2012 February Biggest Loser Challenge



  • If anyone on teh Challenge could explain the "swimmers" to me I would really appreciate it! I did push-ups in its place last night, but it is scheduled for tonight again and I would like to do this right. Thank you!!!

    You lay on your stomach with your arms straight in front of you (so they're along side each of your ears). Then what you're going to do is lift your LEFT leg with your RIGHT arm and hold the position, then slowly put it down and do the same for the RIGHT leg and LEFT arm. It will look like you are swimming in s-l-o-w motion.
  • AttyMomOf3
    AttyMomOf3 Posts: 145 Member
    If anyone on the Challenge could explain the "swimmers" to me I would really appreciate it! I did push-ups in its place last night, but it is scheduled for tonight again and I would like to do this right. Thank you!!!

    You lay on your stomach with your arms straight in front of you (so they're along side each of your ears). Then what you're going to do is lift your LEFT leg with your RIGHT arm and hold the position, then slowly put it down and do the same for the RIGHT leg and LEFT arm. It will look like you are swimming in s-l-o-w motion.

    You are an Angel!! :) Thanks very much!
  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    I am respectfully backing out. I wish everyone the best. Take care.
  • juliamichelle74
    juliamichelle74 Posts: 6 Member
    I just found this Challenge and hope I am not too late!

    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: 235.4(not for long!!!!)
    Waist: 49.5
    Hips: 53.25
  • SgtCyd
    SgtCyd Posts: 25
    Wowzers - what a day!!

    Didn't get our daily challenges until too late yesterday so, I am one day behind and did yesterday's today! And, just for spite threw in 45 jumping jacks and 15 burpees to boot.

    I'm amazed that I am under my calorie goals but it is all thanks to the tracking this site allows me to do. Just finishing off the last of the required water but will have more later on this evening, with a slice of lemon for desert!

    Keep up the great work everyone!!
  • I am late joining but I wasn't all familiar with this site. I am just not coming in. It's only been 1 day so I can catch up

    Name: Monikah
    Height: 5' 9"
    Current Weight: 193
    Current waist inches: 37
    Current hips inches: 43
    Current wrist inches: 6
    Current forearm inches: 9.5
    Neck: 14
  • AttyMomOf3
    AttyMomOf3 Posts: 145 Member
    Today's Challenge is done! Yay! Plus I have another 40 burpees for a total of 70. I'm so excited about this challenge!!
  • OK, so today was worse than yesterday- what's up with that!????? And, I'm under the weather today, I'm sure that's what's up. Some people don't eat when they are sick - I tend to eat more, no fair! Anyway, my stats are:
    Age 34
    Height 5'8"
    Weight 279
    Waist 46
    Hips 52
    Bust 47
    Arms 14
    Neck 17
    Thighs 23

    I did record everything I ate and drank today and I made my water quota and my exercise quota - so tomorrow to be on track with the food quota too and I'll be back on my way!
  • spgabby86
    spgabby86 Posts: 323 Member
    Well Gang...Thursdays Challenge DONE! :love:


    BLC ~ Thurs. Feb. 2nd: 3 sets of 15 wood chops, 3 sets of 15 swimmers presses & 3.1 mile (46 mins 360 calories)

    SEXY SWEETHEARTS ~ 50 Floor Toe Touch ~ 50 Standing Oblique twist ~ 50 Scissor kicks

  • LuizH
    LuizH Posts: 211 Member
    Thursday 2nd Challenge DONE :-) plus 20 burpees. Under calories (despite a trip to KFC:embarassed: ), and all 64oz water drunk.

    No rest for me today, because I've got to catch up on the Wednesday challenge
  • dino1147
    dino1147 Posts: 178 Member
    No rest for me either today, gotta do Wednesday's challenge as well! BTW burpee's are from the devil!
  • dino1147
    dino1147 Posts: 178 Member
    As much as I hate to do it please change my start weight to 225.4

    My boss bought a new digital scale and I weighed this morning, it will be the scale I"m using on a regular basis and to check in on.
  • tsumpter
    tsumpter Posts: 491
    Remember that we must win small battles to win the war. So, don't get discouraged and keep your eyes on the reward.....

  • tsumpter
    tsumpter Posts: 491
    No rest for me either today, gotta do Wednesday's challenge as well! BTW burpee's are from the devil!

    Agree, I dislike them as well but they are effective. Wait until the Bear Walk!!!!

  • tsumpter
    tsumpter Posts: 491
    Well Gang...Thursdays Challenge DONE! :love:


    BLC ~ Thurs. Feb. 2nd: 3 sets of 15 wood chops, 3 sets of 15 swimmers presses & 3.1 mile (46 mins 360 calories)

    SEXY SWEETHEARTS ~ 50 Floor Toe Touch ~ 50 Standing Oblique twist ~ 50 Scissor kicks


    You go girl....look at that weight loss 49 lbs. awesome....
  • alliesun53
    alliesun53 Posts: 160 Member
    Is it too late to join this challenge? I've never done one before and I'd like to start...more motivation! :) Also, if someone would kindly let me know how these even work. How do you know daily/weekly challenges?
  • Ok, so I'm not sure if you want us checking in daily after we have completed the Challenges or not. But so far, I have completed everything.

    Feb. 1st: Completed 3 sets/15 swimmers, 3 sets/15 wood chops (with 10lb wts) and 10 mermaids
    Completed Bonus Challenge: 100 Burpees + 80 oz water.
    Also additional 50 crunches

    Feb. 2nd: Completed 3 sets/15 swimmers, 3 sets/15 wood chops (with 10lb wts) and ran/walk 3.1 miles + 80 oz water
    Also added in 400 crunches and a 2 min. plank

  • So, today was still hard, but much better than yesterday! Yesterday I went way, way over my food intake. Today I was over, but nothing an extra 20 minutes on a bike wouldn't cure. Tomorrow I'll have to see if I can stay in goal!!!!!!!!!!!! No check on the weight loss yet, that'll come on Tuesday. But, until then I need to ramp up the exercise in order to lose! I can't do all the ones listed in this challenge because of a health issue, but I'm doing what I can!
  • SgtCyd
    SgtCyd Posts: 25
    Have to say: I am really proud of myself today!

    Completed everything, including over water, under calories, caught up on my daily challenges, ahead of my weekly challenge goal AND I went out with friends tonight!!!
    Planned for and only had 3 small glasses of red wine and drank water throughout the evening.
    Friday is usually a really bad day for watching my intake but today worked out really well and my friends were the best! Respecting my wish to reduce the intake of alcohol!! And we still had a blast!

    Great day! I have to say! :bigsmile:
  • SgtCyd
    SgtCyd Posts: 25
    ALLIESUN53 ---

    Not sure if it is too late, but tag along anyway! You can still monitor and see how you are doing compared to us.

    It's my first and doing the extra stuff has been great! Just read tsumpter's posts for what we are doing! She is our leader and each of her posts from day one has all the stuff we are doing.

    Good luck and keep yourself motivated!