How to stay on track with somewhat busy schdule?

I'm a high school student, and this year I started a new class at a trade school so I'm gone from 6 30- 3:30 everyday. And then there's homework/studying and I try to go to bed by 9. Do you have any tips/advice on how I can manage my time so I am eating healthy and having time to exercise everyday?


  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    You have a tight schedule. Is there a gym in or near your school? Near your home? Would you be willing to do at-home exercise routines? Failing that, is there a way you could walk briskly part of the way to school or back home to get in some activity? Would you be willing to do lunges in the school corridor between classes or wall pushups?
  • I'm in a similar boat, I work 9-5:30 almost everyday and lead a youth group in my parish every wed., so it's a bit to struggle with. My main problems are coffee and tea (lots of cream and honey) and pastries. So for me, I am weening myself off of creamer in my coffee and tea. Honey is a better option but for the sake of calorie counting it isn't the best. So I use stevia for all of my drinks now and it is fabulous! A itty bitty bit packs a walop of sweetness plus it has no calories and it is in no way bad for you unlike some nameless sweeteners out ther on the market that claim to be so much better for you. This is just a ultra sweet herb! Pretty *sweet* huh? lol Anyway, for the carbs I rarely eat any pastries. The only way to cut back, don't eat them! Trust me, weening just leads to a couple extra pounds so don't even bother.
    Otherwise I know there is a way to see what exactly you intake on here, kind of like a pie chart, I cant remember how to find it, but search around you may find what I'm talking about. Mine said I mostly intake carbs, good and bad, but that was 60% of my diet. That scared me into eating more veggies that's for sure! Try that and see where it takes you!
    (Sorry for the novel) :P
  • I own a treadmill at my house, DVD's and a stability ball. I want to get a gym member ship so bad. I get picked up everyday so it would be easy for my mom to drop me off after school around 3. That's number 1 on my wish list :( Lol. I mainly just don't want to slip up like I have in the past, because when I get home from school i'm usually hungry. I don't want to binge!
  • klindema
    klindema Posts: 55 Member
    I'm a teacher with two little ones and not much help until 7:00 , so,it can be hard to squeeze in exercise, other than a walk or climbing the stairs whenever possible. I usually feel exhausted by the time my husband gets back from work, so I make weekends count for longer workouts. But- I find being very busy works in my favor for diet- I have soup or a ore-packaged salad for lunch, a protein shake for breakfast, and the day is over with plenty of calories left over for dinner. I do better when working than when im off- i tend to graze and snack on food all day! The key is to PLAN everything- and to have some easy go-tos for meals. Good luck!
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    For the eating part - pack your lunch. If you like to sleep till the last minute like me, pack it the night before and have it ready in a bag in the fridge. Also in this bag you can pack healthy snacks, like hummus singles and crackers or carrot sticks or what have you. I know in highschool I was at the junk machines once a day bc I was there so long with practices and such. Carrying a water bottle helps too, and refilling it at the fountains.

    If you snack healthy/drink water all day it might help binging in the afternoon. If there is a fruit or veggie you like, cut it in half and have half when you get home and wait as long as you can for the other half, and it'll keep you full longer than eating it at once.

    If you don't like water very much like me it helps me to use mio or the off brand equivalents. You can keep one in your backpack and squirt as much flavor in as you want
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    My hat's off you those of you with busy lives like that! I could never do it!!