

  • Hey, I can relate quite a bit! I moved away from home to a different country by myself a few months ago, needless to say I felt very lonely for a while. I had also gained a few kilos over the past few years and that just added to my overall negative feelings! However, because it wasn't THAT much weight, as you said, it was…
  • That was so interesting and informative! Thank you! :smile:
  • Hey there, sorry to hear that you're going through a tough time. I'm pretty active here at the moment so hopefully I can offer you some support! I'll add you :smile:
  • Hey, I'm quite new too. Im 5ft4 and 23 so we're pretty similar that way! Also moved to the UK a few months ago (to Edinburgh) so also in need of support. I'll add you!
  • Hey, I'm also on here a good bit. You can never have too much support can you ! :smile: I'll add you now!
  • It's really awful that you feel this bad! Maybe you do need re-evaluate your calorie intake? Or reduce it slowly so your body adapts gradually? Also you do need about 200 calories more during your cycle (can't remember the exact amount but keep it mind that you do need slightly more than usual). Also had a quick peek at…
  • Bump! :smile:
  • You seriously look amazing though! Totally jealous :laugh: but as others have said clearly whoever said that on FB is too! I know it's hard when people don't appreciate how much hard work has gone into looking the way you look but once you remember that you're doing this for you and your health it should be easier to stay…
  • That's pretty awesome! :smile:
  • Also so sorry to hear about your husband. I totally agree with what Bulletprooff said about trying to be active. I spend most of my time sitting at a desk at home too but recently I've been doing short exercise dvd's when taking a break instead of just sitting down with a cup of tea or whatever. Not only am I in better…
  • I'm definitely an emotional eater too. Jillian Michael's actually sent this out today so I though I'd share.... How To Turn A Problem Into An Opportunity By Jillian Michaels Sure, it’s tough to pinpoint the root of your problems. However, if you've been examining your emotional eating habits, you should be seeing some…
  • Well I'm 5'4, 23 and female so that's kinda close! I'm actually at my goal weight at 112lbs (I have a very small frame) but I'm REALLY unfit so trying to work on that! :)
    in Twin? Comment by miamime February 2012
  • I'm Irish, there's no way I could stop eating potatoes but the only down side with them is that I find it really hard to stop eating them once I start! :laugh:
  • Mine was a pair of jeans too! But tried them on recently and they actually fell off :laugh: So seeing as I moved to a different country for the year my new goal is for everyone back home to get a shock when they see me in a bikini this summer!
  • No problem! Ah I see, never used the app actually, but then again I pretty much always have my laptop with me! :laugh:
    in hiya Comment by miamime February 2012
  • Yup, this is EXACTLY what I'm doing! Don't know where I'm going this summer, but I will find somewhere to wear my bikini to, even if it's in the rain!! :laugh:
  • I'm fairly new and need friends too! I'll add you ! :smile:
  • Hey, I'm fairly new too so I'll add you as a friend! I believe if you go to MY HOME and then to settings you can update you diet/fitness profile?! Hope that works for you! :smile:
    in hiya Comment by miamime February 2012
  • I actually looked this up last night! You can freeze them separately and then use them later for pastry (or other desserts) and also for sauces like hollandaise. However, you can also use them as a conditioning mask for your hair which is what I plan to do with mine! :)