Are potatoes good or bad for you?



  • CrochetBug65
    I have Simply Shreads frozen hashbrowns almost every day for brkfstt w/2 eggs fried (sort of steamed) in water. Deelish! I stay within my calorie goal for the day & get a real energy boast from the eggs,
  • miamime
    I'm Irish, there's no way I could stop eating potatoes but the only down side with them is that I find it really hard to stop eating them once I start! :laugh:
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    I think it is simplistic to say any FOOD is BAD. We are all individuals when it comes to the nutrition we need. Due to many factors, not every body needs the same set of micro nutrients. For example, if someone is allergic to peanuts or gluten, then that food is bad for them, but for others, they are healthy additions to a balanced diet.

    This ^

    Because I have chronically low potassium, I have to eat potatoes to keep things balanced.

    I gave up potatoes altogether for awhile there, because I assumed they were "empty calories." But the potassium, protein, and fiber is worth it if you don't have insulin problems. They also fill me up more than any other starch.
  • sweetnlow30
    sweetnlow30 Posts: 497 Member
    I have to feed a family on a budget so we eat potatoes at least three nights a week as the main starch along with meat and veggies. I usually boil or bake them with the skins on. Once a week I make a baked version of fries. I have had no problems losing weight while eating them. I always weigh my portion and add a bit of salt and marg, nothing fancy :wink: