
Hiya just thought I'd introduce myself, my names Sarah, looking forward to joining this community. Iv been using mfp for a about a month and I put my weight in wrong when I set it up and didn't realise for a few days. I put it in as 90kg instead of 65kg so it says iv lost 25 kg, does anyone know if there is a way to change my weight from when I started using it.

Thanks Sarah


  • miamime
    Hey, I'm fairly new too so I'll add you as a friend! I believe if you go to MY HOME and then to settings you can update you diet/fitness profile?! Hope that works for you! :smile:
  • Mongoose7
    Thank u for your help :) first time iv been on the website just been using the app on my phone.
  • miamime
    No problem! Ah I see, never used the app actually, but then again I pretty much always have my laptop with me! :laugh: