Need some help!

I'll start this off by saying bluntly that anyone who doesn't care to read about a woman's cycle can close this topic now. lol

That said...


This hasn't happened to me in years, and I'm wondering if it has anything to do with my eating markedly less over the last ~5 days since I started coming here. That's not to say that "here" is a bad place... it's been fantastic! But I don't understand what's going on or why. Read on...

I felt really groggy and achy earlier and initially didn't realize it was related to my cycle coming on, since it's a bit early. I was just dealing with the overall blah til about midday when, after hours of feeling totally exhausted for no reason (I got plenty of sleep) and having zero ability to focus, I went home sick. I showered, laid down, and suddenly woke up with the WORST pain I've felt in a decade or more. I'm bleeding something awful and have been hunched over in pain for a while. Took some Diurex (water pills with caffeine and acetaminophen, helps with bloating/cramping) and that's helped... but I need assistance in deciding what the hell to eat. I had a bagel this morning and a cup of chai, later a banana, and since then nothing. Feeling TOTALLY weak. I've been craving something warm and cozy and comfort-food-y, but I don't know what I could possibly eat that won't make me retch! :frown: Why in the world would I be feeling like this??

Ladies, does anyone have suggestions for hot, filling homestyle foods I can eat to satiate my poor drained self? I can barely handle walking to the kitchen right now, but really have to get something down. I'm already borderline anemic -- I was raised vegetarian and I know I never get enough iron -- so losing this much blood this fast has got to be taking a toll on me on top of the general sense of malaise. I really felt like binging on a big bowl of homemade mac and cheese a few minutes ago, but I know that's a) terrible for me and b) going to take too long to cook. I have some soups and things I could throw together but I'm afraid they'd come back up after not having eaten for most of the day.

Thanks so much. :heart:


  • miamime
    It's really awful that you feel this bad! Maybe you do need re-evaluate your calorie intake? Or reduce it slowly so your body adapts gradually? Also you do need about 200 calories more during your cycle (can't remember the exact amount but keep it mind that you do need slightly more than usual). Also had a quick peek at your food diary, you've been quite a bit under your daily goal a few times so def make sure you at least get to your goal each day!

    Food suggestions for right now are tricky as you don't think you'll keep much down! To be honest I always go back to dry toast and tea when I feel like that even though it's not particularly high in nutritional value...Maybe you should also start talking a multivitamin (that that has iron in it).

    Sorry can't be much help but just wanted to say hope you feel better soon!
  • jedibunny
    Thank you mia. I did almost exactly that - had some toast, then made some quick nutritional-yeast based gravy and toasted some small pieces of tempeh. The gravy has a good amount of iron, I remembered after the fact. It tasted good, but I'm regretting eating it now... I think the toast alone should have been where I stopped.

    At least I have something in my tummy!
  • liegeygirl
    liegeygirl Posts: 20 Member
    I'm glad Miamime was able to help you. My cycle is very crazy and comes when it wants to, but this is the first time its came on during my weight loss journey and I've noticed that my weight went up and I feel so BLAH!!! Hopefully you can start eating more during this time of the month and feel a lot better. Get well soon!!
  • pmaxson
    pmaxson Posts: 137
    Is there any chance you were pregnant and are miscarrying? If you continue to have pain like you described, please go see a physician. We care about you.
  • jedibunny
    Thanks for all the support. And pmaxson, there's the slightest of slightest chances that I was - I'm on a clinical trial for birth control and, while it's in the "Phase III Study" stage (meaning it's almost ready for release and needs to go through this last phase before the FDA approves it), it's supposedly as effective as your average pill; 99%+ if used correctly. So I'm on birth control, but not FDA-sanctioned birth control, if that makes sense. The miscarriage thing sounds frighteningly plausible though, considering the symptoms, its being a few days early, the sheer amount of pain and bleeding, and similarity to how it felt when I had a ruptured cyst over 10 years ago.

