aprilkida Member


  • I took birth control pills for years before I got pregnant with my son and I had no problems. Afterwards, I tried the mini pill while BF'ing and it totally messed me up so I went off it and used condoms. After BF'ing, I tried the regular pill again and it messed me up again. Went off of that and we started trying for this…
  • Thanks for posting!!! I love seeing the research data behind it!
  • They use Dr. Brewer's diet for The Bradley Method of natural childbirth with the idea in mind that you need to eat nutritiously to keep yourself and the baby healthy and low risk. I've just started with my classes so I'm new to it but it seems very reasonable. Sorry I can't be much more help that that!
  • That looks pretty cool, I'll have to show my 3 1/2 yr old son :) He always tries to do yoga with me, until he says its too hard and then climbs all over me when I'm in awkward positions, lol
  • I'm Oct. 11th!
  • My son absolutely refused hats! That doesn't mean that all won't. If your baby is very fair skinned you may want to have at least one to protect LO's head.
  • Protein is your biggest nutritional change while pregnant. You need to about double your protein intake because your body has no way of storing extra protein. The guidelines say to increase from 45g/day to75g/day, although some sources, that encourage staying low risk for natural delivery, say to aim for 100 grams of…
  • I was encouraged today. This week I had gotten back into jogging after taking the 1st trimester off because of 4 intense colds back to back to back, plus 10 weeks straight of morning sickness. I've ran 4 times this week. The first 3, I was only able to make it 13-15 minutes before I either got too exhausted or ended up…
  • Although I can't help, I can sympathize! I'm in the same boat and experiencing it right this moment. Tylenol is a joke, I think that's why they let us have it!
  • Well, today I only made it 14 minutes into my jog before I had pelvic pain, enough to make me stop and walk. I'm not upset I had to slow down to a walk, I just wonder how long I'll be able to keep it up. I'm 16 weeks today. I guess I'll just have to take it day by day and do what I can and no more than that.
  • In regards to the concerns about tuna: the recommendation is that you stay away from tuna steak because those are the larger fish. Canned tuna should be limited to 12 oz. per week, that would be about the equivalent of 4 cans per week, which I figure few people hit that amount. The chunk light tuna is lowest in mercury…
  • Mittens and booties do get lost very easily. We ended up not using them. Just keep their nails filed or trimmed. Sleepers were the best thing to where for the first several months. Of course as a FTM I was so excited with all the baby shower gifts that I washed all the clothes and towels and opened and set up every other…
  • It's like those words were stolen from my own mouth. Beautiful!
  • This is your birth and you need to make your decisions known. You have the right to have you alone time with your family of 3. It's definitely a big transition and it's not easy. Hopefully they'll understand if you tell them to wait a few weeks so you can get to know you little one and get comfortable. With my first, I…
  • I was also uncertain about charting BBT. It's a lot easier than you think. Fertilityfreind.com makes it so easy and has a course to teach you everything. I got my thermometer at Walgreen's. I felt a lot more in control and more confidence in my cycles with charting. You typically chart your cervical fluid along with your…
  • I just miscarried in December. The docs told me to wait a cycle or two, but after doing much research and asking the doc if there was a "real" reason for preventing pregnancy after a miscarriage without an answer, I told her there was no way I was going to prevent it from happening. She said, "Although I can't medically…
  • Did it about 2 weeks ago and loved it! Tons of fun! But just so you know...they aren't so particular about the 5k being a true 5k. Ours ended up being 4.2 miles instead of 3.1 miles...which was cool with me. I was just excited I was able to run over 4 miles! Oh, just a hint, try not to inhale the cornstarch! There were…
  • I'm definitely dealing with a lot more nausea this time around too! Sea Bands! They really do help. That, and the smaller meals throughout the day. You can get Sea Bands at drug stores. I think they are by the anti-nausea medication.
  • Wow! Congrats! Lovely story!
  • When I was young my brother and his best friend would call me Tub O' Lard.
  • Just had my first ultrasound this morning, found out I have a blighted ovum, so it's just a matter of time before I miscarry :cry: And it took a year and a half and 2 IUI cycles to get pregnant with this one. Just feeling more and more hopeless :frown: Sorry to bring anyone else down. Hope no one else has to go through…
  • Did ok, but not perfect on my diet this week. A few too many s'mores this week and didn't always get all my fruits in veggies in, but did most days. I give myself a B on my diet, lol. But I got 4 jogs in this week! Today I did my first 20 minutes straight, ever!!! Training for my first 5k race on Feb. 10th (signed up…
  • Beautiful slideshow! Thanks for sharing!
  • That's very interesting! I think I'll have to eat a lot of dates next July/early August!
  • Thanks! Haha! That really made me laugh. I remember that from late in my first pregnancy. It definitely wasn't easy! I didn't jog during my first pregnancy but man, those long brisk walks could be killer sometimes. I'm 6 weeks along now so the jogging isn't too bad right now besides getting fatigued a whole lot quicker.…
  • I didn't do too bad on my nutritional goals. I missed my 3rd walk/jog of the week but I got a nice long walk in instead of that 3rd jog. I'm going to try to fit in 4 jogs this week but not sure if I'll be able to.
  • Good luck and enjoy!
  • Got my walk/jog done yesterday with 16 minutes of jogging and 20 minutes of walking. I hit all my nutritional goals too. I was supposed to get another walk/jog in this morning but between having a very rough night with my 3 year old and still achy from yesterday's jog, I decided to put it off until tomorrow. I will have to…
  • Okay, so I'm a little late on this but here are my goals, and I've been doing pretty darn well on them so far this month! 1. Do walk/jog 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes each, plus extra walks and yoga or pilates as I can fit in. 2. Consume at least 80 grams of protein a day, shoot for 100 grams if I can! 3. Consume…
  • I think it would probably be best to make the switch at least a month before the baby is due. For my son, it was a hard transition out of the crib with several weeks of him not sleeping well. I would imagine it would be that much harder if you are introducing a baby into the picture while you're still acclimating your son…