has anyone completed the insanity workout routine

so today i am beginning the workout program insanity and i am so scared i am gonna fail or give up after a couple days or so has anyone on this actually completed the entire program? if so how were the results? do you have any suggestions? i have 60 days till i go on vaca to cancun and i refuse to get into a bathing suit with this pudgy belly i got going on now. I mean I really just gaind all this weight since june :-( i guess it is no better time than now to fix it.


  • anna473
    anna473 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi! Look through some of the older forums (google "results insanity" or "before/after insanity" to find the links, as there some great before/after threads on here with encouraging pics - there are also great pics on youtube). I'm a bit too much of a fitness beginner (ie. scaredy cat) to do insanity - although my husband has promised to do it with me once i'm a bit more in shape. I'm currently doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred (just started on Monday as part of a group on here doing it). That's enough for me for now. But good luck!!
  • greggags2
    greggags2 Posts: 195 Member
    Ive done Insanity the Asylum which is similiar to Insanity. I have and Insanity challenge group going if you want to joing for extra support, accountability, and motivation
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I did Insanity once, but since I did skip a couple of the workouts (mainly because things got in the way) I didn't feel I deserved the t-shirt.

    However, TODAY I am on day 18 (maybe 19). I couldn't believe how much better I did from the 1st fit test to the 2nd. My advice is to do what you can (don't try and keep up with them) to get through each workout. Another hugh thing is to eat right. You don't have to follow their food plan, but do your best to make healthy choices.

    Believe me the feeling of accomplishment is awesome!
  • baldauf10
    I completed insanity once and am 2.5 weeks away from finishing it for the second time. I started this insane journey on May 20th. :smile: My advice is to not get too discouraged if you don't see weight loss right away. I only lost 4 lbs in the first 4 weeks then 9 lbs in the last 5 weeks for a total loss of 13 lbs during the first round. I feel like the infomercial makes you feel like you will shed a ton of weight really fast and that's not how it works for everyone. I know they're just doing what they can to sell the video....and it does work, it's just not an overnight change. Also, be sure to fuel your body. Good luck!
  • 65Fa5tback
    Done multiple rounds of insanity, insanity asylum, and p90x. Currently doing a hybrid of insanity & p90x. Keep positive & take it 1 day at a time. You will get results :)
  • te5620
    Wow! Thanks to all who replied. I just popped the dvd in and here goes nothing! o Greggaga guy what is the info on the group I will definitely join it for motivation and encouragement. I just hope it works enough that I feel good enough about myself to get back into my bikini. It's a done deal we just purchased the airline tickets today. SO no more days of pushing it off!! Nov 17th - 24th It'll be here before I know it!! So while all you are enjoying your turkey i'll be hopefully congratulating my success with margaritas on the beach :-) I will post a before pic to show you guys what I'm dealing with and show the progress. I feel the biggest challenge will be giving up the foods that I love. I am gonna do everything I can to make it work. Last June we went (2011) and I didn't look perfect but definitely much more fit than this go round. Hopefully it'll be worth all the sweat and sacrifice in the end. I'll keep you posted and thanks again for all the replies :-)
  • stacey1981
    stacey1981 Posts: 39 Member
    Yes! I will be finished with my second round of insanity this week! I will be doing Round 3 Monday along with ChaLEAN Extreme:)
  • formerlynobel
    formerlynobel Posts: 96 Member
    I finished on July 8th and am currently finishing up Week 6 in my second round. Don't give up... Insanity has become part of my lifestyle, and although I plan to go back to doing other stuff after this, I will keep popping those discs in once in a while. The workouts are definitely effective and challenging!!
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    My husband and I have done 2 rounds. The difference in what I am physically capable of still amazes me. I can do push-ups now, something I could never say before.
  • lucysmommy
    im only on day 4 and its hard but something in me - makes me press play - you can do this - if i can anyone can