5ft 5 ladies!

Well, I'm 18 years old, female of course, my height is 5ft 5inch, and I'm on 1,200kcals per day. (Also I live in the UK.)

So, if any of these apply to you too, (or not, I'm just happy to make friends on here for the support), I would LOVE to be friends with you, and share tips, and motivation and whatnot.

Add me? Please? :)

P.S. Please note that I'm only interested in health, and losing weight the healthy way. I no longer concentrate on becoming thin, because, well, appearances aren't everything.

Stay strong people, keep positive! :)


  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Helllllloooooooo :smile:
    I'm almost 23 years old, I'm 5'2'', and I'm on 1200 calories a day! I'm not new, but I don't mind if you add me for support and motivation, I'm EXCELLENT motivation! Have an amazing day!
  • a1wonder
    a1wonder Posts: 95 Member
    I'm 5'4.5" but if I backcomb my hair like crazy I'm sure I can bump it up to 5'5" lol

    I am also on the same 1200 cal restriction, feel free to add me I'm online everyday and post frequently
  • raedient61
    raedient61 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'5'' and right now I'm doing between 1100 and 1200 calories a day. Add me if you would like! Welcome to the journey, let's do it the healthy way!

  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    I am 6'5" tall and I am on over double the 1200 calories and a man, so I don't qualify.
    I am commenting here because you all inspire me.
    Any time I want to complain about having enough calories....I cannot. I think of all of you that are on 1200 calories and realize that if you can do it, I can get under my caloric goals! I am also amazed at how tasty the 1200 calories appear on your logs.
  • ChristetteC
    ChristetteC Posts: 5 Member
    I am 5ft 4in tall, you can all add me as a friend, the more, the merrier
    C :-)
  • Changing__Christina
    Changing__Christina Posts: 245 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'5 and also on 1200 calories. I have struggled, but have reaped the rewards as well. I would like to lose another 20-30 pounds. Feel free to add me, I love to give (and get ) lots of motivation and inspiration!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    I'm almost 5'5," but I eat more. My target is around 1700. A little more if I exercise, a little less if I don't. But feel free to add me:
    I am focused on eating good food: both clean and tasty
    Becoming fitter
    Changing my lifestyle to something permanent and sustainable

    You definitely won't here me talking about starving myself to drop X pounds in 2 days before an event. :)
  • Fani2003
    Fani2003 Posts: 195 Member
    I am 5'5" and at 1310 calories
  • Bean615
    Bean615 Posts: 132 Member
    hii im 5,3 1200 cal...add me!! i love support and new friends!
  • rstein18
    rstein18 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 5'4" but i'm also on the 1200/day cal plan. Feel free to add me, i'm also looking to get some more support adn positive energy to help me along with this!
  • katiej122
    katiej122 Posts: 125 Member
    Helloo everyone, I'm 5"5...or 5"4 (no feet and inches here in Aus!) and on 1200 a day too :) I'm new and would love some friends! My diary is public also
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I'm 5'6". 35 years old. Lost 20 lbs last year to reach my 2008 weight. Gained some back. Starting over. Realized that I have to track even WHEN I reach my goals.

    I do something active each day.

    I NET 1260 to lose 1lb/week or 1460 to lose .5/week.
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    I'm 5ft 5, on 1200 a day and i'm from Scotland but live in County Durham. Add me if u like! :)
  • shellywelly123
    shellywelly123 Posts: 159 Member
    hi also 5ft 5 and from uk. Previously was on 1200 cals/day but in the stressful environment i worked it was always feeling dizzy and lightheaded but changed my goals and now on 1550 cals/day and works so much better. Feel free to add me and keep each other motivated :smile:
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    Hello all. I am also 5'5" and doing 1200 calories. I am working on working out everyday in order to get additional calories as I struggle to stay at 1200 if I don't. I live in California. Anyone, please feel free to add me.
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    I'm 5 foot 5 as well :) I'm eating around that amount right now, but doing juicing, and cutting out meats and dairy etc for a week or 2 as an experiement...actually finding i'm not nearly as hungry ...i;m not going crazy...just just eating when i'm hungry, and in addition to the juicing, eating a ton of fresh fruits and veggies on thier own...and nuts...with occasional beans in a salad... if I feel it effecting my workouts/muscle I will add more protein by the way of whey protein/greek yougurt...been eating this way since monday, and actually feeling healthier then normal, and not having hunger issues! Was ibspired by the documentary * Fat sick and nearly dead* to add fresh juicing...been amazing how good it tastes, and how easy it is. :) Seeing this as a * reboot* as the site about the movie phrases it... even though i am not strictly juice fasting.

    Before that I was eating 1300-1800 depending upon workouts... ( per my bodybugg, I generally hit 3000 total calories or more on workout days... so I was eating a portion of my exercise cals back... :) )

    feel free to add me if you would like :)
  • I'm 5"2,,but also from the UK and on 1200 cals a day.

    Im new too so feel free to add away!
  • janetb21
    janetb21 Posts: 182 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'5" and am currently at 1300 calories. Feel free to add me!
  • Hey! I'm 5"4, and on 1100-1200 calories per day, so we're pretty close to the same! Feel free to add me :):)
  • Add me too! I just started this 2 days ago and I am 5'4" 1/2....ok let's just round up :) and also on 1200 calories a day. I'm starving!! lol but seriously I had no idea how many calories I was putting in my mouth until I started this. NO WONDER I'm overweight!!