Silverstar46 Member


  • My mom drank a bunch of vitamin water and it started to make her sick from vitamin overload. I do NOT recommend you drink it exclusively - drink regular water too!
  • Sunny side up of course!
  • I've rarely been hit on, but usually I blush and if I'm not interested/not single then I thank them and tell them I'm not single right now.
  • There are snots on here too, no doubt about it. However, many people are very kind and helpful. The biggest thing I recommend is use the search button when you have a question. The people that have been on here for awhile tend to get cranky about answering the same question five times a week. They'll do it, but they don't…
  • crockpot meals!!! They are awesome. I'm not British, but I saw this and had to respond. Chili made with chicken instead of beef (or even without meat at all) is so crockpot friendly and can cook all day long and lasts the whole week. It's also extremely filling and below 350 calories per serving. You can't beat that! Also,…
  • Also, try protein shakes. You can either make them yourself or buy them.
  • roasted garlic chicken breasts over a bed of quinoa and broccoli
  • I just made these as a quick fix treat - and they're great. Thanks! :)
  • Try swimming. It is low-impact and yet burns a lot of calories.
  • I've started taking a multivitamin chewable with iron and ever since I have - I can give blood again where for the last year of dieting I have been unsuccessful in my many attempts to get my iron up. Now, in the last four months I have given twice and the only thing I have changed is that multivitamin. :)
  • Have you not lost ANYTHING since the very first moment you started dieting or have you been on a plateau for a 1.5 years? because if you have lost weight then something has changed since then, and if you have NEVER lost weight - there is definitely a medical condition or something else going on.
  • It's good to alternate days on lifting. Monday can be your arms and core, Tuesday can be your legs and butt, etc. I also include some type of cardio everyday as well to keep my heart rate pumping. If it's just a mild soreness, go ahead and keep lifting. IF it is very painful, wait an extra day between. You CAN do damage to…
  • Beef stock really doesn't have a lot of calories so much as it does sodium. the beef wil absorb some of the liquid and flavor, so I would go with Swanson's no salt beef broth (it's like 25 cals for a serving) and that way you'll cut down on calories and sodium. One serving should be enough for what the beef will absorb.
  • You are amazing and inspiring!!!! We're right around the same weight right now, but I started out at a little less than you(320lbs). I've been struggling lately and seeing everything you have accomplished and what all you have against you - it makes me feel like I can do anything because I know there is someone out there…
  • Why dont some men wear bras? They certainly need them..
  • If you have to force yourself, then don't bother. There will be days when you're extremely hungry and you'll want all those calories - but there will be other days that it is not necessary. Unless you find yourself feeling constantly tired and sick, just eat until you're full. But if you start to feel lethargic - you…
  • Eggs are something that I both really enjoy and they gross me out. Texture and flavor have to be just right for me to be able to eat them, and I could never do it every single day. Try switching it up by eating Greek Yogurt (no fat, lotsa protein and no cooking) or add vegetables to your eggs like tomato and green pepper…
  • Look, anything other than water can be considered bad for you. The truth is that a can of diet coke is a nice alternative to water sometimes, and a helluva lot better than drinking a regular coke. I've had a hard time switching from Pepsi (which I LOVE) to diet Coke. But I've managed to start enjoying the taste of it and I…
  • I'd like to be down to 200lbs by then.. that would mean getting 45lbs off.. I hope I can do it!
  • I'm all about the BLACK AND GOLD - Go STEELERS! :drinker:
  • I doubt that it uses more calories than regular zumba but it will be much, much, MUCh easier on your joints and tendons.
  • I have it too and at first, I lost weight really easily (probably because I was SO big) but now I am finding it is really hard to get the weight off. it's driving me crazy so i wish you all luck!
  • I often eat back my exercise calories or at least some of them. MFP figures out what you need to lose weight without the exercise, so when you burn those calories away, you'd think working at even more of a deficit would help, right? Except your body NEEDS calories to work efficiently and you can damage your body by not…
  • I like Greek yogurt better because of the protein, but also because it is thicker than regular yogurt so I feel like I ATE something. Also, many of the kinds are 0 fat or at least low-fat and if you're watching that, it's a nice bonus.
  • You look like a totally different man. (Love all that hair!) Congratulations on your weightloss and the incredible journey you've been on.
  • I really enjoy walking because i suck at running and feel way too self-conscious doing it. But if you like going to the gym, the ellipitcal is great. Good luck no matter what you choose!!!
  • Hello! We have similar stats, except I started here seven months ago and weighed 320lbs. I'm currently at 256lbs and I'm 5'5 trying to get to 150lbs. You CAN do this, I promise! And if you'd like a friend for along the way, please feel free to add me. :) Good luck!
  • Welcome to the boards, Lurker! :)
  • I have one that is on the inside of my wrist but also wraps around my wrist. I got the symbol for Trinity on the inside and wrote the scripture for Luke 22:42 around my wrist in Greek. Honestly, even though I work in a super-public, sometimes extremely conservative job, most people RARELY notice i have it until I point it…