LOSE 10lbs for the month of April. Ready? Set? LOSE!



  • poshcouture
    poshcouture Posts: 610
    I'm in! I need the challenge!
  • I'm in gotta turn it up, March 29, CW: 148
    April 30, GW: 138
  • BoxingAli
    BoxingAli Posts: 117 Member
    Count me in! I need some renewed motivation...I have plateaued after 65 pounds. I need to lose 30 more. These 10 pounds will definitely help me get closer to my goal!!!
  • amyrp8c
    amyrp8c Posts: 41 Member
    im in for sure...have to get into a bikini by the end of may so have 10-15lbs to loose
  • I'm definitely in! I'd like to lose as much as possible before the start of May so this extra motivation will be very useful! :D
  • ane7980
    ane7980 Posts: 2
    I am in , 10 pounds in april
  • mochomito
    mochomito Posts: 81 Member
    Yes - I'm in. - i need a boost on my work out s- because i have been slacking on my exsercises...
  • lorraine311
    lorraine311 Posts: 127 Member
    I've done it!
  • LakeishaJolivett
    LakeishaJolivett Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in!
  • tml510
    tml510 Posts: 3
    I'm down! I lost 10 this month and my trainer says that's my goal for April as well. Let's get it done!!!
  • fashionista954
    fashionista954 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm in! The most i've lost in a month so far is 8 lbs, that was back in February. In March I didn't lose as much ( I know where I went wrong though). If I can lose 10 lbs or close to 10 lbs in April that would be awesome. I have a cruise that I am going on the first week in May, so perfect timing!
  • Beeteezie
    Beeteezie Posts: 35 Member
    I want to join also... I'm just starting my road to the new and improved me and 10lbs is a great goal for me...

    Let's DO THIS!!!!
  • Count me in! This will be a great challenge for me. I'm ready to start right now!
  • raedient61
    raedient61 Posts: 40 Member
    Count me in! I would love to lose 10 in April and I need the challenge!
  • Fowa
    Fowa Posts: 9
  • oOoMicheleoOo
    oOoMicheleoOo Posts: 139 Member
    Me .... I am in too. I am thinking that's a bit much of a loss a week for me but I am going to put in the effort as though I could lose that much and see what happens.
  • charismanoodles
    charismanoodles Posts: 343 Member
    Sure, I'll join. But I don't think 10lb is a realistic target for me, my aim is 5lb loss :D I'm happy with that.
  • evonday
    evonday Posts: 141 Member
    I'm in, and hopefully this challenge will motivate me to start using my gym again!
  • I don't know if I can do it but I'm gonna try...with the support of a group I may just get there...
  • cmccorma
    cmccorma Posts: 203 Member
    me! i am in!