i know its awful but ..... critique my diary plz



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    First of all at 5 foot 4 and 130 lbs u should not need to lose that much weight. Thats my opinion. As far as your food diary goes, how about cutting out on some of the processed foods and adding in more fruits, veggies, lean protien and whole grain carbs.

    I am 5' 4" with a large frame. When I was healthy and fit as a teenager, I weighed 130. If you are a small frame, then you don't have much to lose. I would simply keep eating what you're eating and start some strength training.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    1. Stop tracking sodium unless you have blood pressure concerns
    2. Start tracking, and eating lots of, protein
    3. Eat some fruit and veg.
    4. Cut down on guesstimates.
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    Also @xarge, not to put you on the spot, but look at your diary...you are hitting your goals and exceeding them slightly in many cases. I bet you have no problem losing still, am I right? Just making the point...that it is important to be close to your goals, not under by several hundred. Also the fact that OP is close to goal weight most likely, being that height/weight, I would consider setting MFP to a loss rate of .5lb/week, you will most likely get better results doing it slow and steady with where you are at.

    Oh, I don't back away from eating but if we don't count the last couple of day (ahem, not a good time of the month) I'm trying to stay away from my nemesis (too much grains and sugar) because if I don't and indulge myself for one day (even in calorie goals), next day I feel terrible, I get an upset stomach so it haunts me back and in some cases, I can barely eat enough. But I agree, I did lose on not so good food choices before so it's completely possible. And I agree. She is close to her goal and there it gets really slow.
  • LovelyLifter
    LovelyLifter Posts: 560 Member
    Veggies woman

    and PROTEIN!!! <
    you need to track that *kitten*
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Here are some stats for 5' 4" women:
    108 pounds for a small frame, 120 pounds for a medium frame, and 132 pounds for a large frame.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Veggies woman

    and PROTEIN!!! <
    you need to track that *kitten*

    Yeah, I just realized that it's missing. Track your protein, OP! :smile:
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    Where's the fruit and veg and proper food?

    YUP. Nix the processed goods. Green veggies are what you need. Protein is good, but how you're getting it is loaded with fat. You can bread your own chicken with zero fat and make it taste great and lose weight that way, too.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    quick question - why are you not showing proteins?

    Edit -- I see others saw this too.
  • LadyGreatrick
    I've had a similar experience (especially with the last few pounds to loose) and I was doing what you are doing: not eating enough calories! Don't have such a big deficit OR eat at maintenance 3 days a week and 1500 4 days a week. This did the trick for me.

    And of course eat less sugar/blah blah. You know :) good luck and would be interested to know how you get on!

    Also 130lb for your height sounds pretty perfect... Maybe think about toning rather than weight loss if you're worried about the "wobbly bits". I'm taller than you (5'6") and at my lightest was 127lb and I still had wobbly bits and couldn't understand it. I now weigh 145lb and am toned and feeling better than ever! .... Though I still have 5-10lbs to go. But I did just have a baby.... :/

    Best of luck to you.!
  • cheergirl1993
    cheergirl1993 Posts: 137 Member
    Thank yall so very much! Yall have great adive. Sorry I couldnt reply till now ( working ).. To answer some of yall.... Im about 12 lbs from my original goal weight. I have a pretty small frame so I may go lower. I LOVE KETCHUP :) haha ., and yes I know i eat way to many potatos/ biscuits.. by the way their homemade I dont really go to cracker barrel that much lol. I do have a food scale just not sure what to weigh on it? Sounds dumb I know.. Im very picky so having a hard time with lunch. Thanks for all the wonderful reponses and everyone who added me! Yall are the best!
  • shirley_beans
    shirley_beans Posts: 65 Member
    My best friend is a nutritionist (traditionally licensed as well as holistically) and she would tell you to eliminate processed foods, especially "white" products. There is nothing wrong with carbs, especially when you are exercising, but you need to replace white bread with whole wheat. Also cut out the diet soda. In studies, rats who consumed fake sugar tended to weigh more than those who had real sugar. All soda is basically poison. A lot of others have mentioned this, but where are the fruits and veggies? I'd also watch sugar and high fructose corn syrup...it's hidden in a lot of processed foods, such as ketchup and tomato sauce. Try organic ketchup! It tastes great without all the garbage added. I, too, noticed that you're consistently going under your calories for the day. This can actually slow the metabolism.

    I have similar weight loss goals to you, about ten pounds, and sometimes I think the less you have to lose the slower your progress can be. I've been advised to switch up my work out routines a lot, because the body adapts.

    Good luck! :)
  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    Here are some stats for 5' 4" women:
    108 pounds for a small frame, 120 pounds for a medium frame, and 132 pounds for a large frame.

    Sounds a little off to me from my own personal experience. I am 5' 2" and I am a medium/large frame and I look great at 130 and dont think i would try to go lower than 120. I guess it depends on your shape and fat distribution. As someone else suggested instead of the OP trying to lose weight she should be working on eating healthier and building muscle.
    Again, just my view.
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    So I've stopped losing weight and its probably due to my diet ... So any help appreciated. I know its terrible!

    You already know about the bad food choices ;) The less processed foods you eat, the easier you'll find it to lose weight. Your sodium is through the roof and you're probably not drinking enough water hence your body is holding onto all it can.

    Honestly the actual choices of your food I think have a lot less to do with it...to lose weight, nutrients are not a requirement. It helps you be more healthy, but it will not PREVENT weight loss. You eat under your goal by at least 500 calories almost every day, if not more. That is the problem...drinking water and sodium...is just water weight and losing that means little anyhow, assuming you want to look good.

    I <3 you.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    1st thing I notice is the sodas. Stop drinkin them & start drinking water. Incorporate some more veggies in diet. I would try to stay under on my sodium, but not everyone thinks that's important, but it can make u retain water. Don't eat breaded anything, grilled or baked is always best. And those fries are probably processed. U can make ur ownn fries, I do and they're tastier. You also might want to eat more. Try 20% of ur TDEE.
  • Kasya007
    Kasya007 Posts: 165 Member
    I'm just repeating what everyone else is saying, but you eat terribly. You may hit or be under your calorie goals, but I personally wouldn't put ANY of what you eat into my body, for none of it is actual fuel.

    You have NO vegetables or fresh foods within your diet (corn is not a vegetable in my eyes, it's junk). Also, you consume FAR too many sugars & processed foods, which means you most likely crash & burn at points throughout the day with those sugar spikes. You will have trouble and much frustration until that changes. I'm sorry.

    I have a simple fix though, try not to use the condiments you use & only shop the perimeter of the grocery store FOR JUST 2 WEEKS! You'll be amazed at what happens when you don't eat anything that comes from the inner aisles, you'll see a loss, and you'll feel great on top of it all!

    If ketchup is your love, Google--and patience--will be your best friend, as there are many low-sugar ketchup recipes online that you can experiment with (and be brave try other condiments as well). If you want to be really brave, start making them all from fresh foods. :wink:

    I wish you luck on your journey. I'm sorry that you are having troubles with it, but a healthy lifestyle will come with time, effort & persistence.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Just one thing....ditch the creamed corn. It may have corn in it but that's where the similarity ends. FRESH veggies!! :)