop healthy eating habits to go a long with a healthy lifestyle - undereating is just as bad as overeating. If you're not hungry, you're not moving enough.
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