dutchjacky Member


  • my nsv for today is that even though my gym partner couldnt go tonight I still went, I suffer from severe anxiety which makes it difficult to drive in the dark and to go training on my own, so for me this is a big NSV. Actually posting here something positive about myself is another. x
  • When people questuion what I am eating I just tell them that eating wheat/bread/pasta makes me ill, since writing down whst I eat and how much of it I eat I am more aware of what food does to my body and how it affects it. That has helped a lot, other than that ignore them.
  • bump, gonna try this x Thank you for sharing
  • Hi my name is Jacky and recently started to follow a low carb diet, feeling so much better already :). Looking for recipes and motivation which is hard to find when following low carb on the main boards. Last year I had major surgery, I had to have half of one of my kidneys removed and couldnt move or stand much because of…
  • definately gonna try these, thank you for sharing :)
  • love this recipe idea will definately be having this tomorrow :)
  • I call it an incentive, my daughter is on here and her incentive for the nest 14 pounds is that I will come visit for a weekend. I live in Holland and she lives in England, she cant wait. xx
  • six years ago I lost weight by only eating one meal a day. The only way to keep the weight off then was to eat less and less. I gained weight when I went on anti depressants and had kidney problems which made me unable to move or stand. This time with the help of mfp I am amazed that I am losing weight (its finally started…
  • I have problem and am working on it, its so hard as I have undereaten for so long. I am slowly getting there but frightened to exercise more as that means I have to eat even more :( I do try to eat nuts and fruit but have to watch the sugar intake as that gives me headaches - even the natural sugars).
  • Get up and do it I had slept really badly, had totm and had hospital appt yesterday and really did not feel like doing it (had no energy) but still did it as I knew I would end up giving up on it and not finishing it so ........... GET UP OUTTA THAT CHAIR N GET IT DONE. XX Oh and I am also on Day 8 lvl 1
  • Would love to know too as that happens to me too. Also if I go to bed full then I wake up starving.
  • love it. Thanks for sharing x
  • my first 4 weeks I didnt lose anything, was exercising, doing weights and cardio but took pictures and used the tape measure. Its now been about 12 weeks since I started (8 on mfp) and have now lost 6 kilos but 20 cms just from my neck, waist and hips. I love that I have lost so many cms and am now doing the 30 day shred…
  • I started this this week the first time around I only did 3 days and then christmas and klife got in the way, but this time I want to finish it before my birthday ( I will be 50 the end of feb ). I did day 5 today level 1 and even had the energy to go onto the ellitptical this evening :). I do have to say that I did a…
  • bump to try later
  • This is me too, I cant breathe during them and this is the second time I am trying it I only lasted 3 days last time, this time I am gonna do the 30 days. Though reading this thred I am now dreading the other levels lol
  • When I first started going to the gym in november, I also didnt lose any weight, I didnt gain but still wanted to see it comeoff on the scales bu tthen I noticed that my clothes were looser. Take measurements it took me about 3 weeks before it started to drop and even now it still doesnt come off every week bu I am feeling…
  • have you measured yourself. I have been measuring and weighing myself and take fotos, sometimes by putting te two you can see small differences. I have lost about the same amount since november and though it is slow its gonna stay off this time as my eating habits change. x
  • Originally from Warrington UK but now living in the Netherlands. Not seen many dutch on here though.
  • lol was changing my shoes when daughter skyped so have one slipper on and one trainer lol
  • I would say take some (they dont have to be in your underwear) as they can help when you dont see the scales move but help to see the difference in fotos. I took a few about 3 weeks ago and then last week again as my skirt felt looser, I was shocked at the difference. I also have to lose close to 50 punds if it helps
  • to be fifty n fit, wont have lost it all bfore my birthdfay but am well on the way x
  • when I first started I couldnt even manage 2 mins I now do (at the gym) easily 15 mins. I have got one at home now and that is so different I really struggled the last 2 mins last week but today just about managed it. Take it slowly and you will get it, I watch tv while I am doing it then dont notice the time so much and…
  • Have the same problem and been working on it, somedays I dont go eat my calories but am working on it and finally after being on here for 7 weeks the weight is starting to move, I had been trying to lose weight for months before I joined this site. Now just changing things slowly, lots of exercise and eating more.
  • I also started in november, have lost 3 kilos n been exercising cardio n weights, I did not see anything coming off scale wise but have dropped lots of cms. I would say in this the tape measure is a girls best friend as I have seen more movement there than the scales. Keeps me motivated :)
  • I definately cannot eat breakfast n have now started drinking a protien shake in the mornings I feel so much better and have more energy :)
  • As everyone said be patient, it took 5 weeks for me to lose my first pound but taking it slow so it will stay off
  • I want to do strength training but my trainer is insisting that I do lighter weights and lots of reps, I like the gym as it is small and quiet so I can get on and do my own thing at my own pace. Any recommendations on where I can go to get a training programme to follow and adapt for my needs would be helpful. I love the…
  • well done, you are doing so well