Kasya007 Member


  • How much are you burning with Insanity? According to my Garmin HRM, I only ever burned 220-270 per 40 minute session (and way less on recovery days). I would tailor it accordingly, say 1300-1600.
  • I wish!! I take so many supplements and eat 5-10 servings of veggies a day and my hair still falls out in mass, while my nails are still so thin & flexible that I couldn't open a can of soda if I tried. Thank goodness I don't drink soda. :laugh:
  • Absolutely! Mind you, it will whoop your rear for the first few weeks, but it will also give you great results if you stick to it. Insanity doesn't require weights or products at all, and provides one of the best work outs I've ever had, (and that's saying something coming from someone that can run 40+ miles per week). My…
  • This specific style of Moving Comfort bra was the best fitness related investment I ever made. http://www.movingcomfort.com/Juno/350025,default,pd.html
  • Dolce & Gabbana - The original scent with the red cap. Guerlain - Shalimar Parfum Initial Bvlgari - Au Thé Rouge
  • Reaction #1: Sits back & waits patiently for reaction #2. :bigsmile:
  • I happily drink Silk Chocolate Soy milk, Coconut Dream Coconut Milk & Almond Breeze Almond Milk almost on a daily basis & I'm not fat. Everything in moderation. :smile:
  • Nike+ is good for beginners, I personally loved the motivational messages you would get when you beat an old record. I started with Nike+, but found it unreliable at times. Some days it would freeze the the iPod or iPhone & I'd lose my entire run, other days it would cut km's off of runs, and THAT is discouraging as well…
  • Anytime chicka! :wink: :heart:
  • I have a MAAAAJOR sweet tooth, but I don't lose an ounce unless I completely cut out as many sugars as possible, so here are a few of my treats: - Hershey's Sugar-Free Caramel-Filled Chocolates - 30 calories per chocolate. - Reese's Sugar-Free Peanut Butter Cups - 36 calories per cup. - Werther's Sugar-Free Hard Candies -…
  • Girl, I eat handfuls of almonds all day long & they aren't hindering my loss. Don't deny yourself the things you love, especially a combo so ridiculously healthy, like yogurt & almonds. You're missing out on so much lean protein, amino acids, probiotics, vitamins & minerals. That combo is chock full of nutrition, calories…
  • 5'4", small framed, and happily bouncing between 112-115, but aiming for 108. (Highest was 172, 10 years ago).
  • I'm just 2 hours north of you in the Muskoka area. It's a 4 pack with 2 reds, 1 yellow and 1 orange and grown in Canada. I buy it every week and thought nothing of the cost until now. I also buy from a Loblaw's store, but one of their Independent Grocer stores, (which could explain the pricing)?!?
  • WOW! Where the in Canada did you get that? OMG, a 4 pack of peppers is 6.99 here in Ontario (not even organic), & if you buy them individually it's approx., 2.50 per pepper.
  • It's all in how you look at smoking. A change of attitude is the key to quitting, and it's easier than any smoker believes it to be. ~ ~ ~ I smoked from the ages of 13-28, worked my way up to a pack a day habit, and proudly quit 2.5 years ago. Since then I have become an avid runner (training for my first half marathon…
  • Haha! Now THIS is funny: 1. Water - Bottled or Tap 2. Caltrate - Calcium & Vitamin D Soft Chews Vanilla 3. San Pelligrino - Natural Mineral Water Let me sift through & dig the foods out from between the water & supplements: 1. Nuts - Almonds 2. Spinach - Raw 3. Cucumber - With peel, raw
  • This past summer, I'd have to say, these were my two favourite that I created. There will be many more to come once I finish the mustard that I have open in the fridge and move onto another one of the 13 jars of specialty Dijon I purchased in Paris. (The ingredients are all inspired by each individual mustard). Inspired by…
  • That. ...Also, I :heart: you for saying that. :smile:
  • I'm just repeating what everyone else is saying, but you eat terribly. You may hit or be under your calorie goals, but I personally wouldn't put ANY of what you eat into my body, for none of it is actual fuel. You have NO vegetables or fresh foods within your diet (corn is not a vegetable in my eyes, it's junk). Also, you…
  • 5'4" & planning on getting to 110 lbs again. Although I did just find that all of my old size 24" Rock & Republics fit again for the first time in a couple of years, so I could be very satisfied with just that. :smile:
  • I LOVE fruit, nearly all of it (with the exception of melons, blech). That is, unless I'm near goal & trying to cut body fat, then it has to go. Damned sugars, the minute I cut them out I started seeing visible results and fast. As delicious as it is, I swear that stuff is nature's junk food. :laugh:
  • Wombat, you've never had any metatarsal-phalangeal issues with the combo of VFF's, your foot strike & distance running? Now, you've got me curious about how builds & bio-mechanics play a role with the success &/or failure of VFF's. High arch, low arch, regular? Pronator, supinator, neutral? What surfaces are you running on…
  • Oh, they could definitely handle 5k a few times a week! It's the 10k, 15k, 20k, 25k I found they just weren't suitable for, even after a couple of months of getting used to them, (& especially when running 6 days per week). You're right though, it's probably for the very reason you mentioned, the super thin Sprint sole. I…
  • Why are you seeking extra protein & why do you not want to use protein powder? There are some good ones out there that aren't all sugar & filler? Though, you do really have to look hard for them. I personally use protein powder, because I simply can't get enough protein into my diet to repair my muscles during my training,…
  • My concern with you moving to a minimalist shoe is that your feet ALREADY hurt when you get home in a shoe that has more sole than a Vibram. What type of pain is it? Joint? Arch? Heel? The balls of your feet from the pounding? Also, what distances do you run? And what's your weekly mileage like? If you do buy them, they…
  • Happily single!! Never married, no brats, loving life! :laugh:
  • Not yet, but I will be in 10 years, thanks for asking! LOL. :laugh: I'm 30 and childless by choice with no desire for them, (and even less desire when I am around my friends who have them). Thank you for starting this thread, it's nice to see so many of us out there. Heck, we should make a group if there isn't already one,…
  • Wow, thank you!
  • We've hit the bumping jackpot! <3 Quinoa.