    I will be keeping constant watch (not like I have a choice, lol!) and will definitely get to the doctor if things don't get better shortly. I'm hoping that a bit of food, painkillers, and sleep will do the trick.
  • tmoyer1209
    tmoyer1209 Posts: 215 Member
    Big HUG!!!
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    oooh snap, I came on today myself. I was also thinking about my iron intake, I'm a vegetarian. Good sources of iron, curly kale, baked beans, Spaghetti, Red lentils, figs. I also think at this time of the month listen to your body and give it what it wants, I quite fancy baked beans on toast right now, shame it's bedtime. I've just had an IUD put in to try and deal with really heavy periods so far it's helping my cramps somewhat and my periods, not sure about my mood though!
  • pmaxson
    pmaxson Posts: 137
    If you are on a clinical trial, please inform the investigators about the pain and bleeding. They need to know - especially if other women are experiencing the same thing.

    Check in and let us know how you are doing.
  • jsnearly
    I'll start this off by saying bluntly that anyone who doesn't care to read about a woman's cycle can close this topic now. lol

    That said...

    PLEASE HELP. :cry:

    This hasn't happened to me in years, and I'm wondering if it has anything to do with my eating markedly less over the last ~5 days since I started coming here. That's not to say that "here" is a bad place... it's been fantastic! But I don't understand what's going on or why. Read on...

    I felt really groggy and achy earlier and initially didn't realize it was related to my cycle coming on, since it's a bit early. I was just dealing with the overall blah til about midday when, after hours of feeling totally exhausted for no reason (I got plenty of sleep) and having zero ability to focus, I went home sick. I showered, laid down, and suddenly woke up with the WORST pain I've felt in a decade or more. I'm bleeding something awful and have been hunched over in pain for a while. Took some Diurex (water pills with caffeine and acetaminophen, helps with bloating/cramping) and that's helped... but I need assistance in deciding what the hell to eat. I had a bagel this morning and a cup of chai, later a banana, and since then nothing. Feeling TOTALLY weak. I've been craving something warm and cozy and comfort-food-y, but I don't know what I could possibly eat that won't make me retch! :frown: Why in the world would I be feeling like this??

    Ladies, does anyone have suggestions for hot, filling homestyle foods I can eat to satiate my poor drained self? I can barely handle walking to the kitchen right now, but really have to get something down. I'm already borderline anemic -- I was raised vegetarian and I know I never get enough iron -- so losing this much blood this fast has got to be taking a toll on me on top of the general sense of malaise. I really felt like binging on a big bowl of homemade mac and cheese a few minutes ago, but I know that's a) terrible for me and b) going to take too long to cook. I have some soups and things I could throw together but I'm afraid they'd come back up after not having eaten for most of the day.

    Thanks so much. :heart:

    Your period can make you slightly anemic which would explain the weakness. Eat foods rich in iron. Have a sirloin steak and your mac and cheese.
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    I'm glad Miamime was able to help you. My cycle is very crazy and comes when it wants to, but this is the first time its came on during my weight loss journey and I've noticed that my weight went up and I feel so BLAH!!! Hopefully you can start eating more during this time of the month and feel a lot better. Get well soon!!

    omg...i am so glad someone started this post
    i thought i was the only weight has went up this time also
    i usually do feel BLAH and totally fatigued during this time of the month
    but not to the extreme i can't eat...usually it causes me to be starved
    i hope you get to feeling bettr
    toast and tea are good
    also some warm soups would help too:bigsmile:
  • jedibunny
    Thanks everyone!!

    I'm feeling MUCH better today (it might be the donut speaking >.>) - and I've informed the clinical trial people of what happened yesterday. The bleeding is much less today and I have the feeling that my body was hyper-reacting to the change in caloric intake over the last week... but today I'm eating more and going to try hard to stay positive. Yesterday/last night was bad. This morning I wasn't as lethargic, and was able to eat a V-Day donut (as mentioned, lol) which got my sugar back up, and then I had a tomato bisque with triscuits at lunch. And I'm drinking more water and herbal tea. Still taking some ibuprofen. My bf and I have plans to stay in and order Chinese take-out tonight and cuddle with some movies, which sounds like heaven to me.

    I really do need to find better sources of iron, though. I am losing lots of blood and, although my energy level is higher than it was yesterday, I'm definitely not 100%.