

  • This link is really helpful. Good luck!! :)
  • haha he would love that! Thanks!! :)
  • I had the same problem this week. Bump till I can go back to read all the responses.
  • Im going through the exact same scenerio and Im stumped... This is my 2nd round but 1st time following the nutrition plan and I really want to see some awesome results! Any Thoughts/ Advice Anyone?
  • Thanks for the responses guys! Yea I wet the contacts before I use them but I havent tried changing the battery, Ill try that next. I thought I was just getting better at my workout but there is no way Im not burning more since Im kicking my own a** and still getting low numbers. Im doing Insanity so I need to make sure Im…
  • Im in my 2nd round of Insanity! I would love to have some more motivational INSANE friends. Feel free to add me and we can support each other! :)
  • I know this thread is a few months old, but did you ever test to see if your calorie count was low for the 110? Im about to do the update thats available and wanted to get your opinion. Thanks!
  • Congratulations!! Thats so awesome!! :) You look great! :)
  • Depending on my activity for the day Im supposed to eat 1750 to 1975. I adjust according to how much activity I do that day. Its crazy thinking about eating a 350 calorie snack! But hey Im already starting to see changes. :) Stick with it and Im sure you'll be noticing things soon! We'll help each other stay motivated (I…
  • Feel free to message me and I can tell you what Ive learned about the nutrition guide :)
  • I just started on round 2 of Insanity. Feel free to add me. I could use the support and love encouraging others :)
  • I just up'd my calories too. I did the 1st round of Insanity with little results (or less than I feel like I should have). So on my 2nd round I figured I would give following the nutrition guide a shot. I feel like Im eating so much but Im giving it a try. Feel free to add me and we can track each others progress on this…
  • Im doing my 2nd round of Insanity and would love some more "insane" support! Feel free to add me :)
  • I just started my 2nd round of Insanity. I didnt see much difference during my first round, I didnt follow the nutrition guide but did try to eat healthier. (trying to contain my sweet tooth is crazy!) I started today off by following the nutrition guide and dang do I feel full! Its weird how much they tell you to eat! I…
  • You can do other types of exercising outside of insanity BUT its crazy intense so be careful not to push your body too hard. You need to let it recover once its broke down, especially in the first month. The second month is where you really get a butt whoopin'! lol
  • 5'5 Age: 25 SW: 155 CW:134 GW:124 :)
  • I use my heart rate monitor on my garmin 110 to track my Insanity workouts.
  • I use them in my salads, with my oatmeal in the mornings (with a little splenda and cinnamon), and my favorite YONANAS. Freeze some strawberries and a few bananas (without the peel). Put a banana in yonanas machine, then some strawberries and repeat alternating the bananas and strawberries. Voila' YUMMM tastes like ice…
  • Yea the TDEE is the one that considers the activity. BMR is the number you get first (Harris Benedict). I dont watch fat and carbs as much as some people do. You have to find what works for you. I do wear a heart rate monitor when I workout just so I can track my workouts. Some days if I dont do as difficult as a workout,…
  • If you calculate the TDEE, that already includes the calories you would burn based on your activity level. So you would use gross calories. Some people calculate their TDEE, set their calorie intake be that number (its always higher since it includes exercise calories), then they workout, log it and then eat their workout…
  • Kimsimm hit the nail on the head. Dont add sugar or pork bacon. Eat clean. Remember you are what you eat. If you wanted to add more calories, a tbsp of peanut butter would do the job and give you protein. I eat the pb2 in regular and in chocolate and its delightful! If you calculated your TDEE (2227) then remember that…
  • I know it sounds insane but you are not eating enough. Go to fat 2 fit and use the calculators provided to get your BMR (what you burn just by breathing). You should be eating those NO MATTER what! If you dont, you will lose weight at first but it wont last for long. Since you are doing a lot of physical activity too,…
  • I just finished Insanity last week. My before/after pictures are on my profile. Good luck and stick with it, you wont regret it! Dig Deeper! :)
  • Bump! Bump yummmmm
  • I am actually on my last week of Insanity. I do see a difference in my endurance but I haven't lost a single pound. Ive lost maybe a few inches (very few) but Ive gotten a lot more toned. I always give 100% in every workout. I ate enough and drink more than my 8 glasses of water. Ive always been a bit ocd about trying to…
  • Im having the same issue, understanding all of it can be a real pain in the rear. I dont know if I am correct but I think you want to get as close to your BMR as possible. So if your BMR is 1324 and you eat 1300 during the day, and go home to workout and burn 400 calories that leave you with a net of 900. So I think you…
  • Another question, did you all get your Insanity shirt? I borrowed insanity from a friend. I am just a few weeks shy of finishing and I'm already dreaming of when I can wear that shirt with pride. :) BUT my friend bought insanity like 2 years ago and he doesn't have any proof of purchase :/. Is there something I can do? I…
  • OMG I am so relieved that someone else went through what Im going through right now. I am starting month 2 of Insanity today. I just finished the recovery week Saturday. Ive been doing all the "right" things, eating 1200 calories +what calories I burn during my workouts. Ive been logging them in my fit pal (I must admit I…