

  • Hi :) The only thing i can think of is protein shakes, they're nutritionally balanced and can pack in a few calories too. I have kind've the same problem, i am consistently under my calorie goal, i have a physical job and don't always get time to grab breakfast so i eat protein bars, cereal bars (Belvita breakfast biscuits…
  • I work as a cleaner and i only add it as exercise if my muscles start aching lol i've got 4 kids so i'm used to running around after them but some of the work i do as my job has me sweating!!!!!!!
  • Bump too! I'd love to know!!!!!!
  • Hi and welcome to mfp :) You might not be doing anything wrong. Have you always gone to the gym 3-4 times per week or is this something new? The reason i ask is because muscle weighs more than fat, so if you've gained back the 2lb you lost two weeks ago, it might be because you're muscle building. Do you measure yourself?…
    in Confused! Comment by pixieE August 2010
  • I can see the photos, and omg what a difference!!!!!!!! You look really good :happy: Keep up the awesome work!! x
  • Well done you!!!!!! Sounds good to me :D I've been stuck between 131-132lb for the past two months and no matter what i do i just can't budge the scales. Someone had told me that it was just my body's way of saying its happy where its at (i'm 5ft 5in so i know i'm not actually overweight) but its frustrated me as i really…
  • Hi James :D Welcome to MFP! Kids are so tiring, it just seems to be non-stop on the go, but they're also a great way of exercising lol as you lose the weight you'll be able to run around after them much more easily and that is a brilliant motivational tool! Good luck on your weight loss journey, you've made a fantastic…
  • OMG what a huge difference!!!! You look so much fitter and toned, all that effort has paid off! Massive well done to you :) x
  • I'm a Pepsi Max drinker so no Coke for me :laugh:
  • I'm definitely no expert on this but i've lots of personal experience with knee injuries which tend get 'aggrivated' with exercise, especially weight-bearing exercise. It sounds like maybe some kind of knee support would be helpful, it obviously won't cure the pain but it may just help ease it a little when your knees are…
    in Knee pain Comment by pixieE August 2010
  • WOW you sound like me a year ago!!!!! I was constantly on the scales after every meal, every drink, every toilet visit etc I had to force myself to gradually weight myself less and less. It took me a few months before i was only weighing myself once per week and even then it felt really weird not weighing in as much. But i…
  • Hi Roberta, and welcome to MFP! Wow thats ALOT of protein!!!! But i guess if you're told by someone in the know that its what you need then its best to take their advice. I can't offer any advice unfortunatly but i can offer support, just think though, by the time you can eat normal regular food again it's all going to…
  • I'm in the UK :smile: Southern England where it tends to rain right through my kid's school summer holidays lol
  • Welcome to MFP :) We're all on this weight loss journey together, some of us need to lose more weight than others, but nonetheless we're on this journey together. Plenty of us on here have been battling for most of our lives to gain control of our weight and be healthy so you've definitely come to the right place where you…
  • Hi Lin, welcome to MFP! Ditto to what has been messaged above me! Everyone here is really lovely and supportive, we're all in this weight loss journey together :smile: Friend request sent x
    in Impressed! Comment by pixieE August 2010
  • I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin, such a young age to pass :( I'm also very sorry to hear about your grandfather. It's frustrating when someone we love decides to abandon chemo, with it being their only chance of living at least some kind of life. My father was diagnosed with a brain tumour three and a half years…
  • You need the Nike + iPod touch sport kit which includes the sensor for your shoe and the sensor attatchment for the iPod touch. It's not too expensive, $29 from the Apple store US or it's £18.99 from the UK. Handy bit of kit apparently!
  • Fantastic post! I have been so confused about my calorie intake, i've read so, so many topic threads on this and all it's done is confuse me even more!!! Your post has helped clarify a couple of things for me though, however...... The calorie intake MFP set me was 1400 but i wasn't losing weight so i manually dropped it to…
  • I gained 2lb this week too :((( I thought i'd actually done ok, was under calories every day but clearly i did something wrong lol Ahhhh well fresh start again this week!!!!!!! Lets hope our scales are kinder to us next week eh!!!!!
    in hoooo no :( Comment by pixieE July 2010
  • Wishing you the very best of luck here!!!!! Friend request on its way to you :smile: x
  • Greetings from Devon, SW England :) I too joined this site to help me track how much i was eating and so far so good, though my progress has been frustratingly slow and i've only lost 3lb in seven weeks, i am not gaining weight anymore and i feel more in control of my eating. You've definitely come to the right…
  • Eating little and often works for me :) And drinking plenty too, i'm not much of a fan of drinking water so i tend to have very diluted orange squash. Most of the time when i feel hungry i find that drinking keeps the feeling at bay untill my next snack. Good luck on your weight loss journey, i'm sure you'll succeed in…
  • Hahahaha yeah me too :laugh:
  • Hi there :) Firstly, i am NOT a doctor and i am NOT medicall trained but i do have a friend who has the same problems you have with regards BP and pulse rate after exercise. She was advised to drink loads of water straight after exercising to help bring her BP back up while her pulse rate slowly dropped as her body rested.…
  • Welcome back! I don't actually have any advice to offer about the loose skin, but i do know how you feel. I lost loads of weight a few years ago and my skin never 'bounced' back into shape which left me with loose baggy skin everywhere. It was soul destroying as i worked so hard to shift the lbs. I was lucky enough to have…
  • Ahhhh i have the same problem with eating after 9pm. Once i've got all the kids to bed i end up just snacking, usually sweets or chocolate. I now don't 'allow' myself anything after 9.30pm. Ideally you're not supposed to eat anything within two hours of going to bed, at least i think its two hours, i could be wrong! As for…
  • Time Of the Month does usually affect weight because your hormones make you retain water, causing bloating and slight weight gain, at some point during the week though you will wee slightly more than usual and so your weight will return to normal again :) It doesn't affect everyone, and everyone is different as to how much…
    in Stressed Comment by pixieE July 2010
  • I can sympathise with this :( I've been on MFP since May, my calorie limit is 1300 and since May i have upped my exercise to the point where once per week i push myself and burn up to 700 calories in exercise alone, yet i've only lost 2lb!!! Its incredibly frustrating as i never go over my calories, i'm alwys under goal…
    in Frustrated Comment by pixieE July 2010
  • Heyyyyyyyy :) I ws incredibly sceptical about this site but i've found it to be the best one out there! And it works, i've gained alot of muscle and cut out so much crap that i was eting, so although i'm not sheading many pounds, i'm losing inches. Its amazing how much more you think of what you're eating when you have to…
  • I know exactly what you mean! I don't have an iPhone but i do use this site on my iPod and my laptop, and i can't believe how easy it is, you really do think more about what you're eating and how much you're exercising :))