What's the worst thing said about your weight ?



  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    Being told before that "no one will take you as seriously, because in our industry, fatness like yours shows failure and laziness. But other than that, your CV is perfect"
  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    Also my aunt who came round and said I can have all her old maternity clothes because they'd "just about fit"
  • bubbaduts
    bubbaduts Posts: 196 Member
    I lost 77 pounds and was weighing in at 175 at 5'9 and I was excited because we had a family Christmas card done so I sent them out. My sister who has always yo yo dieted and has never been able to keep it off called m e and told me she was proud of me that I had lost so much. And had kept it off for the 6 months I had then she said.... But you've always had thunder thighs and you will never get rid of them...... I was so shocked all I said was my husband likes my thighs and that's all that matters
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    worse thing for me was "when are you due"
    I had lost 15 pounds and felt so good, until that woman on the bus asked me that question. I regained that 15 pounds because of it (low self esteem issues) but I am back on track to lose it again :) and if someone asks I'll just give a random date
  • natajane
    natajane Posts: 295 Member
    I signed up to do a challenge called the Yorkshire Three Peaks - you walk/climb up 3 peaks, covering 24 miles and 6900 feet in 1 day (people aim to do it in 12 hours)

    A couple of close members of family told me I wouldn't do it because of my weight. Others just looked t menlike i was mental or lying. That hurt.

    Guess what?

    I was the fattest person that I saw doing it. It was hard, 12.5 hours of physical and mental effort. There were points where i could have curled up and cried. I had 12 blisters, a cut & bruised knee and i still have 2 black toenails!

    The people in our assigned group were utter ar$eholles to us to begin with as well, saying that we shouldn't be doing it ( me cos of my size, my friend because she was short and slow)

    But my mind is stronger than any other part of my body.

    I DID IT.

    I raised £600 for sick children.

    Don't listen to people who try to bring you down, they are just insecure themselves. Invest your emotional energy in yourself and those who believe in you.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Even though the heaviest I've been was only just into the overweight BMI, I've still had 'We all thought you were pregnant,' comment when I was at my heaviest. I even got it quite recently, even though I'm not at all fat. The first time I heard it it did spur me on to lose weight.

    I remember my dad would go on about how huge my thighs were: 'You'd make a great cabin boy, because if you were stranded the whole crew could eat your thighs.' I only, very recently, realised that my thighs aren't actually particularly big.

    And from my mum, when I was showing off my goal weight jeans: 'Don't be too upset when you get too big for them again!' I did have a go at her for that one!
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I signed up to do a challenge called the Yorkshire Three Peaks - you walk/climb up 3 peaks, covering 24 miles and 6900 feet in 1 day (people aim to do it in 12 hours)

    A couple of close members of family told me I wouldn't do it because of my weight. Others just looked t menlike i was mental or lying. That hurt.

    Guess what?

    I was the fattest person that I saw doing it. It was hard, 12.5 hours of physical and mental effort. There were points where i could have curled up and cried. I had 12 blisters, a cut & bruised knee and i still have 2 black toenails!

    The people in our assigned group were utter ar$eholles to us to begin with as well, saying that we shouldn't be doing it ( me cos of my size, my friend because she was short and slow)

    But my mind is stronger than any other part of my body.

    I DID IT.

    I raised £600 for sick children.

    Don't listen to people who try to bring you down, they are just insecure themselves. Invest your emotional energy in yourself and those who believe in you.

