MatrixDyke Member


  • Nice work steerin clear of the fish tank! We have a candy bowl in the office that is my nemisis...the damn thing is on the corner of my desk and I must keep it full without consuming any of the contents. ::insert witty motivational phraze here::
  • I passed up a yummy 600 cal cheesy breakfast burrito for a 200 cal bowl of cheeseless scrambled tapatio eggs. Thats a friday win for me. :bigsmile: :glasses: :bigsmile:
  • Seriously. Where did everyone go?
  • I have been crazy busy but things should be slowin down here soon. This past weekend I went out for a B-day pub crawl...I was great with the food selections (had a salad for dinner and no late night snacking) but damn did I drink some beer. The drinkin at parties is what always gets me in trouble...especial the next…
  • I agree. I say just do them when you can, surprise email encouragement is always helpful :bigsmile:
  • Thank you Sarah! Love the whole set up and the fact that i feel like this is a 90 day challenge that I can actually complete AND kick *kitten* at :) :glasses: :drinker: :glasses:
  • SW252lbs as of yesterday 9/27...250 is the average of my yoyoing this past year...time to make that change! :glasses: :glasses: :glasses: :glasses: :glasses: :glasses:
  • Day 89 is going pretty smoothly so far...I had a yogurt and 2 turkey sausage patties for breakfast and brought leftovers from last nights dinner (chicken and green chili enchilada w/out cheese and 1/2 cup of rice) for lunch. To quote funkygranolaT "NOTHING can knock me off my block today!!!!!" :bigsmile: @ Amber - I have…
  • Hello All, I’m Jeannette...a single 32 year old living just north of San Francisco trying to figure it all out. I recently just came back from Burning Man, an intense but fun week of survival/partying in the Nevada desert, and it’s always a rough transition for both my eating habits & my work out routine. At the moment my…
  • I prefer 'lone wolf' :)
  • Welcome back!! I'm so happy you came out of the entire situation with such a postivie outlook... and its great to have you back on MFP :happy: :glasses: stay classy and I'm sure Ill be seeing you around :bigsmile:
  • Im in! After a crazy trip to Vegas I need to refocus. My goal is 1lb/week. Good luck everyone!!
  • Feb 1 - 245.8 Feb 8 - 245 Feb 15 - 241.2 Feb 23 - 241.8 Feb 28 - 239.4 Alright, so I cant weigh in tomorrow AM (will be on the road to Vegas) so here are my official weigh-ins for the month of Feb....a total loss of 6.4lbs....not bad for having 2 party weekends...bring on the march challenge!!! Cant wait to see everyone…
  • Havent you ever seen the movie Dodge Ball? They add weight to the scales :)
  • :) I feel like a party animal and then I wake up the next day usually saying something along the lines of "I'm too old for this *kitten*"
  • Hahaha, its hard to party like a rock star and LOOK like a rock star at the same time :) That is my dilema!! But thank you for offering to sacrifice :)
  • Ok, I got a new scale battery so Im just a day late (and a dollar short) here are my feb #s Feb 1 - 245.8 Feb 8 - 245 Feb 15 - 241.2 Feb 23 - 241.8 This month is a huge challenge for me because last weekend was my best friends 30th birthday (which turned into a 3 day party), this weekend is my company party (party bus +…
  • This past week(ish) I have made a huge effort to drink more water. I bring a liter size water container everywhere I go and drink 4-5 liters a day. I think that was the big factor in me getting the 3.8lb loss. Dont let the #s on the scale get you down, yes its a numbers game but at the end of the day its how you feel right?
  • I have Just Dance 2 & 3 for Wii and there is a "just sweat" option that tracks your "sweat" and points. I still wear a heart rate monitor to track what Im really burning....then I dance my *kitten* off and try to get high scores :)
  • Weekends almost over and Im pretty confident that this weeks weigh in will give me the #s I's everyone else doing/feeling?
  • Awesome results! Looks like the heat is on me to step it up!!
  • I havent watched the show in a while but my thoughts would be that it is just an extreme way to lose weight and "extreme" sometimes makes people disagree. I think the results on that show are amazing, I just hate the way it's edited together (they could totally make it an hour long show, not a 2 hour show) so I stopped…
  • .8 lbs for me...with 2 days of drinking and going way over my calorie goal I'll take ANY weight loss! Next weeks weigh in will hopefully be the 2lbs im looking for.
  • Well I went out for a night on the town last night and between the beers, late night munchies and lack of sleep I'm not starting out all that hot. BUT. I will not let that discourage me, one night wont ruin the whole month so Im back to the plan of AT LEAST 1 lbs a week...Im actually hoping for more like 2 lbs. :)
  • I agree with the holding yourself accountable thought, there is no other way to know if you are on track and seeing where you're at helps with your food choices throughout the day. I only weigh in once a week or else I become obsessed with the number...maybe instead of stepping away from the scale completely just cut down…