Lazy vegetarian who needs to get serious!

Hi there, I am (as the title of my post suggests) an extremely lazy, 32 year old (ish) veggy who by a combination of laziness and sheer boredom has managed to stack on 2 stone more than I should. (Mainly involving bread and chips - a perfect combination)

Giving MFP a whirl as being a bit obsessive is the only way i can ever acheive my goals to lose some flab! :)

I hate exercise so am trying to concentrate on portion control and calorie counting instead . . watch this space . .


  • raedient61
    raedient61 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm not vegetarian but I totally can relate to the lazy part! I have lost the same 50 pounds about 3 times since I was a young mom and I'm ready to shed these 75 pounds I've put on for the last time! I know we can do this!
  • Welcome to MFP! I'm a veggy (transitioning to vegan) and am always looking for like minded or like eating people. This is a fantastic site, I'm sure you'll find a ton of support here!
  • Collymarps
    Collymarps Posts: 9 Member
    :) Hello people, what i tend to find difficult is the reaction when i tell people i am veggy but still over weight . . "surely it's really healthy being veggy" they cry with shock! Well it would be if my diet didnt consist of bread, every potato based product known to man and lots of cheese! (SS I dont think i could ever go vegan, i love my chocolate and cheese too much!)

    But trying to find vegetarian weightwatchers food is a nightmare, its all lean chicken and fish!

    Raedient61 - we will be triumphant (even if we are exercise dodgers!) :) (and if i can ever get to grips with thinking in lbs and not stones!)
  • Hi Collymarps - welcome! I am a new vegetarian (5 months). I lost 50 pounds with diet alone before I started exercising. I'm not suggesting you dont exercise, but I can relate! I recently started exercising and I'm down 60 pounds now, with 71 to go. I like exercising now, but for many years I loathed it! Let's support one another. Friend me if you like, I'd be happy to give you some recipe ideas!
  • Welcome! I'm a new vegan (since New Years) but I was veggie for 8 years before that. I totally get it on the lazy part - plus I love to bake so I've packed on weight through too many batches of cookies and spoonfuls of raw cookie dough. Though, if you ask me I'll probably blame baby weight from my three kids. ;)

    Feel free to add me as a friend - any of you!