Starting out

I am just starting out, been using this for 2 weeks now. I want so badly to lose 32 lbs, to get to goal weight by my wedding 4/6/13. I have cut out soda, I drink maybe one per couple days of diet soda. I drink a black coffee in the am, and a unsweet tea during the day. I know I need to drink half my body weight in water so I plan to start that next week. I am doing my best to stay below the 1300 calorie mark and it's not too hard for me usually. I have a TERRIBLE sweet tooth though. I have been doing beginner yoga and stability ball, I need to do it daily though.
I seem to be stuck at at 168-172 lbs....and it's madening!

Any suggestions are appreciated.


  • I'm new here too! I'm on day 2 :) You CAN do it! I lost 63 lbs. before my wedding in 2010 because I wanted it so bad. If you want it bad enough, you can too! I gained every pound of the weight I lost when I was pregnant with my son and now I have 35-40 lbs more to lose. I'm really hoping this gets my motivation back. Have you seen results since starting 2 weeks ago?
  • a_crotty
    a_crotty Posts: 225 Member
    I just bounce between those 4 lbs. I am starting a new yoga plan tomorrow morning, so maybe it'll help.
  • I am just starting out, been using this for 2 weeks now. I want so badly to lose 32 lbs, to get to goal weight by my wedding 4/6/13. I have cut out soda, I drink maybe one per couple days of diet soda. I drink a black coffee in the am, and a unsweet tea during the day. I know I need to drink half my body weight in water so I plan to start that next week. I am doing my best to stay below the 1300 calorie mark and it's not too hard for me usually. I have a TERRIBLE sweet tooth though. I have been doing beginner yoga and stability ball, I need to do it daily though.
    I seem to be stuck at at 168-172 lbs....and it's madening!

    Any suggestions are appreciated.

    STEVIA!!!!! Don't do anything else!! It's an all natural herb that is actuall 3x sweeter than sugar and the best part is there are ZIPPO CALORIES!!!! It has saved my butt because I drink so much coffee creamer which as we all know eats up a ton of calories for the day. But since I switched to stevia for my coffee and tea I can save an easy 400-500 calories per day and I still get the sweetness I crave.
    You can find it in the organic section. It is a bit pricey but trust me, it'll do nothing but good for you!!! :D
  • You'll make it. What got me going was the fact that I may be heading towards going on diabetic medicine. Im scared into making this happen. I have til the end of January and am losing about 2 pounds a week. I too am aiming for about 30 pounds or more. Treadmill at least 4 days a week. Nothing less. For your sweet tooth make sure you have fresh fruit in the house and in your lunch bag. Even eating a fresh tomato may help your sweet tooth. Buy some sugar free hard candies. Use splenda or stevia. The main thing is stay away from bread. If you need make a sandwich make it within romaine lettuce leaves. No bread, no pasta, no rice, no potatoes. That means no fries!!! Good luck!