New to progam

Hi, my name Linda. I'm 55 and I have been on the program for 3 week now. I had lost 2 lbs but gained them back when I weighed in this morning. So I'm not very happy with myself. During the week I do pretty good tracking and I excercise 3 days a week but weekends are a struggle for me. My husband and I eat out on the weekends but I do try to make good decisions on what to eat. I don't drink alcohol and I rarely drink soda. So I need some encouragment:)


  • raedient61
    raedient61 Posts: 40 Member
    Hang in there Linda....don't quit! I struggle on the weekends too so I know where you are coming from. My daughter is getting married 4 weeks from tomorrow so I made the decision to NOT struggle on the weekends until then....maybe if I'm luck it will be a habit by then!

    I know you can do this, just be patient and work hard and don't ever, ever give up!

  • cyndi2012
    cyndi2012 Posts: 65 Member
    Weekends are difficult! But you can do this :-)