whoosh1 Member


  • For running, a good rule of thumb is 100 calories burned per mile. This is a good article about calories burned while running/walking: http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-242-304-311-8402-0,00.html
  • CT does mean cross training. Usually cross training can be any workout (hard) other than running. Spinning, elliptical, swimming, weight lifting, etc. I try to do some resistance work (i.e. BodyPump, Ripped in 30) plus a 30 min session on the Arc Trainer or Spinning.…
  • I alternate JM dvds for my cross training days from running. I personally like Ripped in 30 better than 30 Day Shred. Doing 3 strength moves per circuit instead of 2 in 30DS is much better. I always felt like dying at the end of the long strength set and my form would suffer.
  • Mine are sitting on the shelf but recently I saw an advertisement that turns your bib into some coasters. Neat idea.
  • A lot of great advice already posted. My one comment is to build up your weekly mileage by no more than 10% increases. That is a general rule of thumb recommended by a lot of beginner training programs.
  • Jillian Micheal's DVDs use only hand weights (30 day shred, ripped in 30, 6 week 6 pack, etc). They are great and you could use water bottles as weights ... full of course. OR grab a set of hand weights from Wal-Mart, they cost next to nothing.
  • I agree with the above posters, once in a while it is OK but do not make it a habit.
  • Remove sweaty clothes, hot tea and electric blanket.
  • Congrats on finishing the Goofy Challenge! I have not done the Chicago Marathon before but here is what I have heard about it: - busy, congested race, aid stations are a mad house - weather sometimes can be an issue (hot - google Chicago Marathon 2007) - flat - it is one of the 'big' races, a lot of charity groups - If you…
  • How is your core strength? Is your form degrading as you are running and getting tired? I find on my long runs I have to concentrate on my form a lot more as time passes as it can start to get sloppy.
  • And since the cold weather usually brings with it shorter days - wear reflective strips and lights so people and cars can see you if you are out in the dark! And of course a head lamp if you can't see the ground, helps avoid icy patches.
  • Thanks! It was better than the race day the year before, a Nor'easter hit PEI and there was heavy rain and wind.
  • I did the FIRST plan for my last marathon (the regular one, not the novice). http://www2.furman.edu/sites/first/Documents/Marathon%20Training%20Program-metric.pdf I set a time goal for the marathon and based my workout paces based on that. The key workouts were challenging! One of the biggest differences is that the Long…
  • Wear a HRM if possible and log it under your own exercise with the number of calories burned from the monitor. I log it as 300 calories which is under estimating based on the values I have gotten when wearing my HRM. I work hard and use heavy enough weights that I am struggling at the end of every track. I am 5'5", 154 lbs.
  • Run outside. Your wandering mind will keep you entertained as the sights around you are constantly changing. I limit the treadmill to speedwork or else a 5km run feels like a 15km. I usually listen to music on the treadmill but only sometimes outside.
  • I earned 1125 calories running 16km (10mi) yesterday. I eat most of them back the day of, usually by having a few extra 'treats' - chocolate milk, bagel, beer. If I run too big of a deficit that day I will be conscious to eat more the next day and go over my daily limit. When I do 30-35km runs I am earning over 2000 extra…
  • Don't be scared to load up the bar once you have the form down. It is definitely not heavy lifting by conventional standards but starts to feel that way after 5 minutes of a squat track!
  • You will be sore if you work hard :wink: Go light on the weights for your first class to get the correct technique if you are unfamiliar with the movements.
  • I usually eat more the day (or two) before a long run and do not eat back all the calories from the long run. I would try different things to make sure you get enough energy for the long run and still maintain you goal deficit for the week. I gained weight my last marathon but I wasn't tracking and knew I was eating too…
  • I have lots of crazy thoughts ... usually I feel some sort of pain or ache and then start stressing over it .... making it feel worse. Then I get distracted by something else and realize 20 minutes later that the pain is gone ... but now I am thinking about it again and the cycle moves forward. By the end of a 3+ hour run…
  • chocolate milk
  • Larry Uteck is 24 hrs during the week (opens Mon 5:30am, closes Fri 10PM). Clayton Park and Penhorn are as well. Most are open 5:30am otherwise.
  • Halifax here (Hammonds Plains) I live closest to the Tantallon Goodlife, it gets the job done but definitely not new and shiny! I would say it is similar condition to the Sunnyside one, just smaller.They have have added some new cardio machines recently and are trying to 'clean it up'. I usually go for the classes or to…
  • I weigh myself a few times a week but only pay attention to the overall picture week to week. Too many day to day fluctuations due to water, sodium, hard workouts,m TOM, etc.
  • Run a sub-4:00 marathon. 4:14 is my current PR. I was aiming for a sub-4:00 but the entire marathon was run into crazy head winds, the type of wind I wouldn't even want to run 5K in!!
  • +1 If you start to feel burnt out during your other key workouts then maybe try to think about dropping your pace on the long runs. Maybe incorporate some walking breaks during the run? A lot of runners believe in doing 10 + 1s (10 minutes running, 1 minute walking) during their long runs. Or take a hillier route that will…
  • Lululemon half marathon by any chance? :smile: I want to travel to participate in that one!! And yes, it is doable by August. There are a lot of great training plans out there and if you are close to a Running Room they have great programs.
  • For my most recent marathon (October 2011) I use the Run Less, Run Faster plan (http://www2.furman.edu/sites/first/Documents/Marathon%20Training%20Program-metric.pdf). It is a great plan if you have a time goal in mind and are willing to put in HARD work for 3 key runs a week. They also have a plan for novice marathoners…