What's the worst thing said about your weight ?



  • Mickermackee
    That I was not fat enough for a BBW but was too fat to be attractive to normal men.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    ive had the whole preggers thing SOOO many times :yawn: but i think the most imbarrasing was the dr's receptionist said to me oh i didnt know it was raining so hard outside....it wasn't raining at all i had just walked about 500 yards from my house to the dr's and was sweating alot! (ouchy) :sad:
  • tanyaslosingit
    tanyaslosingit Posts: 178 Member
    This is actually something I realized just last night.

    Back when I was about 14, my family took a trip to Mexico. I remember we were walking down the road one day when two local men were walking down the street opposite of us. They started snorting at us like pigs. I didn't know what it meant and my step-mom and step-sister said they probably were "cat-calling" us, like pretty much what they do in the states when they see a sexually attractive woman. I don't know what made me think about it last night (I'm 22 now), but I realized they weren't cat-calling anyone... They were calling me fat. Our obvious language barrier left them to say it the only way they knew how, which is making pig noises. I knew they did it at me, because my S-mom and S-sister are verrrry small.

    I was on the heavy side when I was 14. Pushing almost 170 lbs. I was fat. But 8 years later, I finally realized that was the first time I was openly called fat. It still hurt my feelings.

    Um, if you were obviously tourists or Americans, you were more likely being snorted at for being American pigs rather than fat!
  • DuhhMuffin
    ive had the whole preggers thing SOOO many times :yawn: but i think the most imbarrasing was the dr's receptionist said to me oh i didnt know it was raining so hard outside....it wasn't raining at all i had just walked about 500 yards from my house to the dr's and was sweating alot! (ouchy) :sad:

    Yeowch :x I think comments like that hurt the most because they're being completely genuine and are not trying to be nice, because what they're saying isn't mean :o
  • rockangel8907
    rockangel8907 Posts: 429 Member
    I was sitting here thinking the same thing! I am reading all these posts and getting down and they didn't even happen to me! No, my life has not been perfect but I am not going to sit around and let a@%es control my feelings and emotions. I have enough going on in my life to worry about what others say. Granted, I have not had anything like this happen to me in years (and I just started losing weight) but don't let it control you. Let it motivate you so when you start losing the weight, you can just walk by those people and give them the one finger wave! (Not real mature but they don't seem to me on the mature side either if they are talking about people's weight.) I am sure everyone has a "fault," "complex", or concern about themselves. Don't let it control you!

    Ya know that's easier said than done. It's not so easy when from the age of 6-14 you are told daily by your father that you are fat and ugly and pathetic and that you will die alone, that no amount of money in the world would buy you a husband let alone a boyfriend. Sorry but that **** stays with you. I still struggle daily with feeling like I am worth it because of my fathers ****. Sometimes you can't just let it roll off your back.
  • summerrose36
    summerrose36 Posts: 19 Member
    I have a lot of things said to me. When I was in school and didn't know I had PCOS, I was taunted by kids saying "Oh go eat more twinkies, "give it to her, she will eat anything" or " I can not believe you actually fit in that desk"

    When I started dating:"I wouldn't be with you, but you will be a better **** buddy" :" I dont date girls who weigh more than I do"
    "You would look better as a brunette and lose weight and you will be a hottie"

    When I got married and this was from my own mother in law "I do not think you look right in a dress, You should wear a pant suit" "The camera always will gain more weight, that is why I do not have photos of you, you and Josh should try to lose weight because that is a reason you can not have children"

    Im leaving that all in the past. I know I can lose weight and prove to everyone that it is not because I overeat or eat junk food. I have a condition and I want to kick it where it belongs
  • ncruso24
    ncruso24 Posts: 37 Member
    I have been asked if I was preggers a million times. One woman (a customer) came in 3 weeks after asking if I was pregnant to make sure I wasn't because she was so sure I was! Also, my father called me thunder thighs since I can remember and used to tell my mother not to buy my favorite foods because I was getting too fat. I've never been obese like him, but he was convinced that I was going to be any second and I was going to develop diabetes. He was brutal about it. Also, my mom always said how she hates fat people (she is 5'9 and 113 lbs). She would say, just let your fat eat itself. Just stop eating and you'll lose weight. I eat whatever I want, I don't understand what your problem is. Or, you're def Italian, you like food too much and are too heavy to be from my side. It's amazing I didn't develop an eating disorder.
  • Tjack1931
    Tjack1931 Posts: 5 Member
    Sorry to hear that weight is not important what is inside is what matters keep up the good work you can do it and show them that you are not only pretty on the inside but also on the outside :flowerforyou:
  • JULIEdance
    JULIEdance Posts: 139 Member
    My grandmother:
    "You´re too big for that dress, you should stop wearing it. And don´t think you can lose weight, look at me and your mother, it´s genetics. You can do nothing about it." (I was nowhere close to fat even back ten, but I did lose some weight and toned up too)
    And then came this:
    "Come here, quick! I must take a photo of you, who knows how long you will stay this thin!"
    "I used to be just as thin as you are!"
    "You look much better now. Have you gained 2 grams?"
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    This all reminds me, and I regret that I wasn't present for this at the time, but:

