insanity friends



  • xqueenbee24x
    xqueenbee24x Posts: 271 Member
    Hey Guys, I just finished BB's Les Mills Pump (loved it!) and am resting up for a few days before I start Insanity tomorrow or Sunday. I am a little scared because I keep hearing about all the joint pain. I already have mild issues with my knees from running, so I am hoping to find ways to be pain free!

    Add me and we can dig deep together!

    Hey Dy, I have really bad knee problems too, and honestly there are days from doing insanity that I wonder what I got myself into... but don't let your knees stop you from trying Insanity. For some of the exercises that I either can not do because of my knees, or partly because I have no upper body strength, I just modify them and continue to keep on pushing. So if you feel joint pain in your knees (or anywhere else) just modify!!!
  • Gorussell
    Gorussell Posts: 18
    Hello all. My insanity DVD is also sitting next to my DVD player. I let others deter me by saying it was soo difficult so I did Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. My thought process was I better do something easier first considering I haven't exercised in years. I also need motivation as well add me too:) I really want to get started.
  • dy617
    dy617 Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks XQueenbee! I have been wearing braces on both knees which helps a lot--I think, its only Day 2, but I don't have quite the same range of motion as the folks on the video. Oh well, I think I would rather have my knees!
  • jbingham26
    jbingham26 Posts: 1
    Sure, I'll be your insanity buddy as well. I have two more weeks left in the program, then I'm taking one week off and starting round two right after that.
  • ChrisIn757
    ChrisIn757 Posts: 159 Member
    I just started attending Insanity classes on my ship (i'm in the middle east). So I'm not sure where we are in the program. We did Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs last night, I think they are up to week two, but it was only the 3rd time I've been able to go. Add me.
  • ncqueenbee
    ncqueenbee Posts: 147 Member
    Hi there, it's funny your making this request on the VERY day that I am beginning Insanity. I'm sitting here on my couch right now prepairing myself mentally to do the fit test. Please feel free to add me. I too need the motivation and support.
  • ChrisIn757
    ChrisIn757 Posts: 159 Member
    Day 4, Week 3!! I love Insanity although it has caused some joint pain in my knees which is surprising seeing that I'm only 21...BUT I plan to carry on & look forward to seeing more results :) YAY for it being a Cardio Recovery day.

    Meg, becareful that you are jumping and landing with your knees bent and make sure you take breaks (a day or two) when your knees start to really hurt. When it comes to joints pain does NOT equal gain...
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    I'm starting 6/4...lets do it!
  • giggles7706
    giggles7706 Posts: 1,491 Member
    Just finished day 3. Feel free to add me!!
  • knudtson16
    knudtson16 Posts: 1
    I am on month two, day four. Once you get to month two, month one feels like a walk in the park. I hear that the bigger results come in month two. I get confused with the calories. I am not following the insanity nutrional guide. I do not have a HRM. Sooooo, I hope to not over eat too many calories because I don't know what my calorie deficient should be for the day. I like to eat at night too. Any advice?
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    I'm on my first week of month 2.

    Let me tell you the end of month one, you will have the routines down packed. You will have more confidence, endurance, and power. Then month two comes along, and it humbles you all over a GOOD way! I started month two a few days ago, and I am sore in places that I never was before while doing this program lol.
  • B_Running
    B_Running Posts: 158
    I'm on my first week of month 2.

    Let me tell you the end of month one, you will have the routines down packed. You will have more confidence, endurance, and power. Then month two comes along, and it humbles you all over a GOOD way! I started month two a few days ago, and I am sore in places that I never was before while doing this program lol.

    Oh great, lol. I'm in the middle of my Recovery Week. :sad: I'm really hoping Month 2 is when/where I start to see serious results. I thought I'd see more by now, but I'm not following the nutrition guide (but I do eat VERY healthily). Guess we will see! : )
  • jgunn81
    jgunn81 Posts: 243 Member
    Hey all, I started insanity this past monday (5/28), just finished week 1 day 5 today and loving every second of it.

    feel free to add me as well.
  • blittle2
    blittle2 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm gonna attempt to start it next week
  • B_Running
    B_Running Posts: 158
    Has anyone ever skipped over the Recovery Week and went straight into Month 2? I've completed two days of the RW and I'm itching for something more (namley, a murderous Month 2).
  • Deegs3
    Deegs3 Posts: 6
    I'm only on day 3, feel free to add me. I did have a question for those of you who have been doing it- How are you logging your excercise in MFP? I haven't been sure what to put? I tried to put in Cardio- but nothing came up?
  • dy617
    dy617 Posts: 76 Member
    Hey Deegs3, I always manually add the exercise. I wear a heart monitor, so I know how many calories I've burned for each cardio event. Hope this helps!
  • jmm27
    jmm27 Posts: 34
    Im doing my 2nd round of Insanity and would love some more "insane" support! Feel free to add me :)
  • FreedomReigns
    FreedomReigns Posts: 195 Member
    I am on day 2 of month 2 and i am loving it! Would love to have more Insanity friends! Feel free to add me!