

  • ran 6, swam 1.5 - but now I would really love a nap. :)
  • Breakfast cookies! I make up the dough and freeze them in balls. Turn on the oven when you wake up, put them in after getting dressed, they are ready when lunches are done. Depending on how long your oven takes to preheat, a total of 15-20 minutes - but totally uninvolved minutes. Search 'whole grain breakfast cookies" on…
  • Cycled 15 yesterday, running 5 today. Hopefully swimming 1 later if the weather cooperates. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Thanks! Ran 6, swam 1. Up to 20.5.
  • I'm lagging! Since 8/1, I've run 5, hiked 7.5, swum 1. Better get with it. :)
  • I'm in - I definitely need some motivation!
  • My heart rate is much higher when I run in the heat. It often gets very high. That is a signal to me to go slower, if I have to exercise in the heat. I do like to run in the heat sometimes, but in the morning heat (80) not when it is 100. Even then, though, my heart rate will go up to 178 - I usually hit no higher than…
  • I regularly burn 3500 to 4500 per week. one hour cardio a day would get you to 3500. During the summer, I often add swimming on top of my regular routine. It is fun to challenge the body! Enjoy.
  • Yesterday I toasted a slice of bread, smashed avocado on it, put homegrown tomato slices on top, and then sprinkled sea salt over it all. It was amazing.
    in Avocado Comment by pmaxson June 2012
  • My comment was meant to say that I will continue eating what I want when I want. I have lost over 80 pounds and kept it off for 20 years. Science is reported in common newspapers and magazines all the time - it's called dissemination. You can find the original study if you want. And all studies of this nature start small.…
  • The ingredients list is a little scary....chocolate milk seems a better choice.
  • 46 next week! Life only gets better. I have three teenagers - 19 yos, 17 yos, and 15 yod. Life is busy - full-time job which involves travel and a husband who is gone every other week for his job. I love exercising! I spin, run, swim, and lift. This year I have decided I don't like cold water and it is ok if I don't want…
  • Thanks!
  • peanut butter and bacon on toast - all melty and crispy and delicious!
  • Whole grain high protein breakfast cookies Ingredients • 1 cup walnuts • 1 1/2 cups old-fashioned rolled oats (not instant) • 1/3 cup whole wheat flour • 1/2 cup ground flax meal • 1 teaspoon baking soda • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon (I leave this out) • 1/2 cup almond butter • 1/4 cup canola oil • 1/4…
  • I swim as well - usually as a supplement to other cardio, but there is nothing like it for using muscles that don't get used in other activity. I am never in better shape (especially upper body) than when I am swimming. I use a hrm - today I burned 175 calories in 30 minutes. I am not sprinting - I am working but also…
    in Swimming? Comment by pmaxson June 2012
  • I have a good breakfast cookie recipe- not too sweet and relatively high in protein. If you are interested, I can post it later.
  • I have a breakfast cookie recipe that is fairly high in protein - you could add protein powder to make it even higher if you would like. Let me know if you want the recipe. I do stuffed potatoes ahead of time, they can just be heated. I'll keep thinking....
  • Can I still join? I'd like to: cut out sugar (refined, not fruit) stop the extra snacking (have purposeful snacks that contribute to my health, not the random piece of candy throughout the day) CW: 132 My 21 days takes me to June 7.
  • The first segment, which isn't about children specifically, is sobering and fascinating. Yes, everything we read, hear, and watch has an agenda, as do each one of us, but no one can argue the rise in obesity in our country.
  • The week was a mix for me. Burned 4000 calories, so that was a success. Ran on the beach and ran barefoot - two new things (sort of - I run, but not on sand). I cannot seem to lose weight - to clarify, I can't stop mysefl from eating junk sometimes. I definitely want to lose these extra pounds (now 7 after last week!).…
  • I simply like to know what makes the person want to be my friend - what do we have in common? How do we connect? I definitely have information overload between home and work (where I easily get over 300 emails a day), and I like to have friendships that are meaningful. I have never turned down a request from someone if I…
  • My body temperature drops quickly after running. The best thing for me is to take a shower as soon as possible and get out of my sweaty running clothes. That usually takes care of it for me.
  • It was motivating, that's for sure!
    in huge nsv! Comment by pmaxson May 2012
  • I'd like to strength train 3x per week. break into the 120s. feel better in my bikini. start increasing my long-run distance.
  • I don't add anything else. I let the salsa do the work. :)
  • Prior to May 1: Post here and let us know: What your goals are for the month Lose 5 pounds How you will be measuring (I know that some people have thrown their scales out the window) Scale, but will also use measurements as I'm increasing my strength training What your motivators are bikini season! What your biggest…
  • I'd like to join!
  • I've struggled with the same two pounds since I joined! I want to break into the 120's. Honestly, though, my self discipline hasn't been stellar. I work out a lot, and I like to eat what I want. I guess, maybe, I don't want to lose the weight badly enough. Or, I could say it in a more positive way - I'm content and…