
So I know that "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" and such, but I rarely eat it. I am just not a morning person and even though I wake up early 5 days a week for work, I usually am not hungry at all until around lunch time. Does anyone else have this problem? Also, if I do start trying to eat breakfast to get my metabolism going would it work the same to have something small than to have a full meal? I.E. an apple instead of eggs


  • jrgold
    jrgold Posts: 45 Member
    i am replying to this bc no1 did mwahahaha
  • mbriscoe79
    mbriscoe79 Posts: 50 Member
    Im not a morning eater either so i have a slim shake instead. Ive found it easier to drink in the morning than eat.
  • derposaurus
    derposaurus Posts: 53 Member
    i hear this type of thing from so many people. i'll never understand! my first thought in the morning is "FOOD!" i'm SO hungry in the mornings. it's annoying that i have to shower, get dressed before i can eat. ughhh
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    it doesnt matter if you eat breakfast or not as long as your calorie goals are met. some days i eat a 600 calorie breakfast, some days i dont eat anything until after noon..just depends on how hungry i am when i get up.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    try a smoothie. loads of nutrients, no big meal
  • xXeXo
    xXeXo Posts: 5
    You should definitely eat breakfast, because when you don't your body thinks it's heading into starvation mode and your metabolism slows down, making it harder to lose weight.

    I used to have that problem, just start of eating something small in the morning, an apple is a good idea, or a banana or a yogurt or something and then try bumping it up to a proper breakfast later on when you've got the habit! After a while your body gets used to being fed then and it's a lot easier and you may find it that you can't even skip breakfast anymore (that's what happened to me at least).
  • kaydensmom12
    It does not matter what time I have to get up in the mornings, I am never hungry. I tried for a while to eat a yogurt and just couldn't do it. So now I drink a special K protein shake, it doesn't fill me up too much and tastes great. It is much easier to drink something than to eat something. They're not great if you are looking for very high amounts of protein because it only has 10 grams and 5 grams of fiber, but they sure do taste good!
  • dutchjacky
    dutchjacky Posts: 46 Member
    I definately cannot eat breakfast n have now started drinking a protien shake in the mornings I feel so much better and have more energy :)
  • claire_90
    I used to be this way but since eating breakfast I've found I have lost more weight and I've been able to manage my meals better...
    I started small and eased myself into it

    so started with tea
    then tea and a few strawberries for breakfast
    eventually into normal breakfast - but a small bowl of cereal or something not a full on cooked breakfast!
  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    I have the exact same problem. My advice is to go out and buy a cereal you really like. Something you just WANT to eat no matter if you're hungry or not.
    I am having coffee most of the time and something to nibble. A piece of toast, a cereal bar, an apple...Anything so your body gets going in the morning.
  • DawnOssett
    DawnOssett Posts: 21 Member
    When I started on MFP I started having breakfast in a bid to be more healthy even though I didn't feel hungry. I then found that once my taste buds were woken up, I would be constantly snacking until lunch time.

    Lately I've tried listening to my body, when I wake up I am not hungry so I leave breakfast, I get hungry around 10 or 11am so I will take a banana to work or if I am at home I will have a snack like a Go Ahead bar (or 3), fruit and nuts or cereal.

    Everybody is different and I think as long as you're eating healthy foods and staying within calories you should be ok.
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    I used to watch this show "You are what you eat" and it had this nutritionist talk about how we eat. And she said that when you don't eat breakfast your body craves more sugary foods and you snack more during the day. I don't know if that is true but I decided to at least eat something in the morning to resist the urge to snack :) I usually don't have an appetite either, so I usually drink a nice fruit smoothie or a hard boiled egg. I mean it's not much but it's at least something.

    You don't have to have some big cooked meal, maybe just some fruit of toast is good enough :flowerforyou:
  • Riverofbeauty
    Riverofbeauty Posts: 205 Member
    I stopped eating breakfast when I started high school. It wasnt long after that I started to gain weight, it wasnt til recently I realised that skipping breakfast and not eating til after noon made me binge, almost everyday.

    Now I eat breakfast everyday, its my favourite meal actually, and Ive begun to get hungry when I wake up before breakfast.

    You just have to figure out what works best for you. If you dont have that binge problem, and you genuinely arent hungry/have enough energy and are getting enough nutrients your body needs later in the day, its probably not much of a big deal.
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    I stopped eating breakfast when I started high school. It wasnt long after that I started to gain weight, it wasnt til recently I realised that skipping breakfast and not eating til after noon made me binge, almost everyday.

    Now I eat breakfast everyday, its my favourite meal actually, and Ive begun to get hungry when I wake up before breakfast.

    You just have to figure out what works best for you. If you dont have that binge problem, and you genuinely arent hungry/have enough energy and are getting enough nutrients your body needs later in the day, its probably not much of a big deal.

    I guess that nutritionist on the show was right :)
  • flubbychunks
    Honestly, I don't think breakfast is that important. For me, it only feuls my appetite for the day. I don't get hungry in the morning. I like to work out on an empty stomach and drink water until lunch. Then I like to have a big meal of steamed vegetables then dinner later on. Of course, this is only what I plan to do. My point is that you shouldn't eat when you are not hungry.

    As for cravings, I don't crave sugar if I don't have breakfast. But what I did notice is that if I start off the day with a piece of fruit, I only want sugary food the resdt of the day. If I have a vegetable or egg white, I only want more vegetables. So, no fruit for breakfast for me, since there are more unhealthy sugary foods in my pantry than there are non sugary :)

    This is just my opinion. All of this advice looks pretty good. Find what works for you and trust your body.