Life, I am not alone

I am sure I am not alone. But nights such as last night are both awesome and frustrating.
I had a friend looking for a job stop by to print some resumes as she doesn't have a printer. Her newly arrived little sister was in tow...(little sister being 22).

PLAN: We were going to have a short chat, print the resumes and I was going to work out and have dinner.

REALITY: Friend brings clothes so we can take our BEFORE pictures. (she is also going to drop some pounds), print resumes, little sister has break down and we spend all night talking about what got her to this point in her life and how she will go forward and all the support she now has that she didn't have before. That included the discussion about allowing herself to feel the feelings she has, not repress them, and it is okay to grieve over a lost relationship. They went home, I had dinner and went to bed because I was already going to miss my bed time to get up at 5:30 am. ( I did offer them dinner, however they had eaten before they came over, just so you know I am a good host)

I assume little sis opened up to me because she has known me just long enough to realize I am a good guy and her sister trusts me with her life. Yet I am distant enough (not a relative) that she could let all the toxic crap in her life come out. I am always humbled when this happens. And I would NOT have traded it for a workout. However, I feel a little guilt I didn't manage to get the workout in before they came. Logically I should not feel the guilt. I will workout tonight and I will get all my workouts in this week. But I still feel it. Bah!


  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    Aw, you did a good thing :smile: Hopefully little sis went home with a lighter heart and a better view of her future, and you have some good karma headed your way!
  • zeb24
    zeb24 Posts: 5 Member
    you are awsome !!
  • raedient61
    raedient61 Posts: 40 Member
    You did a wonderful thing for little sis and you are right, you should not feel guilty. You know as well as I do that life will throw us curves. My sister is my personal trainer and she told me that the thing she is the most proud of me for right now is how I have handled obstacles. And you will overcome this one just like you said you would. You are going to get in your workouts this week no matter what. So, you should be proud of helping little sis the way you did! You rock!
  • catramsey2
    catramsey2 Posts: 24 Member
    Agreed. Don't feel guilty. I understand feeling bad about not exercising, but life happens and we have to roll with it. Just start back today. You are golden.
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Workout genie grants you one free rest day ;)
  • redlion45
    redlion45 Posts: 155 Member
    Yep!. You did a good thing, and earned a rest day.
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    In that case I must thank the workout genie and not abuse the reprieve. I will have to ensure I get a good workout tonight, although as listed in my status, today at work will be a good work out to precede the workout at home.