    I have a buddy whose wife is pretty obese. I'm not sure what she weighs, don't really care (except I'd like to see her in better shape of course), but anywho, we're in Orlando this last September at a large open air mall and she wanted to shop a bit more on her own, so we (myself, the husband, another buddy) split apart and trek elsewhere.

    We run into her a while later - we can tell even from like 100 yards away that she is fuming mad. At first she wouldn't tell us what was wrong, but then we got it out of her - coming out of a store, she *almost* ran into a man who had his two younger kids along, and he pretty much tore into her. He actually told her in front of small children that she should go to a concentration camp for a while. I think she was actually more hurt by the fact that he would influence his kids that way than the comment itself, but needless to say, my buddies and I were ready to give this guy a piece of our mind if we ran into him!
  • jlr316
    jlr316 Posts: 21
    "you better start running for those cottage cheese thighs" - (150 at 5'9 too *eyeroll*)

    "eating AGAIN?" <--- I can't tell you how many times I heard this from my father, but I think it comes from a place of insecurity about his own weight.
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member

    ^^ exactly this...my heart breaks for every one of you...and I'm sorry people are so mean.
  • Goldie_13
    Honestly, the worst things said about my weight have been said BY me in my own head. :grumble:

  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    Fat girls are easy because they're so desperate. :noway:
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    "you better start running for those cottage cheese thighs" - (150 at 5'9 too *eyeroll*)

    "eating AGAIN?" <--- I can't tell you how many times I heard this from my father, but I think it comes from a place of insecurity about his own weight.

    That's crazy - 150lbs at 5'9" is generally seen as a pretty good weight!
  • Lambeze
    Lambeze Posts: 237
    I was told that my career would be over if I was fat and it looked like I was storing pony kegs on my side and a full party up front waiting.
  • opalescence
    opalescence Posts: 413 Member
    A lot, but the thing that stands out most to me happened when I was 13 and went school clothes shopping with my mom. After trying on a pair of 13's that were pretty snug, she looked at me and said, "If you don't stop gaining weight, I'm going to take you to a fat doctor." Which meant she was going to take me to get put on weight loss pills, because that's what most of my family did... and they didn't lose a pound. She never took me, though, but that doesn't mean she didn't continue to harp on me about my weight. She never changed the things she bought at the grocery store, either. :ohwell:

    Needless to say, her words really didn't do much to change my eating habits.

    Oh yeah, and my grandma, who was obese, always asking me, "why can't you be skinny like your cousins?"

    This is so eerily accurate except I did get taken to the fat doc put on pills, encouraged *cough* forced to join Nutri system when I was 12.

    I couldn't begin to tell you all the hurtful things said to me through my life... People are disappointing :frown:
  • moriuh
    moriuh Posts: 72 Member
    I'm pretty good at ignoring it and not talking to anyone I think would belittle me for my weight...but I remember when I was nine, my mom said I looked like I was about to have a baby. That one hurt a lot. And in middle school, whenever I ran, some guys would act like there was an earthquake. Also in middle school, we were heading back towards the locker room, and I think I was listening in on some girls conversation, and when they noticed, one turned around and said something like "Go eat a piece of cake, fatty." And in 6th grade, in the locker room, I heard some girls pointing out I had stretch marks so I must have had a baby, so I stopped changing into gym clothes from that point on, which caused me to fail 4 years of gym. :c Middle school was probably the worst time for that ****, high school I was to much of a ***** to let anyone say **** about me without calling them out.
  • layapooh15
    layapooh15 Posts: 64 Member
    They called me precious from the movie
  • missANWilson
    missANWilson Posts: 24 Member
    In middle school they called me a hippo and high school some called me just plain fat or my teacher called me extremely obese and failed me from gym even though i did everything. but i just got the normal fatass. My teacher other teacher was talking about obesity and she told me I was "her favorite one" and we didn't catch it till we walked away and i got offended.