AttyMomOf3 Member


  • Name: Christina Age: 43 Height: 5'6" Start weight (1st Feb): 211 Goal weight (1st March):206 Weigh ins: 1st Feb: 211 I really needed some motivation, so I am hoping this helps. I have just returned to MFP after a long time off it. In that time, I have gained even more weight.
  • ^^^This^^^
  • I took them in 2010 and lost 50 pounds, but gained most of it back about a year after I stopped, then I started MFP and lost 30 pounds with good diet & exercise, but fell off the wagon and have gained 15 back. I am planning to go back to the weight loss doctor to try again because I need a jump start before I completely…
  • Welcome and congratulations for winning all of the other battles you have fought. You are a survivor and that is an amazing thing. I would be honored to be your MFPal! Good luck reaching your goals!!
  • I'm always happy to add new friends! I have 3 kids too!
  • You look great!!! Congratulations on a wonderful accomplishment!!
  • I highly recommend the FitBit. It is such a cool little gadget and I think especially helpful for a working parent's schedule. Even if you can't fit in a proper workout, you can fit in little bursts of extra steps and this device let's you see graphically how that leads to extra calorie burn. It really adds up. It helps to…
  • I think you should write a book or get your own exercise show or something! I am more inspired by your post than any other person I have known or post I have read. Congratulations on your impressive success!! I know how very hard it has been for me to lose 30 lbs in 5 months, so I can only imagine the determination and…
  • OMG! I love your smile!! I have had a particularly difficult day, but I opened up your post and you made me grin. Thank you!! You look beautiful and I am so impressed with your success!! Great job!! Your hard work is definitely paying off!! Thanks for sharing your very inspiring photos!!!
  • ^^^This is beautiful. Welcome, Debs! I hope you find all the support you need to start making healthier choices and begin feeling proud of yourself again!! There are many really wonderful people here on MFP. Feel free to add me. Best of luck to you on your journey!!
  • Joseph, I am old enough to be your Mom, so I may not be the MFPal you are looking for. My best advice is to make gradual changes that you can learn to live with forever. You can buy pre-made food that is much better than fast food and you just heat it in the microwave. For example, pre-cooked chicken breast, the frozen…
  • I think it depends on your nutritional needs and beliefs about sugar. I am trying to limit my sugar, all kinds - even naturally occurring from healthy choices, so I always watch it. I love fresh fruit, but try to have smaller portions of those fruits that are high in sugar (like bananas or pineapple) and more fruit that is…
  • WTG everyone! Congratulations SgtCyd!! I hope I will see you all back in April for another challenge! :)
  • Congratulations SgtCyd! WTG!! Thanks so much, Tina, for hosting the challenge! I'm sorry to be eliminated, but I enjoyed being part of it. Good luck to the remaining challengers!!
  • Hello everyone, So last week, I worked out super hard and saw no weight loss. This week I think it finally caught up and I am down 2 lbs. It has been a crazy week for me (next week isn't looking much better), so I didn't exercise nearly as much as I should have. Overall, I am pleased, but hope maybe next week I can do…
  • Congratulations, Sboo!!! Well done! Sorry to see two of our group go, but I'm glad I am still in it. I hope I can have a better week this week.
  • Hi everyone, I thought I was having a good week, but the scale says otherwise. I've lost no weight this week and my stomach is really bloated. :) Female age 40 Current Weight: 171 Height: 5'6" Current waist inches: 37" Current hips inches: 41.75" Current wrist inches: 6" Current forearm inches: 10" Current bust: 41.5" (w/…
  • I just wanted to say hello to all the challengers! I had a great run yesterday that I credit completely to this challenge. I didn't get on the treadmill until almost 10pm and I was tired and didn't want do it. I didn't want to give up on the challenge so soon though, so I made myself get on. I ended up having one of my…
  • Looking at the other check-ins, I thought I should add a couple notes to mine. I have been checking in daily, so I may not need this, but I have done all daily exercise challenges plus 100 burpees. I have been under calorie every day, but I missed water on 4 days. Goodnight all!
  • Female age 40 Current Weight: 171 Height: 5'6" Current waist inches: 35" Current hips inches: 42" Current wrist inches: 6" Current forearm inches: 10.5" Current bust: 41.5" (w/ bra on) Current neck: 13" Current thigh: 25.25" Current calf: 16.5" This is the best I have ever done in this period of time. I am so excited! I…
  • Challenge done for 2/9, except for water again. I don't know why that has been so hard for me. I also logged 5.9 miles today and 25 minutes of circuit training. I am going to try to get my measurements and weight in tomorrow because I will be out of the house early on Saturday with the kids for basketball. This challenge…
  • 2/8/12 = challenge done. Feeling really tired today! Also, logged 3.5 miles and did 100 sidebends and 100 punch twists (figured I would work all the core muscles while I was at it). I hope all of the challengers are excited for the first check in!
  • Hi everyone, 2/7 challenge done, plus I finally completed my 100 burpees. I logged 6.8 miles today too, but I haven't been counting the other stuff I do besides the challenge stuff. I will start adding it if it counts. I am having another bad water day, so I doubt I will get all the way to 8 today. Very excited to reach…
  • 2/6 challenge exercises are done and I have 85 of the 100 burpees, but I am not doing well with my water today. I will try to get in more before bed, but I will probably be a little short. I hope everyone is off to a good start this week!!
  • 2/5 challenge DONE! Still drinking my last water...
  • Wow! I made myself do it. I finished today's challenge! I spent the day with the kids at the amusement park and I was exhausted when I got home. But this challenge has been so motivating to me. I didn't want to miss a challenge day. I also just got a FitBit and wanted to get my "stairs badge" so I also walked my stairs 10x…
  • Hi Lexie -- I am 40 and I have lost about 15 lbs since starting MFP about 2 months ago. I still have about 50 lbs to lose, so I should be on here for quite awhile. I find it helpful and motivating to see everyone's exercises and all their good effort. I try to get on regularly to be supportive to my MFPs and love when I…
  • Today's Challenge is done! Yay! Plus I have another 40 burpees for a total of 70. I'm so excited about this challenge!!