

  • That statement would be correct. When you jump straight on a treadmill, you're body's going to burn any sugar (glycogen) stored in your muscles as fuel first. So the first 20min plus of your cardio will just be depleting these stores, before it starts to tap into fat. AND, as a double bonus, when you use this energy for…
  • Seriously, I think it's straight up INCREDIBLE that you are tackling Insanity at 300lbs. Like, WOW. Every new work out program will challenge your body differently, and this one is about as intense as they come. Just keep at it, and I'm sure after a week or two tops you're body will adapt and you'll stop feeling so sore.…
  • Spaghetti squash is a good sub in italian type meals, and bean sprouts work well in most asian dishes. AND you're getting more veggies =)
  • I can't say much for that stuff, especially without knowing what brand you plan to use. But I can say if you think you can stomach a shake like meal, why not make your own? Just try blending fruit, milk, yogurt, nut butter, whatever tickles your fancy. I like greek yogurt, frozen banana, cocoa powder, and a little PB. Sooo…
  • my feet, and occasionally knees do this too! I wonder what causes it..
  • PS. I'm pretty sure NoAdditives works out like a machine. Just sayin' .
  • Well, if you're a thirty year old 200lb male, then yes, definitely, if you're a 25 year old 120lb female, at 1500 yes, but at 1700 maybe not. It's really hard to say without at least knowing someone's BMR.
  • It took me about a month before I started getting used to eating what I needed, instead of everything I wanted. I find if I plan all my food the night before, and make sure the majority of it is prepared though, that helps, because at least I don't spend hours playing mix and match with my calories on here, thinking about…
  • Ahh! I don't have the same hair type as you, but mine is super damaged, so the hair care is pretty much the same. I've never tried morrocan oil, but it sounds great! I absolutely love John Freida though, I find anything by them usually works great. Just wanted to comment on the post about putting your hair up while wet. My…
  • You might not be eating enough if you aren't eating back at least some of your exercise cals. I also tend to get headaches if I don't drink enough water. Hope you feel better!
    in Headaches? Comment by pkgirrl March 2011
  • It's okay! Weight loss is slow, and it gets frustrating for everybody at some point! Just hang in there, a lot of people give up right before they would have gotten the results they were after. You can do this! Don't worry about how long it takes you, this is an investment that will benefit you for the rest of your life.…
  • @ fedup2010 Apple cider vinigar is actually great for your hair! It works better than any clarifying shampoo you can buy. When my hair starts to look dull and abused from too much product I always rinse my hair with some, and it leaves it super shiny and soft =D
  • Actually, the correct terminology would be that it is more dense. So the poster was correct in saying it doesn't weigh more.
  • Thanks sfoust66, that's exactly what I was trying to figure out! I limit these drinks, they're not a normal thing but more of my go to when I have an intense bubble tea craving I can't kick, so I'm not too worried about the chemicals. Just want to know whether I need to count it as part of my carb intake. Thanks a ton!
  • Be happy about it. She's probably starving herself in ATTEMPT to accomplish what you're doing. Once everyone starts to see results, they're all going to be your best friends and want to know exactly what you're doing. Just hang in there, it's your life and you're in control =D
  • I LOVE WoW! Haven't been on in quite awhile though, as I get nothing else done when I play =p My main's an 82 priest on Gilneas, but I have a level 63 resto druid and a 34 hunter too. Yay =D
  • Even if it's sugar (although it claims sugar free but I'd believe you over any food industry BS any day) how are the cals so low?
  • Hey guys! Sounds like you're all working your butts off! (Which can be quite discouraging for the amount of results you're not seeing) It also sounds like you're not eating nearly enough. If you're burning that much with exercise, try eating at LEAST half of your exercise calories back to start with. Up it a little at a…
  • Sweet! I'm in, I never manage to catch these things lol. My name's Kim, 20 years old, and I live in Ontario. I' saving up money so I can finish my degree in BioMed, and I love to dance in my spare time. Heart problems and diabetes run amok in my family, so I know I need to be careful with my body now or I'll regret it…
  • Not arguing with anyone here, but I kinda loved 30DS. lol
  • I really reaaaaally like Absolute Isolate in vanilla. It tastes and smells just like vanilla cupcakes to me, and it blends well with pretty much anything you can possibly think of to put in a blender haha! (Trust me, I've even made it with avocados and it was deeeelish!)
  • Personally, I don't think you can ever eat too many veggies! =)
  • Sweetie, I used to struggle with an ED, and honestly it all started with a " I need to lose X pounds in 6 weeks or I'll look like a cow at prom" mindset. Four years later, I still occasionally struggle mentally. I bet your beautiful just the way you are! Not that that's what you want to hear, but you need to like yourself…
  • I'm really sorry I can't be more helpful, cause I've never been in that situation. But I do really think maybe you should see a physical therapist or somebody qualified to check your body's reaction to various types of exercises, and give you a more detailed list of do's, and don'ts, and work-on's. You've come so far, keep…
  • They need to be gone gone gone! Otherwise I might let myself fit back into them =/ .. although I really like the idea of keeping one outfit so when I get to my goal I can try them on and watch them fall off haha. But I guess I could just always go into walmart and see how their 14's are fitting me nowadays lol.
  • Yeah, I'd definitely say you need to eat more. Especially if you're strength training. At 340lbs you could probably get away with eating at least 2000 a day with all of the exercise you do. Good for you for being so dedicated though! If I had a week like that I think I'd honestly felt like I had earned something (probably…
  • According to BMI, 5"8 should be between 120-165, baring in mind that this chart doesn't consider skeletal frame size, or body fat levels, take it with a pinch of salt. Obviously people with more muscle mass or larger frames should be higher, less muscle mass or smaller frames lower. I'm 5"7, medium frame, about 24% BF, and…
  • HAHAHA I definitely though this was about something else! But in answer to your question, I almost always played first. Something about being super flexible enough to catch the ball even when it's a good few meters off the base without ever taking your foot off the bag makes it reeeeally hard for the other team LOL.
  • apple slices and peanut butter mixed with cinnamon!