My name is Eli and I'm a foodaholic.

So recently I decided to start working on my weight and overall health. I'm 23 and I struggle every day to do things most others take for granted. I'm going to die if I don't start. lucky for me the shroud clouding my eyes has been lifted and I'm trying to take charge and change my life... it is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. But its working slowly :)

I have been writing a blog about my progress and it is so amazing getting so much support, if you want to please check it out :)


  • kitxkatxkai
    kitxkatxkai Posts: 26
    Well you have my support hunny!!! FYI- you're a fab writer.
  • gostumpy
    gostumpy Posts: 156 Member
    Skimmed through yer blog, not bad for a personal thoughts / journal type blog. One thing it leaves me wondering, are you relating so much with your weight that you feel it is a large part of you? So losing weight might mean you're losing a part of yourself... it can easily and quietly become a sabotage if you let it!!

    I'm likely way off base, but I couldn't help but say something :)
  • banshee111
    banshee111 Posts: 6
    Yeah it is a part of me, I'm big, not just in a "he's a little fat kind of way" but in a "he's gonna break that seat kind of way." I have been judged by it and fought it and over the years I simply have become... the fat guy, I don't want to be him anymore but thats still me until I can change that.
  • banshee111
    banshee111 Posts: 6
    Thanks heaps :D