

  • Well I can't say for sure that this is the same problem, but this has also happened with me on a few occasions. Mostly just due to bloat when I really try to push more water through me (I'm terrible at remembering to drink water throughout the day), or when I've been snacking a bit too much on salty foods. Doesn't matter…
  • Oh gahl, count me in too!
  • Well you have my support hunny!!! FYI- you're a fab writer.
  • I completely agree and have the same problem. Whether it's the stress of work that gets to me during the course of the day or whatever the case may be I always seem to look.... well worse than I originally thought. Seriously, what is that though! lol
  • Heh, yea this sight is a bit of an eye opener. It holds you mercilessly accountable for EVERY thing you consume. But in the end it is for the best. :)
  • Hello there! It's pretty easy. Any time you either have a snack or a meal you enter it in for the appropriate time (you can do this by either scanning it or looking it up based on others entries) and..... well that's pretty much it. Besides entering in your current weight and totaling up your cals, what else did you have…
  • I'll add you! I've done this before and had great success with the help of this site but then fell off the bandwagon. I've already found good ideas for low-cal foods that are delish and my boyfriend loves (smart) workouts. Win win right? Let's motivate each other! :)
  • The only hard part about taking pictures of my body and posting them around... I live with my dad. LOL But I do work both my jobs with women who go to the same gym I do. I just need to stop finding excuses to not go with them.
  • I completely agree. Nuts are a great way to go when snacking. Plus almonds are a great energy source. :)
  • I'm in a similar boat, I work 9-5:30 almost everyday and lead a youth group in my parish every wed., so it's a bit to struggle with. My main problems are coffee and tea (lots of cream and honey) and pastries. So for me, I am weening myself off of creamer in my coffee and tea. Honey is a better option but for the sake of…
  • I know exactly what you mean! I did however get some of the cutest ideas for presents this year using some jars and filling them with all the dry ingrediants for cookies and staking them on top of each other and making either snow men or reindeer of of them depending on the color of the ingrediants. Thought it was the…
  • Then you have come to the right place for that. High school was a rotten time for me and I did some seriously not so healthy choices. (Slept 2 hrs per night and ran soley on coffee and sweets to keep me awake for 3 months solid!) I've learned some awesome tricks on here from so many people plus it's the small things you…
  • Exactly. But I'm finally refusing to sink any more. Let's go find some bouys! :D
  • Girly, I am in the SAME BOAT. Try having a boyfriend who thinks he can calculate his calories mentally and brag how he can still have a few hundred to spare by the end of the night, a best friend who still has horrible eating habits and is an emotional eater and enables you to do the same exact thing. "Had a bad day? I say…
  • Most brilliant and addictive site on the face of the planet... Found so many low calorie and utterly delicious plates to try out. I highly recommend! WARNING: You will get addicted. :P
  • STEVIA!!!!! Don't do anything else!! It's an all natural herb that is actuall 3x sweeter than sugar and the best part is there are ZIPPO CALORIES!!!! It has saved my butt because I drink so much coffee creamer which as we all know eats up a ton of calories for the day. But since I switched to stevia for my coffee and tea I…
  • That's marvelous to hear, welcome back! I have bad knees as well but I believe it's due to thin or worn cartilage. Plus I have arthritis in my lower back. Can you believe it? Twenty two years old and I have arthritis. But I'm hoping that once I start exercising more my posture will improve again and I'll be able to live…
  • Thank you so much for this. I just woke up five minutes ago and reading this has already set my day right! I would be honored to add you as a friend on here. I need more people like you with positive feedback like this. Thank you so much.
  • By the time I get home it's already dark and I'm just too uncomfortable going outside alone and no one ever wants to go with me (unless it's out to either eat or drink). But I think from now on I am going to try and use up my half hour break everyday at work to go for a walk around the block. :)
  • See, this is the terrible part. I say this giggling mind you. But the last time I tried exercising in my room with my roomie (keep in mind I have about a 2 ft area to work in) I almost kicked her in her face when she was on her laptop. I gave up trying after that.
  • That kind of a loss is so hard to overcome. When I lost her I was home alone every day for a few hours because my dad had to work to pay off everything. So what did I do? Cry till I couldn't anymore and eat everything in site. The only reason why I didn't go then was because the therapist that showed up was just plain…
  • Very wise words, thank you. And you are right. The excuses stop here. Now or never, right? :)
  • I lost her seven years ago now, but I'm doing much much better than I used to. I would eat the entire fridge practically when I got home from school. Thankfully I have stopped all that, it's just the weight has been kept all these years now and hasn't really been moving much. I'm much more happier now than I used to be, I…