RedHeadChick Member


  • Don't get frustrated! That will just side line you from keep up the momentum you are building. Stick with it and results will come. I would definitely stay away from the scale! The scale is really a huge enemy, as it doesn't show whether you are putting on muscle or not. I find it much better to use a tape measure and…
  • I think counting your calories is a good thing in the beginning. It def will help you figure out your portions and what types of foods are going to be more healthy choices. Once you get a hang of your calorie in take, I honestly don't think you keep such a close eye on the calorie number. It will come down to what you are…
  • There are a few things to consider, but first could it be close to your time of the month? This can cause water retention and shift weight for a few days. I really don't like the scale, I think it is a poor way to judge what the body is doing. So I would invest in a tape measure and start measuring your body from time to…
  • I think the main thing is to try and keep in mind is has to want to get better. So I think it wil be super important to come at this from a different angle. Men can be tricky about how they take what wives have to say. They know we LOVE them, but sometimes we end up sounding like their Mother's and they will "Turn US right…
  • Try eating more for a few days. Bump up the calories by about 500. Then go back to your regular eating habits. This will get your metabolism reved back up. If you tend to do the same thing routinely (eating and exercising), the body will start to stagnate. So this is a simple way to get thing rolling again. ;)
  • Are you stretching enough after your workouts? Drinking enough water? Those are super super important! I find when I really stretch after each set and at the end of the workout, I have less soarness.
  • I signed up for a challenge group, where I was accountable for my goals. I decided what I wanted, then went out and did it. It was hard, I won't lie. I had to make tuff decisions each day, but with hard work and motivation I made it happen. So can YOU! :) I also started a food log and work out log. I had a calender that…
  • You might think about eating more fresh, live food. The gronla bars and canned soups will only help so much. They are packed with sodium and lots of artificial junk, and the body just doesn't know what to do with all the stuff. So the more live your food is the better. How much water are you drinking? I wouldn' waist my…
  • My family and friends noticed first. I actually had to start a photo log, as I couldn't really tell at first. Although my clothes were fitting better, I just couldn't see the differnece. Hang in there! It will and is happening! :)
  • I feel your pain. I married a man who has a super high metabolism. It's super annoying that he can eat anything and everything and never gain a pound! Anyhow, he is about 6ft tall and I am 5ft 8. I have always weighed more then him. Our bone structures differ a bit, mine bones are def more dence. But in the long run, no…
  • I am 5'8" and started at 180-185. I am down to 162. I will post some photos so that you can see. ;)
  • Awesome! You look fantastic!
  • Yes, I think there are lots of people who are the same way. Bored at night, watching t.v. and raiding the cabinet for snacks! Uhhh... It can be an endless cycle. I decided to throw out all the bad stuff, so my options are limited. I try to have healthy, yummy snacks ready and prepped for when I get snackish. How do you…
  • Another thing to consider is how well do you absorb the nutrients you are taking. A friend of mine has a large issue with her iron as well. She doesn't absorb it well in pill form and has had to go to a liquid form to get any imporvement.
  • Have you considered your hormone levels? They play a huge roll in weight gain and loss. Don't give up. There is always an answer, you just have to know where to find it. Also have you ever considered seeing a Chiropractor? I didn't used to believe that they could ever help. But I found a really good one near where I live.…
  • Congrats on making the decision to take care of yourself! You Rock!
  • That is awesome that you want to help your friend! There need to be more people in the world like you. :) The main thing to keep in mind. You will need to be realistic. Remember that what she decides to do with herself and her goals are up to her. So if she ends up not reaching or even trying to reach her goals, DON'T TAKE…
  • I totally uderstand your pain with stretch marks! I am Scotts-Irish decent. Redhair, fair skin... Allergic to the sun! LOL! Anyways, during my pregnancy all was well till about month 8. That is when my son started to pack on the pounds quickly and my stretch marks started to set in. I had been religious with applying…
  • Glad that you are getting back with it and taking control of your health! That is awesome and I know you will succeed!
  • What is your diet like at the moment? That plays a huge role in energy levels.
  • You will need time for your body to recover from working out. 1-2 days off is usually good. Make sure you are alternating your fitness programs. Do cardio one day and tone the next. This way you will not fatigue all the same muscles all the time. Balance is the key. Also having a good nutritional plan will help. Eating…
  • Welcome!
  • On Halloween a little girl came and got candy and then ran back to her Mom and Dad saying, " Look what ARIEL gave me"! So I guess Ariel the mermaid? LOL! That may explain why my hips are wide.... From the Mermaid Tail....Heehee...
  • You should tone the area with tricep exercises, but most importantly I think good nutrition plays a huge roll. I have not worked too hard to get my arms in shape as I have been working on my lower half. However my arms are shrinking along with the rest of me, because I have modified my diet and really incorporated some…
  • I did mine every few weeks. It really helps to get an idea of how your body is losing. Sometimes when you weigh in or measure yourself, you just can't see the visual results you wanted. But that is where the photos come in to play. You can go back over time and see that you are losing and doing a good job. It is a huge…
  • Wow! There are loads of posts for this. I have a friend who had a gastric bypass and although it did help here lose the weight. She is now struggling with the opposite issue. She is so skinny and she can't keep the weight on. It is effecting her health and has turned into a very scary experience for her. So my suggestion…
  • Good job getting started though! Keep up the good work! Also you can't go wrong with protein, fruits and veggies. Just take care of how much dairy and grains you have. Balance is the key.
  • Try adding more fruits and veggies into your diet. That should help your body maintain energy as well as keep you more satisfied. More LIVE FOOD!
  • I personally love Brazilian Butt Lift and Turbo Fire. I have issues keeping my lower hips and thighs under control and these programs really target all those spots! Plus they are super fun. I have lost 15 pounds using these programs. Also I started cutting back on my bread and pasta. I try to keep my diet as clean as…
  • Pick once a day to weigh yourself! Stop stressing over the number. The best time to weigh in is in the morning when you get up. As you progress through the rest of your day your weight will depend on what your are doing, eating, if you are sitting for long periods of time, drinking enough water, if it is that time of the…