

  • Keep going!! I PROMISE you it will get better!! After week 1 I thought I was going to DIE but, I just finished week 5 (the big 20 minutes! LOL) and I did feel like I was out of breath, and at the very end I was so beat! But I did it! I finished 20 minutes! :-) I live in a military town, and so there are Marines all over…
  • LOL!! So cute! I jogged 2 miles this morning!! WOOT!! Yesterday I also jogged 2 miles! I think I'm going to aim for 10 miles this week! I think it's going to depend on the weather and how determined I am to get up on Saturday! ;-) BTW... you're up early!! (I'm one to talk... I get up at 4:30 to go jogging... LOL)
  • Oh... another thing about TurboJam (I don't know that this is true for TurboFire tho...) It's a lot of the same moves over and over... they're just modified a bit here and there... it takes a lil bit to get the moves down, but after about a week, you got it! Overall.... Chalene Johnson is SO fun!! The music alone is enough…
  • It really depends on your fitness level. Insanity WILL give you results, but it also will make you feel like you are having a heart attack if you aren't in somewhat of shape. (I always joke with my friend who did it {but quit} that it's called Insanity because you have to be insane to do it... and they have come out with a…
  • I've often wondered that as well. I know back when I WAS starving myself by eating only ice chips and drinking diet Dr Pepper and 1 meal a day, I wasn't all that hungry either, but I know that was only because I tricked my body into thinking I had eaten with the ice chips.
  • I can tell you this... from personal use... I can have one in the mornings around 7... and not be hungry again until around 1! You ARE supposed to have a snack in between that time so you can keep your metabolism up, but, you usually aren't that hungry. I'm sure you're going to get lots of msgs from different people…
  • Where do you find it?? We don't have a Whole Foods or anything like it here! I would LOVE to try some!!
  • That's so AWESOME!! We used to do stuff like that when we lived in Ohio. Nothing like that here (duck that is) We want to go watch the sea turtles hatch or watch a release. They have a sea turtle sanctuary here. They're all the time releasing turtles into the sea. It sounds like you guys are going to have a blast! Maybe…
  • pffft... I'm down with that.... I think the hubs can handle a (almost) 8 (going on 18...) and a 12 year old... lets gooooooooo!! Wait... where we going?? LOL
  • I want a mini vacay!! Can I come stowed away in your suitcase?? :-D
  • Thanks guys! I use a program that tracks my time, distance, and calories... I mainly wanted it because of the whole calorie tracking factor, but the others were a perk. ;-) I am able to make it thru them... I guess... maybe I'm just a big ol fraidy cat!! :-P Oscelyn... thank you for that! I I only do them once... EARLY in…
  • skolls... you look good!! Even if you do still have a belly! Be proud of that weight you've already lost!! :-D
  • great job!!
  • Thanks guys.... I DO need new shoes... they're on the older side I've had them for a couple of years actually. I'm going to be getting some new ones here in the next couple of weeks. I guess I will try the new shoes route first... see if that helps. If not, I will try the jumpers strap... and if THAT doesn't work... I'll…
  • Thanks!!! I'm very excited about my first 5K!!!
    in WOOHOO! Comment by nachoqtpie March 2011
  • :laugh: I seen your picture and I went "HOLY CRAP!!!" :laugh:
  • WOW!!! You look FANTASTIC!!! Great job!!
  • Wooo hooo!!! You look GREAT!!! I keep saying that I need to get a before picture... I've already lost 4 pounds... not like 4 pounds is going to make a HUGE difference... but... yano!! ;-)
  • You're doing GREAT!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!
  • Oh my gosh!! Don't say that!! LOL Every Sunday I go "Oh my gosh! Tomorrow is *x* week and I've got to run *x* this week, starting tomorrow! AHHHH!!" LOL I'm seriously not looking forward to the giant jump to 21 minutes straight... but... I think I will be okay! If I have to... I will take a couple small breaks. I'm working…
    in WOOHOO! Comment by nachoqtpie March 2011
  • I love TJ!! It's really fun! And I TOTALLY agree with you!! In the beginning you really have to have a sense of humor, or a degree in choreography to get those moves right! LOL It took me a couple of weeks to get everything down, but... you will get there!!
  • Thanks guys! I am really starting to enjoy running. About half way thru I started getting a bit winded.. but I made it all the way thru, and the very last run, I started getting a 2nd wind, even tho I didn't feel like I had walked the entire 2 minutes before the very last run. I actually said, out loud "There's no WAY that…
  • Thanks Suzie!! Has anyone ever told you that you bear a terrible resemblance to Robert Pattinson?? *giggle*
  • Week 2 Day 1 complete!! I'm SO stinkin proud of myself!! I lost almost a pound and a half last week as well!! WOOT!!! *dances a lil jig*
  • W2D1 complete!! How's everybody else doing??
  • Do what you can... the rest will come with time! You may not be able to do all the sets, or even make it thru the workout... just keep at it tho! Eventually, you will be able to do it all and have the smokin hot body!! :-)
  • Gotta love those Sims!! :heart:
  • YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Oh wait... I just got one for Kellogs Fiber Plus and now I have one for Nutrisystem... LOL
  • Well... if the ads are based on what you search and yadda yadda... I must be the most boring person on Earth!! I don't get food ads... I get car ads!! LOL I guess I will have to start looking at them a lil closer now.. haha! I very rarely notice them anyways.