cold fries....actually smells like FAT ppl
agreed... remember to get a good protein push w/in 30 min. of an intense workout :)
I'm going to refocus my focus, thx for reminding me why I'm here....
the mirror and every other reflective surface............and the stereo
"This block is gravy, this block is gravy"
Love my caffine ... love my water, too Both are wonderfully addictive :devil:
BEST POST I'VE EVER SEEN!!!!! wish I new how to post a pic of my beautiful girl....she's the total package. Love my Pitt :heart: :heart: :heart:
same here
ha ha.... agreed....some ppl are just too sensitive :tongue:
Friend 'em and blast 'em at every opportunity....that's some serious stuff, so I don't pull any punches. Perhaps you'll influennce several "friends" with one shot. drama queens included
I remember that I'll be one of the first ones they eat first!
hate i so much....but we can't spot check...just lose the weight and it'll take care of itself : /
I started JM 30 day Ripped...I'll follow along and see if it parallels somewhat.
look up zig-zag dieting....and fuel your workouts the good way :)
I sabotage myself by not logging everything first..... the change is fairly easy, buy groceries to fill up that log....the stuff that will fuel my workouts. Never buy the "sabotage" crap make the thing you really love...yourself.
lots and lots of water....flush that sodium out. it'll take a couple of days, so don't weigh-in!
dancing is an awesome way to get a great cardio workout in... can burn 300-500 calories per hour always weigh-in at the same time each day, preferably early morning before breakfast and after poop! many say once a week, but I weigh-in every other day or so.... love to dance at home and out of the reflection of the mirror!…
a wonderful thing............except when squirrels are about
I secretly lick the dishes and chew on the chicken bones when no one is looking :p and no, I don't count it
esp workout clothes!
muscle and endurance....pretty flexible, but would love to blow out pilates tho
big cabbage fan....sounds like a perfect lunch
big congrats on the 115! now a "box of crackers" is a little extreme, but the roasted veggies will help with your choice of breakfast.... i get it...i always think I'm-starving, too
reminds me of my college years..........DO YOU DRINK LOTS OF BEER? you look me.
HALF MY WEIGHT IN OUNCES OF ...tap that has set out on the counter-top overnight....WORKS
great goal very doable...and once you get to the wicked mid-150s change everything up. i usually get in some intense weights about really works. kuddos and thx to you and your hubby!
cheese NY o' man