Luna Bars, fruit, peanut butter and crackers
Thank you all so much. This makes me feel really good. Especially to think I look younger, YES!!!! :)
That worked and thank you very much. Very kind of you to do that. :wink:
Awe thank you very much..
So sorry I guess I am not doing it right. :sad:
Mine too. I hate it but deal with the numbing feet because I love the elliptical.
Pizza, Because I know i have control issues around that word very bad....
they do have one bathroom and one shower stall in there. So yes that is an option too. I just didn't want to take the bathroom up for 2 minutes while i showered and dried my hair and got ready for work. But i can't justify driving all that extra miles i don't guess.
All of the TV's ending up on ESPN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have seen the question asked before. Most people are going to tell you to get a HRM to be sure. I can't afford one myself. I usually go with my machine I am working out on. Or maybe a combination of the two like a middle ground.
I live in a small community and this is the only gym around. :( do you just pack your work clothes and hair dryer and everything?
I do use a spoon and I like mine with fruit. So I will dip my CC out into a small bowl and top with Pinapples or Peaches. Very good and really healthy. I like the small curd.
my favorite are the Luna Bars. I get them from Wal-Mart and I like all the flavors. They are really healthy high in protien and tasty. Actually you said granola and I told you protien. I'm sorry but for what it is worth the Luna Bars are great.
yes I do and some gyms reguest that you do so. I just think it adds a layer of protection from the sweating getting all over the equiptement at the gym.
I too have this issue. i exercise more than that. 30 minutes elliptical 3 times a week and Zumba 3 times a week for 60 minutes. I am so sleepy was in bed at 9:15 last night and I get up at 6:30 to 6:45..... I have been hearing a lot of people say that there is a such thing as to much sleep???? They say they just drag if…
i have an under armour sqeeze bottle that holds 24 oz of water and I can not be one minute without it. I love it. I got it at Hibbets shoe store. Its pink and black
I have the same problem. I used to be so regular now not so much and i will have quiet a bit of pain when it has been a couple days. I drank a slim fast shake this morning and almost didn't make it to the restroom. I don't know what is in that thing but if it will work like that daily Im game. lol.
yes what is your secret? :-)
wow that is great. I am so proud of you. Jealous too, lol. I want to see that 1 so bad and I have been stuck for a solid month at 213, :-( I will get to join you one day though. Just taking one day at a time. HUGE CONGRATS!!!!!!!!
I work full time 8-5 monday thru friday and also have a part time job wednesday and friday evening. I work out on my lunch hour for 30 minutes and then Zumba on monday, tuesday and thursday evenings from 6-7. It makes for a busy schedual but there is always time if you set your mind to it. There are 24 hours in a day you…
It is not a dumb question at all. It is the most asked question on this forum actually so not dumb at all. I actually can't explain it to you i wish I could. I understand the concept and I have lived it so i know it works. I don't eat all of mine back but at least half. There is a search option at the top of this post, if…
Homemade pizzas, Not really the best choice i know. but i do get to moderate how much sauce and cheese i put on there and stretch my crust really thin. :)
calorie goal is 1330 i eat cereal or oats for breakfast, sandwich or frozen meal for lunch luna bar for snack then a portion control of what ever i cook for dinner. this would be my normal on track way of eating. the last couple weeks. its more like skipping breakfast, bad food here bad food there. no routine no set food.…
i do need to get moving again. I just don't really know how. :( without the gym. I don't even know where to begin which im at work until 5 but then what? thank you for your support. I know its all in my head. I was so afraid of being hungry this afternoon like i was yesterday that I ate 2 yes thats right 2 veggie chicken…
so cool. I can't wait until I am there as well.
veggie chicken pattie (im not vegetarian they are just really really good) 140 calories sara lee whole wheat bun 80 calories lite mayo 10 calories lite pringles (15) 70 calories
bread!!!!!! :)