Anyone from Nova Scotia?

Hi there,

I've been on this site for some time now, however I've swayed from my routine and I need the motivation to get my butt back in gear! Looking for new, motivational friends who are somewhat close by to share reciepies with wtih and excersice ideas. I need motivation for the gym mostly! It's hard to walk 20 minutes in the cold after a hard workout! Seems I'll look for any excuse these days not to go to the gym!

Talk soon!


  • flabwillbefab
    not "from" NS, but live here now,,,, around Truro Area.!!! where you at?
    I never been so motivated to get in shape, so its very exiting, and see numbers going down good so far,,, , and its only the begining!!!!!
  • LisaAnn_37
    LisaAnn_37 Posts: 29 Member
    That's awesome! You should be proud of yourself! That's the greatest motivation of all is seeing the difference in yourself!
    I'm in the Bedford area. Looking to move back to Sackville soon.
    Where are you originally from?
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I'm in Dartmouth.

    There are a few from NS here.
  • Connymc
    Connymc Posts: 12 Member
    Lots of us from Halifax on here!!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Halifax here.
  • AngieAllTheWay
    AngieAllTheWay Posts: 33 Member
    Me too! Halifax
  • LisaAnn_37
    LisaAnn_37 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm in Bedford (Halifax)
    It's great to see others from Hali on here!
    What gym does everyone use? I'm in the Bedford GoodLife Gym... we desperatly need a newer one around where this one is located! I thought they were going to take Canadian Tire spot when it moved but sadly it didn't :(
    If I had a car I would be all over the Larry Utek one!
  • LoreleiWalks
    LoreleiWalks Posts: 143 Member
    Hello! I am not from Nova Scotia - but can I just tell you that your home is the NICEST, FRIENDLIEST place I have ever visited in my life (and I have traveled a lot!) Seriously, where I live in CT, people try to run me down when I go out for a walk (wish I was kidding). When visiting NS, people would see me on the side of the road (apparently looking like I wanted to cross the street) and would stop wherever (not even at a light or stop sign) to smile and wave me across. Seriously, I loooove Nova Scotia!
  • diloed
    diloed Posts: 15 Member
    Back in Cape Breton here, after many years away.
  • whoosh1
    whoosh1 Posts: 30 Member
    Halifax here (Hammonds Plains)

    I live closest to the Tantallon Goodlife, it gets the job done but definitely not new and shiny! I would say it is similar condition to the Sunnyside one, just smaller.They have have added some new cardio machines recently and are trying to 'clean it up'. I usually go for the classes or to run on the treadmill. The Larry Uteck one is amazing, I usually go there for the 7:30pm spin class on Thurs night or on the weekends for other classes. I love the spin classes but cannot make the ones at 5:30pm.
  • LisaAnn_37
    LisaAnn_37 Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for the kind words... I'm sure I speak on behalf of all Bluenoser's when I say that this IS one of the best places to live... come back anytime! We love company! :happy:
  • LisaAnn_37
    LisaAnn_37 Posts: 29 Member
    I would love to be able to get up early enough and do my work outs in the AM, however with my work, that doesn't allow for that. Is it true that the Larry Utek one is open 24hours?
    I know that my boyfriend and I are looking at getting a car soon for me (we only have a gas guzzling truck right now lol) and if that rumour is true then I would be looking at doing that... is there anymore 24hour GoodLife's around here does anyone know?
  • flabwillbefab
    That's awesome! You should be proud of yourself! That's the greatest motivation of all is seeing the difference in yourself!
    I'm in the Bedford area. Looking to move back to Sackville soon.
    Where are you originally from?
    thanks!! and so true!!! originally from Huntingdon, in Quebec, south of Montreal, but left there in like 1999, lived in Alberta, and move here now,,,, its nice~!~
  • whoosh1
    whoosh1 Posts: 30 Member
    Larry Uteck is 24 hrs during the week (opens Mon 5:30am, closes Fri 10PM). Clayton Park and Penhorn are as well. Most are open 5:30am otherwise.
  • capergal
    capergal Posts: 141 Member
    I'm a proud Cape Breton's nice seeing other people from Nova Scotia on here!
  • BluenoserChick
    BluenoserChick Posts: 106 Member
    From NS, but currently in Calgary. Miss home tho! Good luck on your plans!
  • capergal
    capergal Posts: 141 Member
    Back in Cape Breton here, after many years away.

    There is a group on here for us Caper''s called Caper's Corner.
  • LisaAnn_37
    LisaAnn_37 Posts: 29 Member
    Is Larry Utek open on the weekends as well? Just not 24?
  • flabwillbefab
    my brother is in Alberta,,and coming for a visit next month or so,,, of course, me being close to Peggy's cove, i tell him all the timne when he come, we can have a nice heart t- heart talk, (i am so close with him,,)
    and have a nice meal afterwards,,, BUT, when i think of my bro visiting, i always thought it would have been in summer,,, go cape breton, peggy's cove, halifax, do a ride on theodore the boat with kids,,see whale watching, go deep sea fishing,, now,, for him to come in spring,,,not as much to do, went to browse few whale sites, nothing before may, and its understandablwe why,,but i mean,,,,, anyone have ideas of what to do? Will still bring him around cape breton, when does the forteress of loiusburg open, thats a seasonal thing too right? Sight!!!! what can i brag about ??lol any ideas? cristal palace with kids in NB, maybe,,, i dunno,,,,
  • flabwillbefab
    PEI for wax museum and old fashionned pics, maybe, is that only seasonal too? what is there to see in spring in the maritimes????