Diet Pills...

K you can all stop now.


  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Insert *in before the lock* gif. Here.

    I eat 2000 calories a day, don't take speed, and feel fabulous.

    I used to be addicted to prescription amphetamines (which is what phentermine is) and I was super skinny.
    I also damaged my kidneys and heart, took 10 years off my life according to my doctors, hair fell out, skin broken out, hollowed eyes with dark circles, and I gained 100 pounds when I got off of them due to the extreme damage to my metabolism.

    Good luck!

    Obviously this is the extreme but just remember that amphetamines are highly addictive so be careful!
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    The doctor put me on a low-cal diet, which is only 400 calories a day. It sounds very unhealthy, but the doctor explained to me how it was healthy for this diet.

    Find a new doctor.
  • geonbaeLeilee
    geonbaeLeilee Posts: 606 Member
    The doctor put me on a low-cal diet, which is only 400 calories a day. It sounds very unhealthy, but the doctor explained to me how it was healthy for this diet.

    Find a new doctor.

    ^This. Sounds like a quack. O.o
  • LovingMe19
    LovingMe19 Posts: 380 Member
    The doctor put me on a low-cal diet, which is only 400 calories a day. It sounds very unhealthy, but the doctor explained to me how it was healthy for this diet.

    Find a new doctor.

  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Of course you lost 23 pounds, it's called STARVATION. Also, eating less than an anorexic is never healthy, regardless of the DRUG you're being given along with it. Doc's just making money off of you. Ditch the drugs and just eat sensibly.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    Please update everyone in about 6 months to let us know where you are at and how this is working.
  • Car0lynnM
    Car0lynnM Posts: 332 Member
    A few years ago I went on phentermine to lose about 20 pounds. It worked at the time. I saw a nutritionist and was put on 1200 per day. I felt okay (didn't sleep much though). Problem was, it's not a sustainable lifestyle. Are you going to stay on the phentermine for the rest of your life? I gained the weight back (and more) immediately after going off the medication. Now, I am losing weight on my own.

    My suggestion? Stay on the plan your doctor has you on, but keep in close contact with her (him). Meet with a nutritionist and come up with a plan for when you go off the medication. Sounds like you are doing okay for now, but I'd hate to see you crash and gain later on. Make sure you are able to transition to the healthy lifestyle and sustain your weight loss. Best of luck to you!!
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    That's basically what I did when my doctor gave me phen phen. I think I was on them for three weeks and he didnt renew the presctription. But I sure lost a lot of weight. That was ages ago, and I was not overweight. When I got over weight I couldnt even get a written diet from my doctor, let alone a diet pill. He told me to stop eating so much. Those were sad times. Good luck with your diet, I hope things work out for you. Hope you dont stay on the pills too long. This is your decision and nobody else's.
  • AttyMomOf3
    AttyMomOf3 Posts: 145 Member
    I took them in 2010 and lost 50 pounds, but gained most of it back about a year after I stopped, then I started MFP and lost 30 pounds with good diet & exercise, but fell off the wagon and have gained 15 back. I am planning to go back to the weight loss doctor to try again because I need a jump start before I completely lose my motivation. I understand all of the negative comments, but I believe that everyone has to make the choice that is best for them. If a medical doctor has determined that the benefits outweigh the risks for you and monitors your health and progress, then I believe it is a valid option. I wish you much luck!
  • Jkelly1221
    Jkelly1221 Posts: 91 Member
    I don't think doctors usually EVER put anyone on anything less than 1000 calories-at least not that I've ever heard of personally. 400 is insane. I just had a tonsillectomy Friday and I've been eating 400 calories a day b/c all I can eat are popsicles...and I can't function. A simple walk to the bathroom leaves me feeling faint and like I want to throw up. Nothing about this is a good idea. Just do it the right patient...its worth it. You seem like you have about the same amount of weight to lose that I did when I started...its overwhelming but very doable
  • AttyMomOf3
    AttyMomOf3 Posts: 145 Member
    A few years ago I went on phentermine to lose about 20 pounds. It worked at the time. I saw a nutritionist and was put on 1200 per day. I felt okay (didn't sleep much though). Problem was, it's not a sustainable lifestyle. Are you going to stay on the phentermine for the rest of your life? I gained the weight back (and more) immediately after going off the medication. Now, I am losing weight on my own.

