does anyone do beachbody- Insanity Delux?

Do you think a beginner could do it?

Any tips for anyone been through it?



  • donna_do_good
    Do you think a beginner could do it?

    Any tips for anyone been through it?


    Also I don't have weights will this matter
  • Kasya007
    Kasya007 Posts: 165 Member
    Absolutely! Mind you, it will whoop your rear for the first few weeks, but it will also give you great results if you stick to it. Insanity doesn't require weights or products at all, and provides one of the best work outs I've ever had, (and that's saying something coming from someone that can run 40+ miles per week).

    My biggest tip is to take it slowly. Whatever you do in the beginning, DON'T try to keep up with Shaun T, you'll just end up feeling really sore & really defeated. Believe in yourself & know that it takes time to build that fitness base & that you will get there. :smile:
  • muamontreal
    muamontreal Posts: 109 Member
    I don't have the delux set just the regular one .

    I was a beginner when I started it 3 weeks ago. I just needed to adjust some movements ( no suicide squats, just regular squats for me) . I can see improvement now but the 1st week was very hard. I love it , it's fun and easy to fit in a mom-working girl schedule :bigsmile:

    No need for weights but I bought those thingies for push ups because I had pain in my wrists, and I already had a yoga mat...

    I hope you'll like it !
  • donna_do_good
    Thanks so much both of you. Need to focus on the exercise. Can't decide between the 30ds and Insanity. Opinions?
  • mrsmark2010
    I've done both 30ds, didn't finish it, I got bored. Also have finished insanity. Insanity is much tougher and will bring results, if you stick with it. After Insanity, I can't go back to normal cardio. Its so intense and I am a sweaty mess but I feel GREAT! I do one of the workouts almost every morning now. It starts the day right. Plus month 1 is only about 40 min long!
  • donna_do_good
    Thanks again everyone. I think i'm swaying towards insanity. I know itll kill me but I need to do something.... Wish me luck lol