

  • Since I am heavier than most, I burn about 900 - 1000 calories in BodyPump! But I push a lot of weight as an instructor. I wear a HRM to get an accurate burn!
    in Body Pump Comment by Kimd1972 April 2011
  • I teach BodyPump and I tell my members that the average size person, pushing enough weight will burn 500-600 calories. Don't be nervous!!! :) It's an awesome workout (but I'm a little partial....LOL!) I hope you have a GREAT instructor, that can make a break a first timer....Good Luck and let me know how it goes! You will…
    in Body Pump Comment by Kimd1972 April 2011
  • Hey AJ, I am certified in Les Mills BodyPump which is a weightlifting class. We are trained to tell people that you should rest in between any resistance training. Therefore, if you are doing light reisitance - that is still resistance. Your muscles are still be "torn down" and they will need rest to come back longer,…
  • Now, I'm the Kim she is talking about! LOL! Yes, I teach BodyPump and I burn a lot of calories, but I am pushing a lot of weight! Les Mills promotes that the "average size person, using good weight - can burn up to 600 calories per class". Since I am a "larger size person", using more that good weight, I burn more. (Plus,…
  • Ok, I am an internationally certified group fitness instructor in Les Mills BodyStep and BodyPump (Cardio and weight training). In my opinion, you need both!!! Cardio burns fat and weight training tones, but also builds muscle to burn fat more effectively! So, I recommend to my members - 1 day more of cardio than weight…
  • This woman is SICK!!! She needs help! That is overreacting at a MAXIMUM! :angry:
  • You know everyone has have confessed and tomorrow is coming!! Good job for the honesty! Chin up...all will be fine!
  • I know exactly how you feel!! I had an episode like this a few weeks ago. I teach aerobics/strength training 4 - 5 days per week. I do the same as you i.e. eat right, take my vitamins and iron etc. What I did I started looking at other things that could be zapping my energy: poor sleep/change in my sleep habits,…
  • Yummy!! Will definitely be on my cooking list for next week! Thanks for sharing!
  • Good job! Welcome back! :happy:
  • I thought I had this. I teach step aerobics and my heels would hurt so bad after class. I was modifying my foot placement so bad that I was hurting my knees!! So, please, please, please, see a doctor! After having to get cortisone shots in my knee, it was discovered that I did not have this! BUT I have bone spurs on the…
  • Would be happy to be friends! Add me please! I'm from Alabama!
  • I bet this can be a problem. Have you thought about trying the grocery stores for baked chicken and vegetables in the deli area? Whole foods would be awesome!! Just an idea!
  • BodyPump is a kick *kitten* workout!!! I feel so powerful teaching Pump, it does a lot for my ego!
  • Been there, done that ~ can write a book! Time to get the endorphins going! Move your body! Walk, aerobics, FiTV...something!! Take the advice of the others....get out of the house, to get out of the funk!
  • Hey!!! MFP calculates the number of calories you need to loose weight if you do not exercise! i.e. the daily calories you are allowed already have a "caloric deficit" calculated in per your current weight and lifestyle, so you need to at least eat those are you will throw your body into starvation mode. You have to eat to…
    in calories? Comment by Kimd1972 July 2010
  • That is toooo funny!!! I'd do it on purpose too, just for the kicks!
  • Thanks for all the EXCELLENT advice and support! That's why I love MFP! I wound up with a snack size snickers bar and a mini warm delights! Stayed under my calorie goal! I think it helped just to vent.....
  • PUSHUPS!?! Wow what a goal! I have to agree with the others. Start doing them against the wall (first you need to be standing an arm's length from the wall, hands out shoulder width apart on the wall, lean into the wall bearing all your weight w/o moving your feet, abs in, breath, then push back up). Also, try strength…
  • These are good!! 1. I did not know that I would lose 155 lbs without surgery! 2. I did not know (or ever imagine) that I would be teaching aerobics! 3. I did not know that I could be stronger than my husband and still be soft. 4. I did not know that I could have so much self control over my diet! 5. I did not know that a…
  • This really hit home for me! When I started exercising it was to "just loose weight faster". Now, my exercise time in my time. I spend the rest of my day giveing time to other things and people, so MY time is MY exercise time! I do not let much interfere with MY time. It does a lot for my mind, my soul, and my attitude! I…
  • First and foremost, congratulations on making a decision to get healthier. That is the first step!!! I started by watching Fit TV and actually getting up and doing the workouts. If oyu have Fit TV, watch a few programs, find one you like and DO IT! As far as snacks, you can always go with fruits, popcorn, nuts, etc. Hope…
  • THANK YOU!!!!! BodyPump is recommended 2 - 3 x per week with a day of rest in between classes. I always tell my members if they are going to do any other weight training do it on the day they take BodyPump. Your muscles need a day to recover. Pump/weight training tears down the muscle tissues, so they can come back…
  • :huh: I wouldn't say that you screwed up burned more calories and did more exercise than normal. :bigsmile: That in itself was a good thing. What about a good desert? You have all these calories left, you can eat and treat yourself today! Undoubtedly, you earned it! :flowerforyou:
  • I teach BodyPump and it has changed my body in ways unimaginable!! I have been teaching for 4 years and have lost 155lbs. On this website trying to lose 30 more lbs. I also teach BodyStep. I teach BodyPump 2 - 3 times per week and BodyStep 2 times per week. Can't wait to try Zumba this Sat! BodyPump has increased my…
  • My tummy and boobs! Now if it could just move to my arms!!
  • I am a BodyStep instructor and let me first apologize on behalf on this instructor. My question is about certification. I wonder if she is certified and who it's through? She does not sound like she is. Yes, you are suppose to use your arms - it gets 20% more calories out. You are suppose to work both sides of the body.…
  • You are smarter than you realize. You have just conquered what most will never get. It is not about loosing weight, but about being healthy. We were designed and created differently. Some are skinny and unhealthy, some are heavy and healthy. Yeah, we all like to see that scale move - I am a slave to it! But I have…
  • YEAH!! :happy: You found the spot! I am so glad you joined!:flowerforyou: This site is so addictive in a good way! You will find so much support here! Let's knock this weigh thing out - once and for all!
  • :cry: OMGoodness!!! I thought it was just me! I have this same problem and didn't know what the heck was going on. :mad: I trying the same things you are ~ but no sucess. It is very hard for me to drop pounds any other time except my TOM! Hopefully someone will give us some insight!