    You are VERY cool! :drinker:
  • kotarah
    kotarah Posts: 25
    It's not what was said, but what was done. I got cornered in a movie theater with people taunting me, they were going to beat me up for being fat! Fantastic eh?
  • JaimeLaRae
    JaimeLaRae Posts: 279 Member
    I made a comment to my Dad that my brother in law had put on quite a bit of weight (I hadn't seen him in some time). Dad responded with "Well, have you looked in the mirror lately?". Ouch! Maybe it was karma, but that one hurt!!!
  • lamby284
    lamby284 Posts: 167 Member
    In College a random guy at a party said to me, "lose some weight and maybe I will give you a chance". I was about 30 lbs heavier then. I will never forget it. Also my dad used to say to me "do you really think you need that?" when I was in high school and would go into the kitchen for a snack.

    that's awful. especially the comment from your own dad. i had a friend in high school and her dad used to make comments like that to her. she was my height and even weighed LESS than I did, and she looked perfectly normal.
  • aprilkida
    aprilkida Posts: 117 Member
    When I was young my brother and his best friend would call me Tub O' Lard.
  • summerrose36
    summerrose36 Posts: 19 Member
    I have a lot of things said to me. When I was in school and didn't know I had PCOS, I was taunted by kids saying "Oh go eat more twinkies, "give it to her, she will eat anything" or " I can not believe you actually fit in that desk" and a guy who I had a major crush on in the middle school taped on my back "Wide load stand back 500ft" The teacher saw it and told whoever it was to take it off. I started crying

    When I started dating:"I wouldn't be with you, but you will be a better **** buddy" :" I dont date girls who weigh more than I do"
    "You would look better as a brunette and lose weight and you will be a hottie"

    When I got married and this was from my own mother in law "I do not think you look right in a dress, You should wear a pant suit" "The camera always will gain more weight, that is why I do not have photos of you, you and Josh should try to lose weight because that is a reason you can not have children"

    Im leaving that all in the past. I know I can lose weight and prove to everyone that it is not because I overeat or eat junk food. I have a condition and I want to kick it where it belongs
  • The fact that my husband tells me my weight affects my mood and such... And after I shed these 45 unwanted pounds we will do more, because my attitude about things will change! Well, what pisses me off is that we haven't done anything special in God knows when... And expecting me to drop this weight by tomorrow isn't necessarily motivating me either!
  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    I asked for a cigarette once on a night out and I got the response "cigarette or pigarette?" Hahaha
  • linsey76A
    linsey76A Posts: 102
    Honestly, the worst things said about my weight have been said BY me in my own head. :grumble:

    Yes, me too. I am sure people have said things, just not to my face. But truthfully, the most hurtful things are the things that i have said to myself.
  • The fact that my husband tells me my weight affects my mood and such... And after I shed these 45 unwanted pounds we will do more, because my attitude about things will change! Well, what pisses me off is that we haven't done anything special in God knows when... And expecting me to drop this weight by tomorrow isn't necessarily motivating me either!

    What is his favorite thing that you are still doing? I would stop doing that and say "we will do this again when you help motivate me to lose this weight in a positive way"
  • I had someone in high school that used to refer to me a fat sphere, thigh flapper (no joke). It made my weight battle even harder for me, and I said some pretty hateful things to myself about my weight.

    This is going to sound awful of me to say but, I ran in to her at Sam's club a few weeks ago, it is comforting to know that karma has bitten back. She is twice my current size, those four years of listening to her rude and hateful comments and me feeling horrible about myself went away when I saw that she now has to probably deal with the same.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Honestly, the worst things said about my weight have been said BY me in my own head. :grumble:

  • glahlstedt
    glahlstedt Posts: 308 Member
    My husband told me he wan't "physically attracted" to me anymore. That was 2 years after having our daughter...and going through invitro (gained 100lbs total) At that point I was about 190lbs at 5'8". (down 50lbs) I was devistated! I don't know how anyone could say that to someone they love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Also, my sister told me that I was "HUGE" the last time I visited her....that was about 2 years ago! That hurt my feeling bigtime!
  • jennibee70
    jennibee70 Posts: 1,067 Member
    At a birthday party with everyone dressed up and me feeling pretty hot, a "friend" taking a photo of me with two slim girls told me to move to the middle to make the photo more balanced! My nose is still out of joint that he would rather hurt my feelings than have an out-of-balance photo, but when I saw the photo, I do look huge!