Newbie in need of a friend!

fun_mom Posts: 54 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I'm new here today. I'm on nutrisystem and using this website. I started Nutrisystem Monday. I think it'll work for me but I wouldn't mind having someone here to check in with and to have as a resource and be a resource to. I am 215 pounds at 5'9" and I'm just so sick of being overweight. I've struggled with weight issues since 5th grade and I always lose the weight and then gain it right back plus some. I am committed to making healthy changes and I started 5 weeks ago by quitting smoking. That's been a HUGE accomplishment since I've been smoking for 20 years! (I'm only 34!) Needless to say I gained 15 pounds over the last 5 weeks and I realized I needed to stop that right away. Thus....nutrisystem and this website!

I was 275 pounds about 2 years ago after I had my son. I used diet pills and lost about 100 pounds getting down to about 185. those pills aren't working anymore and I know they aren't healthy for me so it's time to do it the right way and stop using crutches!

I actually look great at 170-180 pounds which sounds like a lot but with my build and height it's actually decent looking. This time I'm looking to get down to 155. I think that would put me at a perfect place but I'm taking my goals one step at a time and really hoping first just to get back to the 185 which is a size 10 for me and where I feel much more comfortable in my skin.

I'm tired of being a bad example to my kids, being unhealthy, unhappy and having no confidence. I want to shop again, I want to wear pants that don't have a stretchy waist band! I want to finally find that happy place where I don't feel deprived but I'm not binging either. I want to do all of this without spending a ton of money on therapy! I'm sure I eat for emotional reasons and I think if I can focus on attainable goals, be accountable, keep track and find others who I can motivate and who can motivate me I will be successful. So there it is! Wish me luck! I wish you all the best of luck in your healthy goals as well!


  • pixieE
    pixieE Posts: 30
    Wishing you the very best of luck here!!!!! Friend request on its way to you :smile: x
  • trice
    trice Posts: 43 Member
    Tons of people here that are very supportive and encouraging. Stay positive and be active here. That will help keep you engaged with people who are focused on getting health too.
  • summerjoy0621
    summerjoy0621 Posts: 29 Member
    Its a hard battle but everyone here has it to go thru and we are here for you! Glad to meet you! :wink:
  • jackiemomx2
    jackiemomx2 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm going to friend you also! I'm 5'10" and down to 211. Been hovering around 214 for weeks. Quit smoking off an on 7 years ago. Then for good last July when I lost my dad to lung cancer. I am trying also to be a better example for my kids (2 girls, 7 and 5). I'm shooting for 170. Although the 160's would be a dream come true! Best of luck to you!
  • Megume
    Megume Posts: 74
    Good luck!! Glad you're doing it this way rather then continuing to use pills. I've done that before, and it completely screwed up my metabolism.

    I'm certain if you stick with us, you'll achieve your goals, friend request on the way :)
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Welcome! Please add my as a friend! It's nice to have support, we're all in this together!:flowerforyou:
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    Welcome and best of luck! Good for you for asking for support...I've found that's essential. Friend request on it's way...
  • aniko74
    aniko74 Posts: 2
    Hello and welcome....=)
    I'm a newbie too, signed up last week.
    Add me or i just add you :wink:
  • cjjohnson
    cjjohnson Posts: 32 Member
    Good luck with Nutrisystem. But be sure to use this site as well, a great way to exercise and teach your kids to be healthy too is to go for walks! Go to the park. My kids love to get out and be active, and its a great way to spend time together.
  • ♥jewelchristian♥
    ♥jewelchristian♥ Posts: 3,666 Member
    Welcome, this place is awesome for support and motivation. Request on it's way....
  • Rene_G72
    Rene_G72 Posts: 1
    The road to your goal is thin and falling off is very easy sometimes. Always keep your goal within sight and you will be fine. I wish you the best of luck!
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    Welcome and best of luck, just face each day one at a time:smile:

    It took time to put that weight on, so it will also take time to shed it.

  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    Hello and welcome, this is such a great site
  • fun_mom
    fun_mom Posts: 54 Member
    YOU GUYS ROCK! Amazing, within minutes I have 18 friends who I think genuinely care about my success. I'm humbled. Thank you! I look forward to getting to know you, asking you to kick my *kitten* from time to time and letting me be a source of support for you as well. I need to take some "before" photos cause I have a feeling I'll have some "after" photos I'll want to share soon! Thanks again to all of you!
  • Good luck and work hard. Use the tools and track everything, exercise and food. Success or failure is in the details.

  • KyliexBird
    KyliexBird Posts: 42
    friend request sent!
  • milli1996
    milli1996 Posts: 4
    Welcome to the site and Good Luck!!!!!!!!
  • ljg1143
    ljg1143 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I read your story and will be sending you a friend request. I work with a lady that is going through a similiar battle. She's actually ended up getting the bypass surgery and now is coming to the gym. She is down 50 pounds now. I keep pushing her every time we work out. I can give you a push as well. Just make sure you track every thing you put in your mouth and all you exercise as well. Take care.
  • Good luck. I've used this app every single day, on every single meal, and I'm losing the weight. I hope that you're able to stick with your goals, and lose the extra pounds.
  • Friend Request on the way! Hopefully you will find all the encouragement you need! This site is really helpful and its great to read the blogs! They are really helpful!!!

    I too welcome encouragement!
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