

  • Hey there- I have a chiweenie that's 11 Ibs. and she loves going outside for walks! Since I live in the south, I only walk her for 20ish minutes since it's scorching outside so depends on the weather whereever you are! Also, start with 20 minutes then just make a judgement decision on how the dog is acting. Good luck and…
  • Obviously we all know that America is huge! Therefore making the taste buds around the country very different. To me, of what you listed off, most of that is what a lot of southerners would eat. Like the green bean casserole and sweet potatoes which I love but I grew up eating that are very delicious to me. Everyone is…
  • I don't think I have the answer but I'll be interested to see what people say. I would say this however, you stay inside your calorie goal but not eating the right foods can work against you and not work you to your healthiest potential! :D
  • No, I have been weighing myself in the morning after I use the restroom. Also, just a side note that I forgot, my body has been very dehydrated lately for some unknown reason so I've been drinking a lot of water and it feel like my body is retaining all of it so I feel very bloated. What is going on?! This problem isn't…
  • Thanks everyone for the advice! I will try to log on to MFP and keep track somehow with the food diary. I love the counting my steps idea!! Keep your fingers crossed! :D
  • Don't forget that it could be some muscle that you're gaining! So maybe if you can add some other type of workout along with wii fit, if you have time and access :D
  • Well, you could always change up the moves just slightly in the Shred so your body has something new but at the same time you still have a quick workout for the lazy days. Also, I haven't tried her other DVDs but I've heard they're pretty good. Good luck! :D
  • As long as you're at least eating and eating healthy then don't eat if you're not hungry. I'm not sure what your diet or exercise schedule is so it's hard to tell ya what is going on possibly. My hunger depends It's all on what types of food, how often you eat, portion and exercising. I'll be interested to see what people…
  • Hey there! I am doing her 30 Day Shred DVD, and it's been very challenging. You work out for 20 minutes doing cardio and strength circuits. I can already see changes in me. A lot of people just add it into their routines for the week. Check it out!
  • I agree, my sleeping patterns are not affected by working out late! But to answer your question is exercising at night bad or good, I'm not a trainer or doctor so I'm not sure. But I can say that most people say working out in the morning is better because you begin your day by flushing out bad toxins and gearing up your…
  • Sounds pretty cool! I started doing her workout last week but unfortunately went out of town so I couldn't be consistent and do it every day. But I'm starting again today when I get home! I know that you get super sore but just look on the bright side, it's ONLY 20 MINUTES!!! WOW!! :D
  • Congratulations! Double digit weight loss is awesome! I do want to say that I disagree with not weighing in everyday. I wouldn't base your weight loss off of it but it's good to see the routine of your body through the month. For example, what's your heaviest week of the month, extra. Keep it up!
  • Make sure that you are eating good carbs like fruit, veggies, etc. not bad carbs like white pasta, white bread, etc. Google for more details. Good carbs are filling and long-lasting! Bad carbs are called "empty carbs" for a reason because they only give you a short fix. Also, you need to take your time eating each meal!!!…
  • Hey! Do the Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred or any of her videos! I have heard amazing results in a short amount of time. If you'd like to read some more comments from other people there is a posting the exercise forum. I'm about to start the work out today and I am super excited!
  • Thank you a ton for the advice! Can I ask a probably stupid question? About the water intake- why exactly do I need to drink so much water a day? It makes me feel overstuffed and bloated. :D