    My suggestion? Stay on the plan your doctor has you on, but keep in close contact with her (him). Meet with a nutritionist and come up with a plan for when you go off the medication. Sounds like you are doing okay for now, but I'd hate to see you crash and gain later on. Make sure you are able to transition to the healthy lifestyle and sustain your weight loss. Best of luck to you!!

  • DonaA123
    DonaA123 Posts: 337 Member
  • larajenkins
    larajenkins Posts: 4 Member
    I was on the same pills a few years back and I lost 30 pounds in a couple months. By the time the third month came around I started having a reaction to the pills so I had to stop taking them. After that I gained all of the weight back plus some.
  • The doctor put me on a low-cal diet, which is only 400 calories a day. It sounds very unhealthy, but the doctor explained to me how it was healthy for this diet.

    Find a new doctor.


    THis times 1000
  • Agreed... 400 calories per day! That is the most stupid thing I have heard of, I have lost 45 kilos, no diet pills and yes it is hard but if you are committed you can do it.

    The doctor put me on a low-cal diet, which is only 400 calories a day. It sounds very unhealthy, but the doctor explained to me how it was healthy for this diet.

    Find a new doctor.
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    I recently went to a doctor and I got started on these diet pills called phentermine. I have been having a lot of luck with them. I have lost around 23 lbs since Aug. 3. The doctor put me on a low-cal diet, which is only 400 calories a day. It sounds very unhealthy, but the doctor explained to me how it was healthy for this diet. The pills keep my metabolism where it is supposed to be, and along with the low-cal diet, it shrinks my stomach back to where it is supposed to be. I also take some vitamins because I am obviously not getting all the nutrition I need. As for working out, I do a few small exercises to tone so that I don't get the flabby arms, legs, and tummy. I also walk for 30 mins a day. Was wondering if there was anyone that would want to add me that was also on diet pills of any kind so that I could have some encouragement, because it does get VERY hard sometimes to resist temptation and just cheat. And please, if you have anything negative to say about the diet, keep your comments to yourself. I've heard it all, and it really gets old. Thanks.

    Then why did you bother posting this? Seriously, you knew that people would take issue with it and tell you to get a new doc, not to take the pills, do it the healthy way, why bother? :huh:
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    Too late...I already quoted you.
  • Thank you for not bashing. I really appreciate it.
  • I recently went to a doctor and I got started on these diet pills called phentermine. I have been having a lot of luck with them. I have lost around 23 lbs since Aug. 3. The doctor put me on a low-cal diet, which is only 400 calories a day. It sounds very unhealthy, but the doctor explained to me how it was healthy for this diet. The pills keep my metabolism where it is supposed to be, and along with the low-cal diet, it shrinks my stomach back to where it is supposed to be. I also take some vitamins because I am obviously not getting all the nutrition I need. As for working out, I do a few small exercises to tone so that I don't get the flabby arms, legs, and tummy. I also walk for 30 mins a day. Was wondering if there was anyone that would want to add me that was also on diet pills of any kind so that I could have some encouragement, because it does get VERY hard sometimes to resist temptation and just cheat. And please, if you have anything negative to say about the diet, keep your comments to yourself. I've heard it all, and it really gets old. Thanks.

    Then why did you bother posting this? Seriously, you knew that people would take issue with it and tell you to get a new doc, not to take the pills, do it the healthy way, why bother? :huh:
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    I took phentermine once out of desparation. BIG MISTAKE. After I gained the weight back (plus more), I am nasty flabby from the rapid weight loss. I never had a gut before in MY LIFE, but I'm rocking a tubby belly now.

    The medication suppresses your appetite so severely that you are rarely hungry. When you stop taking it, that appetite is coming back, FULL FORCE. You will be eating the same way that got you to the point of "I need to lose weight" in the first place.

    You will ultimately do what you want to do and those quick pounds can be hard to ignore, but I can't imagine this is gonna end in the results you want.

    I'm not a doctor, but a doctor that gives you phentermine and supports a 400cal intake is a QUACK. In retrospect, the doctor that gave me phentermine was a dumbass. I wasn't NEARLY as big as I am now, and he let me talk him into it easily. If you don't think your doctor is a quack, I challenge you to at least get a second opinion.

    I won't be checking this thread or replying anymore because I could quickly escalate to violence, but I'm leaving my two cents for you to consider.
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