formerlynobel Member


  • 37/F SW: unknown (maybe 115) GW: 111 (where I was earlier this year) by mid-July when I’m attending a wedding Height: 5’1” Stress, chronic hives, being a mom to 2 children, and feeling low led me to put on some weight which shows on me easily and makes me feel like crud. Going to Vegas for brother in law’s wedding in July…
  • Just got a guide and am thinking about starting! Need motivation! Gotta lose my baby pouch.
  • Add me! My boy is 8 months old (first time mama, gestational diabetes, unplanned C-section), and it's only been the past month or so that I've been working out regularly again. I used to be pretty fit before, so it's an uphill climb now. Still have trouble fitting it all in! I gained about 30-35 during pregnancy and I…
  • At 13/14 weeks, I had to move over to maternity pants for work, but I had a lot of flowy tops (from like JCPenney and stuff) that kept me going. Some of them I still wear, but I'm starting to look basketball-y in most of them. So last week (around 23/24 weeks), I rushed out to get some actual maternity shirts and dresses.…
  • I was tracking, and my EDD (estimated at 8 weeks and again at 18 weeks) was 5 days ahead. That means I must have ovulated really early, since I already had it pinned at CD 13 or 14. Good thing we covered the bases, lol.
  • The salted caramel -- LOVE the little blobs of chocolate-covered caramel inside!!
  • 5 lbs isn't terribly abnormal, and I'm sure once you start feeling better, you will gravitate back to a more balanced diet. I figure some periods will be faster gains than others... at least that's what I'm telling myself since I gained 3 lbs in a week!
  • Also due in this month. Yay!!!
  • I stopped at 9 weeks after a 21-mile race. I decided to take a mental break after that until after the baby is born. Meanwhile, I've been enjoying other activities!
  • Up about 3.5 lb at almost 16 weeks. I started at 115 and am hoping I will max out at 30 lb in total. Been working out 5x/week and walking in the evening. Feel free to add me...
  • Good luck! I have the DVDs but had to stop because I got pregnant. But you better believe I will jump on that afterward!
  • Feel free to add me! I'm almost 16 weeks with my first! So far, I've gained around 4 lbs, and in my family it looks like 30-35 is the norm. It's hard to see the changes, but it's all for a good cause. =) I've been working out about 5 days a week and trying to walk in the evenings. Still riding transit to work, so there's a…
  • I have been doing this intermittently, and although I consider myself pretty fit, they do burn quite a few calories.... I'm sure doing the whole program would cause changes!
  • I read somewhere that it takes 500-650 calories to re-create that pint of blood.....
  • I try to give blood between breakfast close to lunch, after a hearty (protein, oatmeal, etc.) breakfast and a lot of fluids. I try not to overeat afterward, because somehow it makes my stomach upset, maybe due to a lower blood volume to digest? Ha ha... well, I am not much over the weight limit of donating blood, so maybe…
  • Whatever works for you. I am more of an 80/20 person most days, because I don't think I want to see what a cheat day would look like for me since my cravings tend to build up if I don't address them.
  • I finished on July 8th and am currently finishing up Week 6 in my second round. Don't give up... Insanity has become part of my lifestyle, and although I plan to go back to doing other stuff after this, I will keep popping those discs in once in a while. The workouts are definitely effective and challenging!!
  • I do Insanity in socks on carpet. Seems to have worked for me... never had an issue because I'm a stickler about form. As for push-ups, I do them the normal way and can mostly keep up, but when I can't I slow down or work to failure and then keep trying... believe me, your muscles get a workout just by trying.... but just…
  • I once had several in a day, and let's just say my entire system cleaned out. Sometimes I consider doing it again just for that effect when I'm not regular and wish for it, but yeah... it's also painful.
  • I can't say I disagree with this, only because I used to think like her, too. Running is NOT the end-all, be-all of fitness. And when you don't have a gym membership and don't want to run outside everyday, these DVDs are the only things that can keep motivation up to work out and get on with your day. But to each their own…
  • There are no "shortcuts" in weight loss. You either lose weight or you don't. How long you keep that off depends on what you decide to do afterward. I'm on my second round of Insanity -- love the challenge and getting the workout done efficiently. I have yet to experience any joint issues. I've run like 12 marathons and…
  • I just started Round 2. In my last round, I saw the most dramatic results in the last couple of weeks. I know, I know... very long. Hoping I'll see them faster if I eat better this round. But I'd say as early as 2 weeks, I noticed subtle changes in the right direction. P.S. I didn't lose weight, but I definitely toned up,…
  • Those are some really great comparison pics, and great story, too!
  • I've had this said to me. I gained 8-10 lbs (which shows a lot on me because I'm short and relatively small-framed) to reach the highest weight of my life. At the time, I was working two jobs and didn't have a lot of time to work out but I did when I could. I was also tired and stressed as a full time grad student writing…
  • My cat would get on my yoga mat after I've laid it out and am prepping things. Like I laid it out just for him, agh.
  • Then don't eat them back, then. I eat most of mine back, and I'm healthy and fit, under 20% body fat (female). My Fitness Pal already creates the weight-loss deficit for you, so if you're in the green, you're in the green. Do what you want based on what you read here, but over time your body will learn to adjust to…
  • So you're probably already very fit! I wouldn't get too caught up in the burn... just keep making healthy choices.
  • Well, your burn will depend on your stats, but also on how much you "bring it" to the workout. I rarely take breaks during any of the Insanity workouts and keep up with the video mostly well, and for month 2, burned about 460 for Max Cardio Conditioning, 600 for Max Interval Circuit, and 530 for Max Interval Plyo. Those…
  • It took me a long time to accept almond milk, mostly because I wanted it to have more protein. But almond milk is NOT meant to be a one-for-one substitute for milk. I stopped drinking cow's milk 7 years ago because I realized it was giving me bad stomachaches. The smell of cow's milk grosses me out (plus, you should see…
  • I find overnight oats high in calories and prefer to just cook a large batch plain and add different toppings each day. Coach's oats are my new favorite and can be cooked in the microwave.