raedient61 Member


  • My first recorded day of this challenge! 10/23/12 10,329 You have to start somewhere right??!!!
  • It's never too late to start, right?? I'll start this challenge and continue on from here!
  • I personally would get the steak.
  • So, what has summer been like in England? It's been blazing hot here in Texas but then again, it's always blazing hot here in the summer!! This is the second summer in a row with very little rain....we really need some but not until the cotton is harvested! I hope you have a lovely day! Tammie
  • I know I feel so much better when I'm eating right and getting exercise. I am tired of just playing at this, it is time to get serious and learn some real discipline! Good luck with your journey and reaching your goals! Tammie
  • I know exactly what you mean but not only was Easter weekend Easter weekend for me I also had my daughter's wedding on Saturday! Needless to say I'm terrified to get on the scale and see the damage I've done. However, today is a new day and a new beginning. I'm not going to let this stop me. Let's pick ourselves up and…
  • Count me in! I would love to lose 10 in April and I need the challenge!
  • Starting Weight – 204.8 lbs. (Friday 2nd March) Goal Weight Loss – 8.2 lbs Week 1 –201.8 lbs. and 1.46 % lost (Friday 9th March) - good start! Week 2 - 199.4 lbs. and 1.17 % lost (Friday 16th March) Week 3 - 197.6 lbs. and .88 % lost (Friday 23rd March) Week 4 - xxx lbs. and xx % lost (Thursday 29th March) Total Lost – xxx…
  • Kirk, I wish you and your wife the best of luck on this journey! My husband is my biggest supporter so I know what it's like to be on this journey together! Tammie
  • Ashely, all I can say is this....with God all things are possilbe! I'm going to leave it at that and just say that it would be my honor to be your friend and I will be praying for you. Tammie
  • Good for you! You can add me if you want!
  • Hi Michelle! My name is Tammie and I have only been doing this for a little over 2 weeks. I need to lose 75 lbs so we are about at the same point in the journey! Welcome and I wish you great success!
  • You did a wonderful thing for little sis and you are right, you should not feel guilty. You know as well as I do that life will throw us curves. My sister is my personal trainer and she told me that the thing she is the most proud of me for right now is how I have handled obstacles. And you will overcome this one just like…
  • Nope, sorry....Tx here! I'm curious about your name GrammiT....is that by chancd Grammi T because I'm a Grammi Tammie!!!
  • Hang in there Linda....don't quit! I struggle on the weekends too so I know where you are coming from. My daughter is getting married 4 weeks from tomorrow so I made the decision to NOT struggle on the weekends until then....maybe if I'm luck it will be a habit by then! I know you can do this, just be patient and work hard…
  • Week 1 update: Starting Weight – 204.8 lbs. (Friday 2nd March) Goal Weight Loss – 8.2 lbs Week 1 –201.8 lbs. and 1.46 % lost (Friday 9th March) - good start! Week 2 - xxx lbs. and xx % lost (Thursday 15th March) Week 3 - xxx lbs. and xx % lost (Thursday 22th March) Week 4 - xxx lbs. and xx % lost (Thursday 29th March)…
  • Hi! I'm 5'5'' and right now I'm doing between 1100 and 1200 calories a day. Add me if you would like! Welcome to the journey, let's do it the healthy way! Tammie
  • I would pack up today and move to Ireland if I could. I'm hoping to save up the money to visit next year sometime. I do have Irish roots and I'm VERY proud of that fact! But for now....I'm stuck in Texas! I would love to make some Irish friends! Tammie
  • I can't wait to make these for our next church fellowship! Thanks!
  • You ARE the Brute Squad!!! Love that movie! You can do this, you have a great attitude! Add me if you like! Good luck with this journey! Tammie
  • Here is my info: Starting Weight – 204.8 lbs. (Thursday 1st March) Goal Weight Loss – 8.2lbs Week 1 –xxx lbs. and xx % lost (Thursday 8th March) Week 2 - xxx lbs. and xx % lost (Thursday 15th March) Week 3 - xxx lbs. and xx % lost (Thursday 22th March) Week 4 - xxx lbs. and xx % lost (Thursday 29th March) Total Lost – xxx…
  • Count me in too! I need this challenge. My weigh in day is Friday so I'll post my numbers then!
  • Thanks for sharing that....I'll have to put that into motion today!
  • I am very inconsistent too. I have also determined that this is going to be the last time I lose this weight. We can do this if we make healthy eating and exercise a way of life. Here's to an amazing journey! Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. Tammie
  • Yes you can do this! Praying you have an amazing journey! Feel free to add me as a friend if you want to. Tammie
  • I'm not vegetarian but I totally can relate to the lazy part! I have lost the same 50 pounds about 3 times since I was a young mom and I'm ready to shed these 75 pounds I've put on for the last time! I know we can do this!
  • I'm just south of Dallas in Ennis, anyone feel free to add me!
  • I need to lose 75....I just added you! It's easier together!