Calorie zig zag working!

erinliz Posts: 43 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
So in the month of July the scale did not move at all! I was stuck between 177-178. 3 weeks ago I decided to change up my calorie intake every day while keeping the total for the week the same. In the last 3 weeks I've started losing and am now down 3 pounds to 174! I really didn't expect it to work, and maybe it was something else that got things moving again.....but I know what I'm going to do next time I plateau! It was also kind of fun having some variation. I could even plan ahead and make my higher calorie days on days I knew I would be eating out or wouldn't have as much time for a good workout. Just something to think about for anyone struggling with a plateau! Good luck! :happy:


  • pixieE
    pixieE Posts: 30
    Well done you!!!!!!

    Sounds good to me :D I've been stuck between 131-132lb for the past two months and no matter what i do i just can't budge the scales.
    Someone had told me that it was just my body's way of saying its happy where its at (i'm 5ft 5in so i know i'm not actually overweight) but its frustrated me as i really just want to be a weight i feel happy at (126lb).
    So i'm going to try your zig zag calories idea and see what happens!!!!!!!

    Thank you for the top tip and good luck on the rest of your weight loss journey :happy:
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    I am interested in trying calorie zig zagging but not quite sure how to start. It says you shouldn't go under 1200 cals but should I go under this on a low cal day? And would I eat the exercise cals?
  • can you give me some details as to what to do to zigzag!
  • here u go guys

    it helped me thru a plateau too in the past =]
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    That's awesome! I was dealing with the same thing! I reached my first mini-goal of 140 in June, got down to 139 at the beginning of July and stayed there....for almost 6weeks! So, I decided to do the same thing! Some days I eat 1500-1700 Calories, other days I net 1200 with a good work out! The other thing i had to do was vary my work out! I was walking the same pace/amount of time everyday. I started only walking every other day and doing a Zumba class once a week (i get to eat a lot more on Zumba days!)
    I FINALLY got to 137 last week and tomorrow is weight in #2 doing the zigzag so hopefully another pound or two down!
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Thank you antiadipose I have had a look at the calculator and it does look interesting just still not sure what is the least amount of cals I can eat???
  • erinliz
    erinliz Posts: 43 Member
    Here's the calculator I used to get me started:
    My daily calories varied from 1300-1800 during the week with this, so I never dropped below 1200/day.
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Thank you erinliz, this one is very useful too! I have been trying this week to zig zag slightly but just ended up eating near 1200 as I haven't done any exercise the last couple of days.
  • dogdaze
    dogdaze Posts: 110 Member
    here u go guys

    it helped me thru a plateau too in the past =]

    Thanks for the link! I am in a slow weightloss phase despite iincreasing exercise and restricting intake. I was wondering about trying this (though did not know that it was a recognised strategy) It seemed to make sense to keep my body guessing! :smile:
  • my friend's mom actually lost crazy weight zig zagging for months. tho i like doing it a couple of times every once in a while. she would literally eat 1000 one day, 1600 the next... etc etc. tho i told her i dont like eating less than 1200, she told me her dietitian put her on that diet. and every sunday was a complete freeday. and monday was one of her low 1000.

    i didnt agree with this at all... BUT i will admit, she lost a lot of weight!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Going to try it!
    Thank you for the info. I actually started counting my calories at 1200 per day and wkout no less than 4 times the week. However, I do not eat my excercise calories and if i do its only half of it. Would that work for me to lose the weight properly? the zig zag sounds interesting to do. :glasses:
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